What are the 2 types of pulmonary HTN?
Idiopathic Pulmonary HTN
Secondary Pulmonary HTN
What is the definition of PAH?
Mean pulmonary arterial pressure >25 mmHg at rest or >30 mmHg with exercise
Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure/ Left ventricular end diastolic pressure < 15 mmHg
What does having a
mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure/ left ventricular end diastolic pressure < 15 mmHg say about the cause of PAH?
it indicates that it is due to left heart failure
What is the most common cause of PAH?
PVH (pulmonary venous HTN due to LV dysfunction/heart failure)
How can parenchymal lung disease lead to PAH?
Hypoxemia leads to pulmonary vasoconstriction which backs up blood into the right heart
What is chronic thromboembolic disease?
small emboli occur all the time and there is gradual occlusion of arteries
List the 5 groups of PAH.
1) PAH (iPAH, Heritable, HIV-associated, etc)
2) PAH due to heart disease
3) PAH due to lung disease
5) PAH due to multifactoral etiology
What is the gene responsible for heritable PAH?
bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II
What is the characteristic pathologic sign of PAH?
plexiform lesions
What toxins are known to cause PAH?
What 3 factors are associated with pathogenesis of PAH?
- Imbalance of vascular effectors
- Associated environmental factors
- Associated genetic abnormalities
What vascular disease is most commonly associated with pulmonary HTN?
systemic sclerosis
Why does thrombocytosis lead to PAH?
serotonin is released during platelet lysis and it serves as a vasoconstrictor
Why does sickle cell disease lead to PAH?
Free heme is a NO scavenger, so there is less vasodilation
In PAH, which vascular mediators are increased and which are decreased?
- Increased TXA2
- Decreased prostacyclin
What is NO and what does it do?
Chemical made by nitric oxide synthase in vascular endothelium that promotes vasodilation and inhibits smooth muscle growth
True or false: people with PPH have less nitric oxide synthesis–which is why they have vasoconstriction.
True! PPH patients show negligible immunohistochemical staining for nitric oxide synthase
What is endothelin 1? What does it do?
Potent vasoconstrictor and mitogen for smooth muscle cells that is produced by the vascular endothelium