Pathoma - Red Blood Cell Disorders Flashcards
Anemia - Basic principles
- Reduction in circulating RBC mass
- Hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), and RBC count are used as surrogates for RBC mass, which are difficult to measure
- Anemia is defined as 100 um^3)
Anemia - Signs and Symptoms
Anemia presents with signs and symptoms of hypoxia:
- Weakness, fatigue, and dyspnea
- Pale conjunctiva and skin
- Headache and lightheadedness
- Angina, especially with preexisting coronary artery disease
Microcytic Anemia - Basic Principles
- Anemia with MCV
Microcytic Anemia - Subtypes
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Anemia of chronic disease
- Sideroblastic anemia
- Thalassemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Due to decreased levels of iron
- ↓ iron → ↓ heme → ↓ hemoglobin → microcytic anemia
- MOST COMMON TYPE OF ANEMIA → lack of iron is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world, affecting roughly 1/3 of the world’s population
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Iron absorption
Iron is consumed in heme (meat-derived) and non-heme (vegetable-derived) forms
- Absorption occurs in the duodenum; enterocytes have heme and non-heme transporters (DMT1); the heme form is more readily absorbed
- Enterocytes transport irons across the cell membrane into blood via ferroportin
- Transferrin transports iron in the blood and delivers it to the liver and bone marrow macrophages for storage
- Stored intracellular iron is bound to ferritin, which prevents iron from forming free radicals via the Fenton reaction
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Laboratory measurements of iron status
- SERUM IRON: measure of iron in the blood
- TOTAL IRON BINDING CAPACITY (TIBC): measure of transferrin molecules in the blood
- % SATURATION - percentage of transferrin molecules that are bound by iron (normal is 33%)
- SERUM FERRITIN - reflects iron stores in macrophages and the liver
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Causes
Iron deficiency is usually caused by dietary lack or blood loss:
- INFANTS: breast-feeding (human milk is low in iron)
- CHILDREN: poor diet
- ADULTS (20-50 years): peptic ulcer disease in males and menorrhagia or pregnancy in females
- ELDERLY: colon polyps/carcinoma in the western world; hookworm (ancylostoma duodenale and necator americanus) in the developing world
- Other causes include malnutrition, malabsorption and gastrectomy (acid aids in iron absorption by maintaining the Fe2+ state, which is more readily absorbed than Fe3+)
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Stages of Iron Deficiency
- SERUM IRON IS DEPLETED: ↓ serum iron, ↓ % saturation
- NORMOCYTIC ANEMIA: bone marrow makes fewer, but normal sized, RBCs
- MICROCYTIC, HYPOCHROMIC ANEMIA: bone marrow makes smaller and fewer RBCs
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Clinical features
- Anemia
- Koilonychia
- Pica
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Laboratory findings
- Microcytic, hypochromic RBCs with ↑ red cell distribution width (RDW)
- ↓ ferritin, ↑ TIBC, ↓ serum iron, ↓ % saturation
- ↑ free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP)
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Treatment
Involves supplemental iron (ferrous sulfate)
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
- Iron deficiency anemia with esophageal web and atrophic glossitis
- Presents as anemia, dysphagia, and beefy red tongue
Anemia of Chronic Disease
- Anemia associated with chronic inflammation (eg endocarditis or autoimmune conditions) or cancer
- Most common type of anemia in hospitalized patients
- Chronic disease results in production of acute phase reactants from the liver, including HEPCIDIN
- Hepcidin sequesters iron in storage sites by 1. limiting iron transfer from macrophages to erythroid precursors and 2. suppressing erythropoietin (EPO) production
- Aim is to prevent bacteria from accessing iron, which is necessary for their survival
- ↓ available iron → ↓ heme → ↓ hemoglobin → microcytic anemia
Anemia of Chronic Disease - Laboratory finidngs
- ↑ ferritin, ↓ TIBC, ↓ serum iron, and ↓ % saturation
- ↑ free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP)
Anemia of Chronic Disease - Treatment
Involves addressing the underlying cause
Sideroblastic Anemia
- Anemia due to defective protoporphyrin synthesis
- ↓ protoporphyrin → ↓ heme → ↓ hemoglobin → microcytic anemia
Sideroblastic Anemia - Protoporphyrin synthesis
- Aminolevulinic acid synthetase (ALAS) converts succinyl CoA to aminolevulinic acid (ALA) using vitamin B6 as a cofactor (RATE LIMITING STEP)
- Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) converts ALA to porphobilinogen
- Additional reactions convert porphobilinogen to protoporphyrin
- Ferrochelatase attaches protoporphyrin to iron to make heme (FINAL REACTION; OCCURS IN MITOCHONDRIA)
Iron is transferred to erythroid precursors and enters the mitochondria to form heme. If protoporphyrin is deficient, iron remains trapped in mitochondria
- Iron laden mitochondria form a ring around the nucleus of erythroid precursors
- These cells are called RINGED SIDEROBLASTS
Sideroblastic Anemia - Causes
Sideroblastic anemia can be congenital or acquired
- Congenital defect most commonly involves ALAS (rate limiting enzyme)
- Acquired causes include: alcoholism (mitochondrial poison), lead poisoning (inhibits ALAD and ferrochelatase), vitamin B6 deficiency (required cofactor for ALAS; most commonly seen as a side effect of isoniazid treatment for tuberculosis)
Sideroblastic Anemia - Laboratory findings
↑ ferritin, ↓ TIBC, ↑ serum iron, ↑ % saturation
- Anemia due to decreased synthesis of the globin chains of hemoglobin
- ↓ globin → ↓ hemoglobin → microcytic anemia
- Inherited mutation
- Carrers are protected against Plasmodium falciparum malaria
- Divided into α and β thalassemia based on decreased production of alpha or beta globin chains
- Normal types of hemoglobin are HbF (α2γ2), HbA (α2β2), HbA2 (α2δ2)
α Thalassemia
- Usually due to gene deletion, 4 alpha genes are present on chromosome 16
- 1 gene deleted: asymptomatic
- 2 genes deleted: milk anemia with ↑ RBC count; cis deletion is associated with an increased risk of severe thalassemia in offspring
- Cis deletion is when both deletions occur on the same chromosome; SEEN IN ASIANS
- Trans deletion is when one deletion occurs on each chromosome; SEEN IN AFRICANS, INCLUDING AFRICAN AMERICANS
- 3 genes deleted: severe anemia; β chains form tetramers (HbH) that damage RBCs; HbH is seen on electrophoresis
- 4 genes deleted: lethal in utero (hydrops fetalis); γ chains form tetramers (Hb Barts) that damage RBCs; Hb Barts is seen on electrophoresis
β Thalassemia
- Usually due to gene mutations (point mutation in promoter or splicing sites); seen in individuals of African and Mediterranean descent
- 2 β genes are present on chromosome 11
- Mutations result in absent βo or diminished β+ production of the β globin chain
β Thalassemia Minor
Minor β/β+ is the mildest for of disease and is usually asymptomatic with an increased RBC count
- Microcytic, hypochromic RBCs and target cells are seen on blood smear
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis shows slightly decreased HbA with increased HbA2 (5%, normal 2.5%) and HbF (2%, normal 1%)
β Thalassemia Major
Major (βo/βo) is the most severe form of disease and presents with severe anemia a few moths after birth; high HbF (α2γ2) at birth is temporarily protective
- Unpaired α chains precipitate and damage RBC membrane, resulting in ineffective erythropoiesis and extravascular hemolysis (removal of circulating RBCs by the spleen)
- Massive erythroid hyperplasia ensues resulting in (1) expansion of hematopoiesis into the skull (reactive bone formation leads to ‘CREWCUT’ appearance on x-ray) and facial bones (‘chipmunch facies’), (2) extramedullay hematopoiesis with hepatosplenomegaly and (3) risk of aplastic crisis with parvovirus B19 infection of erythroid precursors
- Chronic transfusions are often necessary; leads to risk for secondary hemochromatosis
- Smear shows microcytic, hypochromic RBCs with target cells and nucleated RBCs
- Electrophoresis shows HbA2 and HbF with little or no HbA
Macrocytic Anemia - Basic Principles
- Anemia with MCV > um^3
- Most commonly due to folate or vitamin B12 deficiency (megaloblastic anemia)
- Other causes of macrocytic anemia (without megaloblastic change) include alcoholism, liver disease, and drugs
Macrocytic Anemia - Basic Principles - Importance of folate and B12
Folate and vitamin B12 are necessary for synthesis of DNA precursors
- Folate circulates in the serum as methyltetrahydrofolate (methyl THF)
- Removal of the methyl group allows for participation in the synthesis of DNA precursors
- Methyl group is transferred to vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
- Vitamin B12 then transfers it to homocytstein, producing methionine
Lack of folate or vitamin B12 impairs synthesis of DNA precursors
- Impaired division and enlargement of RBC precursors leads to megaloblastic anemia
- Impaired division of granulocytic precursors leads to hypersegmented neutrophils
- Megaloblastic change is also seen in rapidly-dividing (eg intestinal) epithelial cells
Macrocytic Anemia - Folate Deficiency
- Dietary folate is obtained from green vegetables and some fruits (absorbed in jejunum)
- Folate deficiency develops within months, as body stores are minimal
- Causes include poor diet (eg alcoholics and elderly), increased demand (eg pregnancy, cancer and hemolytic anemia) and folate antagonists (eg methotrexate, which inhibits dihydrofolate reductase)
Macrocytic Anemia - Folate Deficiency - Clinical and Laboratory Findings
- Macrocytic RBCs and hypersegmented neutrophils (>5 lobes)
- Glossitis
- ↓ serum folate
- ↑ serum homocysteine (increase risk for thrombosis)
- Normal methylmalonic acid
Macrocytic Anemia - Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Dietary B12 is complexed to animal-derived proteins
- Salivary gland enzymes (eg amylase) liberate B12, which is then bound by R-binder (also from the salivary gland) and carried through the stomach
- Pancreatic proteases in the duodenum detach B12 from R-binder
- B12 binds intrinsic factor (made by gastric parietal cells) in the small bowel; intrinsic factor-B12 complex is absorbed in the ileum
B12 deficiency is less common than folate deficiency and takes years to develop due to large hepatic stores of B12