Exam 8 Flashcards
largest; alveolar process jaw bone
upper gums (gingiva)
visible , above gum line
Pulp Cavity
center; nerve, blood vessels
sensation cold, heat, pain
bone-like most tooth composition
hard connective tissue, surface of crown, buffer coats/protects underlying tissue
tongue , bolus
grips, rotates, rp n, teeth - compact mass - bolus back tongue - swallowing
raised bumps, - 3 -
filiform, circumvallate, -fungiform, (2- taste buds) - chem rec- chem comp food. surface mouth, pharynx
mouth- esophagus -throat(naso, oro, laryngo) 2 skeletal muscle- circumferential (outer) longitudinal inner - alternatively/contract peristalsis - esophagus -
food/liquid oropharynx, laryngo, esophagus - epiglottis - flap - elastic cartilage - revent food larynx/trachea swallowing- food/liquidlarynx - cough.
- foodliquid, trachea /lungs - pneumonia
muscular tube, pharynx - stomach - diaphragm opening - 4 layers stomach sm intes, large int, 1st innermost- mucosa( mucus interior gi tract) 2nd, submucosa, blood, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, nerves, mucus glands. 3rd muscular external (2 layers outer longitudinal , inner circumferential) 4th serosa, cells serous fluid.
muscle contraction, peristalsis - esop - stomach bolus, backward c shaped - left side and - below diapha. 2 curl .concave lesser curvature, greater - convex - outward longer side
esop - stomach, cardiac sphincter(LES), ge sp. stomach small intestine - pyloric sphincter
serous membrane - 2 lesser- adjoins, stomach surface lesser curvature to liver, greater connect greater cure - post wall abd, anterior small intest, + transerve colon
4 parts stomach
1.cardia- entry point esophagus, 2. fundus dome-shaped top - did[hragm, 3.body, wider midsection - btwn fundus- + pyloric reg.4. pyloric reg - funnel shaped.
2 purposes
temporary storage - 2 liters(partially digested) rugae- membranous folds(larger surface area, stretch/expand full, storage system-large meals. spend time other activities.
mus wals - contract vig and mix food juices secreted . 3rd muscle layer muscular externa- oblique lay.
+ efficient gastric juice, small piece breakdown - absorption nutrient- longitidinal (outer) circumferential (inner)