Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet, and Thrombolytic Agents Flashcards
Prevent blood clotting
Inhibit platelet function
Dissolve formed clots
Anticoagulants include
- Heparin
- Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, Tinzeparin = LMW Heparins
- Warfarin
- Argatroban
- Dabigatran
- Fondaparinux
Antiplatelets include
- Aspirin
- Dipyridamole
- Clopidogrel
- Ticlopidine
- Abciximab
- Eptifibatide
Thrombolytics include
- Streptokinase
- Anisteplase
- Tenecteplase
- Alteplase
Heparin - Molecule
- Unfractionated contains molecules with MW 15,000-30,000 daltons
- Mean 12,000 daltons
- Mean 40 monosaccharide units
- Fractionation due to action of ENDO-D-GLUCORONIDASE
Heparin - Mechanism of action
- Accelerations (1000 fold) inactivation by antithrombin III (AT-III) of intrinsic and common pathways including: THROMBIN (II), IXa, Xa
- Thrombin, IXa, Xa BIND IRREVERSIBLY to ARG-SER site on AT-III
- Heparin binding to AT-III is REVERSIBLE; heparin binding site is specific pentasaccharide sequence that contains a 3-O-SULFATED GLUCOSAMINE residue which recognizes AT-III require minimum of 18 monosaccharide unites to bind AT-III and thrombin
Heparin - Therapeutic use
- ANTICOAGULANT ACTIVITY IN VIVO (when injected into body)
- ANTICOAGULANT ACTIVITY IN VITRO (when added to blood in test tube)
- Venous thrombosis
- Pulmonary embolism
- Patency of IV canals
- ANTICOAGULANT IN PREGNANCE (discontinue 25 hours prior to induction of labor)
- Administer by injection (large polar molecule, not absorbed oral): immediate effects if given IV; onset delayed onset (1-2 hours) with subcutaneous ; INTRAMUSCULAR CONTRAINDICATED (induces painful hematoma)
Heparin - Monitoring
- ACTIVATED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME (aTPP), MONITORS COMMON AND INTRINSIC PATHWAY antithrombin III has poor activity against coagulation factor VII (PT time, extrinsic pathway)
Heparin - Adverse effects
- THROMBOCYTOPENIA type I (HIT-I): nonimmune occurs within 2 days of initiating therapy; mediated by platelet heparin interaction
- Type II (HIT-II): immune mediated, more severe. Heparin therapy needed for 5-10 days. Antibodies form against the HEPARIN-PLATELET FACTOR 4 COMPLEX and bind on platelet surface causing aggregation
Osteoporosis if given for more than 6 months
Heparin - Treatment of excess hemorrhage
- Administer plasma or blood containing coagulation factors
- PROTAMINE SULFATE: heparin-protamine complex cannot bind to AT-III
Heparin - Contraindications
- Bleeding disorder
- Pre-existing bleeding sites
Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, and Tinzaprin - Molecule
- Low molecular weight heparin fractionated from heparin MW 1000 - 10,000 daltons
- Mean 4,500 daltons
- Mean 15 monosaccharide units
Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, and Tinzaparin - Mechanism of action
- Higher specificity for enhanced antithrombin III inactivation of Xa
- > 5400 kDa or 18 monosaccharide units required to bind simultaneously AT-III and thrombin
Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, and Tinzaparin - Therapeutic use
- Prophylaxis and acute DVT, PE, orthopedic, and abdominal surgery
- Unstable angina or non-Q-wave MI
- Administer subcutaneous
- Monitor anti-Xa activity
- ANTICOAGULANT IN PREGNANT WOMEN (discontinue 25 hours prior to induction of labor)
Enoxaparin, Dalteparin, and Tinzaparin - Condraindications and Adverse effects
- Bleeding
- Contraindicated in presence of bleeding disorder or active bleeding site
Enoxaprin, Dalteparin, and Tinzaparin - Current perception of advantages for unfractionated heparin
- Longer interval between doses (outpatient, 1x per day dosing)
- Slight increase or no change in activated aPTT
- Does not require monitoring; could monitor anti-Xa activity
- Better predictability of response to a give dose
- Less thrombocytopenia, reduced binding to platelets
Fondaparinux - Mechanism of action
Synthetic pentasaccharide binds to ATII to accelerate only factor Xa inactivation
Fondaparinux - Therapeutic use
- IV, SC administration
- DVT acute and postoperative (hip and knee replacement)
- PE
- Can be used in pregnancy (discontinue 24 hours prior to induction of labor)
Fondaparinux - Adverse effects