Pathophysiology: Chapter 35: Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System Flashcards
What pulmonary defense mechanism propels a mucous blanket that entraps particles moving toward the oropharynx? a. Nasal turbinates b. Alveolar macrophages c. Cilia d. Irritant receptors on the nares
The submucosal glands of the bronchial lining produce mucus, contributing to the mucous
blanket that covers the bronchial epithelium. The ciliated epithelial cells rhythmically beat
this mucous blanket toward the trachea and pharynx, where it can be swallowed or
expectorated by coughing. This selection is the only option that accurately identifies the
pulmonary defense mechanism described.
Which term is used to identify the movement of gas and air into and out of the lungs?
a. Perfusion c. Respiration
b. Ventilation d. Diffusion
Of the options available, ventilation is the only term used to identify the mechanical
movement of gas or air into and out of the lungs.
When an individual aspirates food particles, where would the nurse expect to hear
decreased or absent breath sounds?
a. Left lung c. Trachea
b. Right lung d. Carina
The right mainstem bronchus extends from the trachea more vertically than the left main
bronchus; therefore aspirated fluids or foreign particles tend to enter the right lung rather
than the left or any of the other locations listed.
Aspiration is most likely to occur in the right mainstem bronchus because it:
a. Extends vertically from the trachea.
b. Is narrower than the left mainstem bronchus.
c. Comes into contact with food and drink first.
d. Is located at the site where the bronchi bifurcate.
The right mainstem bronchus extends from the trachea more vertically than the left
mainstem bronchus; therefore aspirated fluids or foreign particles tend to enter the right
lung rather than the left. The size of both mainstems is equal. The trachea comes into
contact with food and drink first, and the carina is the site where the bronchi bifurcate.
Air passage among alveoli is collateral and evenly distributed because of the function of
which structures?
a. Type I alveolar cells c. Acinus pores
b. Pores of Kohn d. Alveolar pores
Tiny passages called pores of Kohn permit some air to pass through the septa from
alveolus to alveolus, promoting collateral ventilation and even distribution of air among
the alveoli. This selection is the only option that accurately describes the function that
allows air passage among alveoli.
Where in the lung does gas exchange occur?
a. Trachea c. Alveolocapillary membrane
b. Segmental bronchi d. Main bronchus
Gas exchange occurs only across the alveolocapillary membrane.
Surfactant produced by type II alveolar cells facilitates alveolar distention and ventilation
by which mechanism?
a. Decreasing thoracic compliance
b. Attracting water to the alveolar surface
c. Decreasing surface tension in the alveoli
d. Increasing surface tension in the alveoli
Surfactant, a lipoprotein produced by type II alveolar cells, has a detergent-like effect that
separates the liquid molecules, thereby decreasing alveolar surface tension. This selection
is the only option that accurately describes the mechanism that allows surfactant to
facilitate alveolar distention and ventilation.
Which part of the brainstem provides basic automatic rhythm of respiration by sending
efferent impulses to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles?
a. Dorsal respiratory group (DRG) c. Pneumotaxic center
b. Ventral respiratory group d. Apneustic center
The basic automatic rhythm of respiration is set by the DRG, a cluster of inspiratory nerve
cells located in the medulla that sends efferent impulses to the diaphragm and inspiratory
intercostal muscles. This selection is the only option that accurately identifies the
appropriate brainstem location.
Which structures secrete surfactant?
a. Type I alveolar cells c. Alveolar macrophages
b. Type II alveolar cells d. Stretch receptors
Two major types of epithelial cells appear in the alveolus. Type I alveolar cells provide
structure, and type II alveolar cells secrete surfactant, a lipoprotein that coats the inner
surface of the alveolus and facilitates its expansion during inspiration, lowers alveolar
surface tension at end-expiration, and thereby prevents lung collapse. Neither alveolar
macrophages nor stretch receptors secrete surfactant
Which structure is not associated with any lymphatic vessels?
a. Trachea c. Acinus
b. Bronchi d. Terminal bronchioles
No lymphatic structures are located in the acinus. The other options are associated with
lymphatic vessels.
Which describes the pressure in the pleural space?
a. Atmospheric c. Above atmospheric
b. Below atmospheric d. Variable
Pressure in the pleural space is usually negative or subatmospheric (−4 to −10 mm Hg).
This selection is the only option that accurately describes pleural space pressure.
The adequacy of a person’s alveolar ventilation is assessed best by monitoring which
a. Ventilatory rate c. Respiratory effort
b. Ventilatory pattern d. Arterial blood gas
Observation of the ventilatory rate, pattern, or effort cannot determine the adequacy of
alveolar ventilation. If a health care professional needs to determine the adequacy of
ventilation, then an arterial blood gas analysis must be performed to measure partial
pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2).
Which normal physiologic change occurs in the aging pulmonary system?
a. Decreased flow resistance c. Stiffening of the chest wall
b. Fewer alveoli d. Improved elastic recoil
Normal alterations include (1) loss of elastic recoil, (2) stiffening of the chest wall, (3)
alterations in gas exchange, and (4) increases in flow resistance (see Figure 34-18). The
number of alveoli is not affected by age.
How is most of the oxygen in the blood transported?
a. Dissolved in plasma c. In the form of carbon dioxide (CO2)
b. Bound to hemoglobin d. Bound to protein
Oxygen is transported in the blood in two forms. A small amount dissolves in plasma, and
the remainder binds to hemoglobin molecules. The other options are not involved in this
Stretch receptors and peripheral chemoreceptors send afferent impulses regarding
ventilation to which location in the brain?
a. Pneumotaxic center in the pons
b. Apneustic center in the pons
c. Dorsal respiratory group (DRG) in the medulla oblongata
d. Ventral respiratory group (VRG) in the medulla oblongata
The respiratory center is made up of several groups of neurons located bilaterally in the
brainstem: the DRG, the VRG, the pneumotaxic center, and the apneustic center. Of the
options available, only the DRG group in the medulla oblongata receives afferent impulses
in the situation described.
Which substances cause airway epithelium to constrict?
a. Epinephrine and acetylcholine c. Bradykinin and thromboxane A
b. Histamine and prostaglandin d. Leukotrienes and prostacyclin
Constriction occurs if the irritant receptors in the airway epithelium are stimulated by
irritants in inspired air, by endogenous substances (e.g., histamine, serotonin,
prostaglandins), by many drugs, and by humoral substances. Of the options available, only
histamine and prostaglandin cause constriction.
If a patient develops acidosis, the nurse would expect the oxyhemoglobin dissociation
curve to react in which manner?
a. Shift to the right, causing more oxygen (O2) to be released to the cells
b. Shift to the left, allowing less O2 to be released to the cells
c. Show no change, allowing the O2 concentration to remain stable
d. Show dramatic fluctuation, allowing the O2 concentration to increase
A shift to the right depicts hemoglobin’s decreased affinity for O2 or an increase in the
ease with which oxyhemoglobin dissociates and O2 moves into the cells. The
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve is shifted to the right by acidosis (low pH) and
hypercapnia (increased partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide [PaCO2]). This selection
is the only option that accurately identifies what will happen to the oxyhemoglobin
dissociation curve if acidosis occurs.
How is most carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood transported?
a. Attached to oxygen c. Combined with albumin
b. In the form of bicarbonate d. Dissolved in the plasma
Approximately 60% of the CO2 in venous blood and 90% of the CO2 in arterial blood are
carried in the form of bicarbonate.
The sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles are referred to as which group?
a. Diaphragmatic muscles c. Intercostal muscles
b. Muscles of expiration d. Muscles of inspiration
The accessory muscles of inspiration are the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles.
These muscles are not associated with the other options.
An increase in surface tension caused by decreased surfactant production results in which
a. Decrease in alveolar macrophage production
b. Increase in lung compliance
c. Decrease in alveoli collapse
d. Increase in alveoli fluid collection
The decrease in surface tension caused by surfactant is also responsible for keeping the
alveoli free of fluid. In the absence of surfactant, the surface tension tends to attract fluid
into the alveoli. If surfactant production is disrupted or surfactant is not produced in
adequate quantities, then the alveolar surface tension increases, causing alveolar collapse,
decreased lung expansion, increased work of breathing, and severe gas-exchange
abnormalities. The decrease in surface tension caused by surfactant is also responsible for
keeping the alveoli free of fluid. The remaining options are not associated with decreased
surfactant production.
Decreased lung compliance means that the lungs are demonstrating which characteristic?
a. Difficult deflation c. Stiffness
b. Easy inflation d. Inability to diffuse oxygen
A decrease in compliance indicates that the lungs or chest wall is abnormally stiff or
difficult to inflate. This selection is the only option that accurately identifies the meaning
of decreased compliance.
The lung is innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system via which nerve?
a. Vagus c. Brachial
b. Phrenic d. Pectoral
Fibers of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) travel only
in the vagus nerve to the lung.
What event is characteristic of the function in Zone 1 of the lung?
a. Blood flow through the pulmonary capillary bed increases in regular increments.
b. Alveolar pressure is greater than venous pressure but not greater than arterial
c. The capillary bed collapses, and normal blood flow ceases.
d. Blood flows through Zone 1, but it is impeded to a certain extent by alveolar
Alveolar pressure exceeds pulmonary arterial and venous pressures in Zone 1. The
capillary bed collapses, and normal blood flow ceases. Zone II is the portion where
alveolar pressure is greater than venous pressure but not greater than arterial pressure.
Blood flows through zone II, but it is impeded to a certain extent by alveolar pressure.
Zone II is normally above the level of the left atrium. In zone III, arterial and venous
pressures are greater than alveolar pressure and blood flow is not affected by alveolar
pressure. Zone III is in the base of the lung. Blood flow through the pulmonary capillary
bed increases in regular increments from the apex to the base.
Hypoventilation that results in the retention of carbon dioxide will stimulate which
receptors in an attempt to maintain a normal homeostatic state?
a. Irritant receptors c. Peripheral chemoreceptors
b. Central chemoreceptors d. Stretch receptors
Central chemoreceptors indirectly monitor arterial blood by sensing changes in the pH of
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The central chemoreceptors are sensitive to very small changes
in the pH of CSF (equivalent to a 1 to 2 mm Hg change in partial pressure of carbon
dioxide [PCO2]) and are able to maintain a normal partial pressure of arterial carbon
dioxide (PaCO2) under many different conditions, including strenuous exercise. This
selection is the only option that accurately identifies the receptors that are associated with
the retention of carbon dioxide.
What is the most important cause of pulmonary artery constriction?
a. Low alveolar partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2)
b. Hyperventilation
c. Respiratory alkalosis
d. Epinephrine
The most important cause of pulmonary artery constriction is a low alveolar PaO2.
Where does the tracheal bifurcation occur?
a. Larynx c. Carina
b. Bronchi d. Nasopharynx
The trachea, which is supported by U-shaped cartilage, connects the larynx to the bronchi,
the conducting airways of the lungs. The trachea divides into the two main airways, or
bronchi, at the carina (see Figure 34-1). The division occurs only at the carina.
How low must the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) drop before the peripheral
chemoreceptors influence ventilation?
a. Below 100 mm Hg c. Below 70 mm Hg
b. Below 80 mm Hg d. Below 60 mm Hg
The PaO2 must drop well below normal (to approximately 60 mm Hg) before the
peripheral chemoreceptors have much influence on ventilation.
Which receptors are located in the smooth muscles of airways?
a. Central chemoreceptors c. Peripheral chemoreceptors
b. Stretch receptors d. J-receptors
Of the options available, only the stretch receptors are located in the smooth muscles of
Which receptors are located near the respiratory center?
a. Peripheral chemoreceptors c. Central chemoreceptors
b. Stretch receptors d. J-receptors
Of the options available, only the central chemoreceptors are located near the respiratory
Which receptors are located in the aortic bodies, aortic arch, and carotid bodies?
a. Central chemoreceptors c. J-receptors
b. Stretch receptors d. Peripheral chemoreceptors
Of the options available, only the peripheral chemoreceptors are located in the aortic
bodies, aortic arch, and carotid bodies at the bifurcation of the carotids, near the
What is the purpose of the spirometry measurement?
a. To evaluate the cause of hypoxia
b. To measure the volume and flow rate during forced expiration
c. To measures the gas diffusion rate at the alveolocapillary membrane
d. To determine pH and oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations
Spirometry measures volume and flow rate during forced expiration. The alveolar-arterial
oxygen gradient is used to evaluate the cause of hypoxia. Diffusing capacity is a measure
of the gas diffusion rate at the alveolocapillary membrane. Arterial blood gas analysis can
be used to determine pH and oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations.