Pathophysiology Flashcards
diffusion potential
- voltage by ions diffuse across the cell membrane
- ions diffuse the membrane must be permeable to that ion + concentration gradient
equilibrium potential
diffusion and electrical forces are balanced both sides membrane
membrane potential
- difference in voltage inside and outside cell.
- in nerve and muscle cells, generate nerve impulses, action potentials, muscular contractions.
- changes membrane potential hormone secretion
Electrical potential
ability of separated electrical charges, opposite polarity (+ and -) to do work volts (V)
Potential difference
1.difference between the separated charges - one side of the membrane to the other
2. relatively small - (mv)
Extra and intracellular fluids
1.electrolyte solutions containing - 150-160 mmol/L positively charged ions, equal concentration negatively charged ions.
2. generate and conduct membrane potentials
3. accumulation of the ions on the surface membrane - resting membrane potential (RMP
cell membrane
- regulate substances(particles/ions) enter and leave the cell
2 . Movement through the cell passively (without using energy), or actively (using energy).
3.engulf a particle - endocytosis or exocytosis
chemical gradient
difference in the number of particles on either side membrane creates
electrical gradient
difference in charged particles or ions
electrochemical gradient
(collectively) particles influence both
Three Processes of passive movement
Diffusion, Osmosis, Facilitated Diffusion
- area of higher concentration 1 side of the membrane to an area of lower concentration on the other side. - equally distributed - bth sides
- lipid-soluble molecules like oxygen, alcohol, carbon dioxide, fatty acids
- small openings (pores) in the membrane
The rate (speed) of diffusionl
- The number of openings cell membrane (fast/slow)
- Temperature - rates increase , direct proportion increased temperatures.
1.movement of water area of low solute (few substances dissolved in water) area of high solute (many particles in the water) - equilibrium is achieved.
Channels water moves through
Facilitated Diffusion
transport protein lipid insoluble or large molecules pass lipid insoluble or large molecules pass otherwise would not be able
pass . e.g transmembrane movement glucose
transmembrane movement of glucose
- Glucose associates with unique transport proteins on the outer surface membrane. through the membrane
released into the intracellular space - speed number of available transport proteins
- Rate bind to and release substance transporting
small ions like sodium and potassium
- electrical charge, it is difficult to pass through the lipid layer of the cell membrane.
- .n many instances, cells require a rapid movement of ions either in or out of the cell in order to function.
- hasten their movement, their way across is via facilitated diffusion through selective ion channels
Ion channels
1.integral proteins - span the width of the cell membrane
2. Specific stimuli cause these proteins to open a channel (or gate) -ions can easily move across
3. channels are very selective - , only allowing passage ions matched
Active transport
cells use energy to move ions against an electrical or chemical gradient.
most studied active transport system
sodium-potassium (Na+/K+)-ATPase pump.
sodium-potassium (Na+/K+)-ATPase pump.
1.pump moves sodium from inside the cell to the extracellular region and returns potassium to the inside
2. Energy used for this process - splitting the high-energy phosphate bond in ATP by the enzyme ATPase.
3. If process did not occur, sodium would remain in the cell and water would follow, cell to swell.
two types of active transport systems
primary and secondary
primary active transport
ATP is used directly to transport the substance.
secondary active transport is derived from the primary active transport of one substance - usually sodium
2. the cotransport of a second substance
3a. sodium leaves the cell by primary active transport - concentration gradient developed.
3b. storage of energy sodium is wanting to diffuse back into the cell.
secondary active transport
Two groups of secondary active transport are available.
Cotransport (symport)
sodium ions and the solute transported in the same direction.
Counter-transport (antiport)
sodium ions and the solute being transported in the opposite direction.
E.x intestine when glucose and amino acid absorption is paired with sodium transport.
Biomacromolecules -proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids,
- extremely large size, cannot be transported across cell membranes by carrier proteins
- require special transport methods
- molecule outside of the cell is enclosed - invagination - cell membrane -
- vesicle inside the cell
Endocytosis 2 Types
pinocytosis and phagocytosis.
- cell drinking
- engulfs small solid or fluid particles i.e proteins and electrolytes
- “cell eating”
- membrane engulfs and then kills microorganisms or other particulate matter.
- particle is enclosed, a phagosome is formed
- move into the cytoplasm
- joins with a lysosome to be destroyed
Macrophages and leukocytes (particularly neutrophils). Wbc
- secretes intracellular substances into the extracellular space. - opposite of endocytosis -
- important for removing cellular debris and releasing hormones made in the cell
Epithelial tissue
- body’s outer surface lines the inner surfaces, and forms glandular tissue.
- three distinct surfaces
- basal surface attached to an underlying basement membrane.
Basal Surface
avascular, meaning it is lacking its own blood vessels. oxygen and nutrients from the capillaries of the connective tissue on which it rests.
Shapes + arrangements (number of layers present)
- squamous (thin and flat), cuboidal (cube shaped), and columnar (resembling a column).
- simple (single layer of cells), stratified (more than one layer of cells), and pseudostratified (all cells are in contact with the basement membrane, but some do not extend to the surface).
Connective tissue
- extracellular matrix that supports and holds tissues together.
- a. connective tissue proper [ 1) loose (areolar), (2) adipose, (3) reticular, and (4) dense connective tissue.]
b. specialized connective tissue [ 1. cartilage, 2.bone, and 3.blood cells. ]
Muscle tissue
- move the skeletal structures
- pump blood through the heart
- a)contract the blood vessels and visceral organs b.) accomplish this by contraction
- two types of fibers - produce these contractions - thin(actin) and thick (myosin) filaments.
- three types - skeletal, cardiac, and smooth
Nervous tissue
1.communication between peripheral tissues and the central nervous system.
2. controlling body function + sensing and moving about the environment resp. 2 internal and external stimuli.
3. two types
a) neurons (function in communication)
B) glial cells (support the neurons.)
cell junctions
1.cells are held together, by junctions, spaces between cells filled with extracellular matrix.
2.made mostly of epithelial tissue.
intercellular contacts
1.(fb) Adhesion molecules .
2. important to form the shape of the body and to create pathways for communication.
three basic types of intercellular junctions
- Tight junctions - epithelial tissue. fluids from entering the intercellular spaces - connecting neighboring cells
- Adhering junctions -prevent cell separation - strong adhesion between cells.
- Gap junctions - join neighboring cell membranes - channels in the cytoplasm of each cell.
Cellular Adaptation
1.cell - adapt to changes in the internal environment - stressors arise
2. stress becomes,or the cell cannot adapt effectively, cell injury and death can occur.
3. a) changing in size (atrophy and hypertrophy) b) by changing in number (hyperplasia) c) changing type or form (metaplasia and dysplasia)
- decrease in the size of an organ or tissue resulting from a decrease in the mass of pre-existing cells
- usually a result of disuse, nutritional or oxygen deprivation, aging, diminished endocrine stimulation, or denervation (lack of nerve stimulation in peripheral muscles caused by injury to motor nerves).
- can be caused by a decrease in cell number or a decrease in cell size.
Atrophy of cells in endometrium.
Left: A woman of reproductive age has a normal thick endometrium. Right: a 75-year-old woman’s endometrium shows atrophic cells and cystic glands.
- increase in the size of an organ or tissue due to the increase in size of the cells that comprise it.
- cell size - workload - increase in workload (stress) brings about an increase in cell size
- protein synthesis and the size and/or number of intracellular organelles are all increased.
- can occur under normal physiologic or pathologic conditions
- enlargement of the left ventricle in someone with a diagnosis of heart disease
myocardial hypertrophy
- increase in the size of an organ or tissue caused by an increase in the number of cells making up that organ or tissue.
- i.e glandular proliferation breast tissue during pregnancy.
- some cases, hyperplasia can occur in conjunction with hypertrophy
- During pregnancy; uterine enlargement is caused by both hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the smooth muscle cells in the uterus.
- pathologic hyperplasia can progress to dysplasia (see below) and eventually cancer.
- replacement of one differentiated tissue
2.usually occurs in response to chronic irritation and inflammation. - transformation of cells allows for a higher likelihood of survival - less than optimal environment. i.e
4.metaplasia is reversible - removal of the stressor ; persistent stress dysplasia
Barrett esophagus
- metaplasia ex. chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - normal squamous epithelium - lower esophagus changes to columnar-lined epithelium - better handle the stress of acid.
- Barrett esophagus - primary risk factor - esophageal adenocarcinoma
- abnormal cellular growth, cells that vary in size, shape, and organization.
- proliferation of precancerous cells
- ot byproduct of longstanding pathologic hyperplasia
- ot byproduct of metaplasia secondary to chronic irritation and/or inflammation.
- reversible, in theory, alleviation of inciting stress - stress, carcinoma (irre
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)
- dysplasia ex.
- precursor to cervical cancer
- cervical cancer - series of epithelial changes
- early detection with annual Papanicolaou (Pap) smears are key
Cellular Da
(1) Injury from physical agents
(2) Injury from biologic agents
(3) Chemical injury
(4) Radiation injury
(5) Injury from nutritional imbalances.
Injury from physical agents
1.mechanical forces
i.e (a) fractured bone
(b) extremes of temperature (burns)
(c) electrical forces
Electrical burn of the skin
Injury from biologic agents
Chemical injuries
1.drug toxicities
(alcohol, Rx/OTC drugs, street drugs)
2.carbon tetrachloride
3.lead toxicity
4.mercury toxicity
Radiation injuries
- result of ionizing (cancer treatment)
- ultraviolet (sunburn)
3.nonionizing (thermal burns) radiation
Injury from nutritional imbalances
nutrient excess or deficiency
- cell death in an organ or tissues - living person
- unlike apoptosis - necrosis sets off inflammatory immune response
3.necrosis ; cell death often interferes with cell replacement and tissue regeneration
Coagulative necrosis
1.most often from a sudden cutoff of blood supply to an organ (ischemia)
2. prt - heart and kidney
Liquefactive necrosis
1.some of the cells die but their catalytic enzymes are not destroyed.
2. oft/cmy brain infarcts or abscesses