Pathophysiology Flashcards
Which pathway carries sensory information toward the central nervous system (CNS)?
a. Ascending
b. Descending
c. Somatic
d. Efferent
Peripheral nerve pathways can be afferent (ascending) pathways that carry sensory
impulses toward the CNS. The remaining options do not carry sensory information to the
CNS. Page 448
Which type of axon transmits a nerve impulse at the highest rate?
a. Large nonmyelinated
b. Large myelinated
c. Small nonmyelinated
d. Small myelinated
If the myelin layer is tightly wrapped many times around the axon and is forming the
nodes of Ranvier, then conduction velocity increases and the neuron is referred to as
myelinated. The increased diameter of the myelinated axons allows for the transmission of
impulses at a faster rate. The other options do not affect nervous impulse transmission
rates. p. 448-450.
Which nerves are capable of regeneration?
a. Nerves within the brain and spinal cord
b. Peripheral nerves that are cut or severed
c. Myelinated nerves in the peripheral nervous system
d. Unmyelinated nerves of the peripheral nervous system
Nerve regeneration is limited to only myelinated fibers and generally occurs only in the
peripheral nervous system.
p. 450-51
The neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, is secreted in the:
a. Somatic nervous system
b. Parasympathetic preganglion
c. Sympathetic postganglion
d. Parasympathetic postganglion
Most postganglionic sympathetic fibers release norepinephrine (adrenaline). The
remaining options do not reflect the correct site of norepinephrine secretion.
p. 473-74
Both oligodendroglia and Schwann cells share the ability to:
a. Form a myelin sheath
b. Remove cellular debris
c. Transport nutrients
d. Line the ventricles
The function of oligodendroglia (oligodendrocytes) is to deposit myelin within the central
nervous system (CNS). Oligodendroglia are the CNS counterpart of Schwann cells. The
remaining options are not reflective of the common function of these structures.
p. 449-50
During a synapse, what change occurs after the neurotransmitter binds to the receptor?
a. The permeability of the presynaptic neuron changes; consequently, its membrane
potential is changed as well.
b. The permeability of the postsynaptic neuron changes; consequently, its membrane
potential is changed as well.
c. The postsynaptic cell prevents any change in permeability and destroys the action
d. The presynaptic cell synthesizes and secretes additional neurotransmitters.
The binding of the neurotransmitter at the receptor site changes the permeability of the
postsynaptic neuron and, consequently, its membrane potential. The remaining options do
not accurately describe the occurrence.
p. 452-53
What name is given to a large network of neurons within the brainstem that is essential for maintaining wakefulness? a. Midbrain b. Reticular activating system c. Medulla oblongata d. Pons
The reticular activating system is essential for maintaining wakefulness. The remaining
options are not essential to this function.
p. 454
Thought and goal-oriented behaviors are functions of which area of the brain?
a. Cerebellum
b. Limbic system
c. Prefrontal lobe
d. Occipital lobe
The prefrontal area is responsible for goal-oriented behavior (i.e., ability to concentrate),
short-term or recall memory, and the elaboration of thought and inhibition on the limbic
(emotional) areas of the CNS. The remaining options are not involved in these functions.
p. 456
The region responsible for the motor aspects of speech is located in the:
a. Wernicke area in the temporal lobe
b. Broca area in the frontal lobe
c. Wronka area in the parietal lobe
d. Barlow area in the occipital lobe
Broca speech area is the only region responsible for the motor aspects of speech
p. 457
Parkinson and Huntington diseases are associated with defects in which area of the brain?
a. Thalamus
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Cerebellum
d. Basal ganglia
Parkinson and Huntington diseases are conditions associated with defects of the basal
ganglia. No current research supports the role of any of the other options in these diseases.
p. 457
Maintenance of a constant internal environment and the implementation of behavioral
patterns are main functions of which area of the brain?
a. Thalamus
b. Epithalamus
c. Subthalamus
d. Hypothalamus
Hypothalamic function falls into two major areas: (1) maintenance of a constant internal
environment, and (2) implementation of behavioral patterns. The remaining options do not
address these functions.
p. 459
The ability of the eyes to track moving objects through a visual field is primarily a function of which colliculi? a. Inferior b. Superior c. Mid d. Posterior
The superior colliculi are involved with voluntary and involuntary visual motor
movements (e.g., the ability of the eyes to track moving objects in the visual field).
Tracking moving objects is not the primary function of the remaining options.
p. 459
What parts of the brain mediate the expression of affect, both emotional and behavioral states? a. Hypothalamus and subthalamus b. Parietal and frontal lobes c. Limbic system and prefrontal cortex d. Basal ganglia and medulla oblongata
Extensive connections with the limbic system and prefrontal cortex mediate the expression
of affect, both emotional and behavioral states. The remaining options are not involved in
these expressions.
p. 457
Reflex activities concerned with heart rate, blood pressure, respirations, sneezing,
swallowing, and coughing are controlled by which area of the brain?
a. Pons
b. Midbrain
c. Cerebellum
d. Medulla oblongata
The medulla oblongata makes up the myelencephalon and is the lowest portion of the
brainstem. Reflex activities, such as heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, coughing,
sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting, are controlled only in this area.
p. 460
From which part of the midbrain do cranial nerves V to VIII emerge?
a. Midbrain
b. Pons
c. Medulla oblongata
d. Lateral colliculi
The nuclei of cranial nerves V through VIII (see Table 15-6 for discussion) are located
only in the pons.
p. 459-460
From which part of the midbrain do cranial nerves IX to XII emerge?
a. Midbrain
b. Pons
c. Medulla oblongata
d. Lateral colliculi
The nuclei of cranial nerves IX through XII (see Table 15-6 for discussion) are located
only in the medulla oblongata.
Which area of the brain assumes the responsibility for conscious and unconscious muscle
synergy and for maintaining balance and posture?
a. Cerebrum
b. Cerebellum
c. Diencephalon
d. Brainstem
The cerebellum is responsible for conscious and unconscious muscle synergy and for
maintaining balance and posture. This role is not assumed by any of the remaining options.