Pathology Word Associations Flashcards
alpha-fetoprotein elevation in amniotic fluid
spina bifida
alpha-fetoprotein elevation in adult
hepatocellular carcinoma
amyloid deposits in the brain
Alzheimer’s disease
antibodies to acetylcholine
myasthenia gravis
antibodies to calcium influx pumps in NMJ
Lambert eaton syndrome
anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies
Goodpasture disease
anti-IgG antibodies
rheumatoid arthritis
anti-nuclear antibodies
apical cavitations
anitschkow cells (Aschoff body)
rheumatic fever
apical lung tumor
pancoast tumor
ascending demyelinating polyneuropathy
Guillain-Barre SYNDROME
aschoff bodies
rheumatic fever
auer’s rods
acute myelogenous leukemia
basophilic stippling and blue gums
lead poisoning
BCR-abl oncogene
Chronis myelogenous loeukemia
bence jones proteins
multiple myeloma
berry aneurysms
adult polycystic disease of the kidney
bilateral adrenal hemorrage
waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome
bilateral exophthalmos
graves disease
bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy
sarcoidosis, tb, or lymphoma
bleedings gums
blue sclera and broken bone
osteogensis imperfecta
brodies abcess
bouchard’s node
rheumatoid arthritis
BRCA-1/2 tumor marker
Breast cancer
bronze skin and diabetes mellitus and testicular atrophy
brown cysts in bone
buffalo hump and truncal obesity
cushing’s syndrome
bull’s eye rash
lyme disease
butterfly rash
systemic lupus erthematosus
Ovarian cancer
Café au lait spots
calor, rubor, tumor, dolor, function laesa
acute inflammation
caput medusae
portal hypertension
carcinoembryonic antigen
colon cancer
caseous necrosis
cerebellar tonsillar herniation
Arnold-chiari malformation type 2
cerebellar vermis herniation
Arnold-chiari malformation type 1
change from one cell type to another cell type
charcot-leyden crystals or curschmann’s spirals
chloride transport regulator defect
Cystic fibrosis
cherry red macula and mental retardation
tay-sachs disease
chocolate cysts in the pelvis
chorea due to decreased GABA
Huntington’s disease
clue cells
bacterial vaginosis
coagulative necrosis
myocardial infarction
cobblestone appearance of intestinal mucosa
crohn’s disease
codman’s triangle on x-ray
condylomata accuminata
HPV infection
condylomata lata
secondary syphilis
congenital aganglionosis of the colon
hirschsprung’s disease
Cullen or grey turner’s sign
acute pancreatitis
dark urine and dark cartilage
defective chromosome 5
cri du chat
disorderly non-neoplastic growth
disorderly disorganized neoplastic growth
downey cells
dry eyes and dry mouth
sjogren’s syndrome
dystrophin defect
duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
enzymatic necrosis
acute pancreatitis
erythema nodosum
sarcoidosis, tb or drug reaction
esophageal metaplasia
barrett esophagus
fatty necrosis
liver damage
fawn’s beard
spina bifida occulta
fibrillin defect
marfan’s syndrome
ghon’s focus and complex
primary tuberculosis
Guarneri bodies
tertiary syphilis
gynecomastia in a tall thin male (XXY)
klinefelter’s syndrome
herberden’s nodes
osteoarthritis of the fingers
heliotrope eyelid discolouration and gottron’s papules
heterophil antibodies
hirano’s bodies
Alzheimer’s disease
graves disease
Psoriatic arthritis, AS, IBD, Reiter’s
HLE-DR3 or 4
DM type 1, RA, and SLE
human mad cow disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Hunner’s ulcers in the bladder
interstitial cystitis
Hutchinson’s notched central incisors
congenital syphilis
hypercoagulability, venous stasis and vessel wall damage
Virchow’s triad
hyperelasticity of skin and joiny capsule
ehlers-danlos syndrome
hyperpigmented skin creases with fatigue
Addison’s disease
immotile cilia with sinusitis, bronchiectasis and situs inversus
kartagener’s syndrome
inappropriate ADH secretion
small cell lung cancer
increased sized of tissue or organ
increased number of cells
indistinct philtrum
fetal alcohol syndrome
kayser-fleisher rings
Wilson’s disease
kimmelsteil-wilson nodular sclerosis
diabetic nephropathy
koilonychias and dysphagia in a post-menopausal woman
plummer vinson syndrome
langhan’s giant cells
large cyst in the posterior cranial fossa
Dandy Walker syndrome
lewy bodies
Parkinson’s disease
libman-sack’s endocarditis
systematic lupus erythematosus
linear esophageal tear after retching
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
lines of zahn
liquefactive necrosis
brain infarction
liver and brain damage after aspirin ingestion
reye syndrome
L-MYC oncogene
colon cancer
loser’s zone (pseudo-fracture)
maccallum’s patch in left atrium
rheumatic fever
macrocytic normochromic anemia
folic acid or vitamin b12 deficiency
malignant plasma cells
multiple myeloma
microcytic hypochromic anemia
iron deficiency anemia
minimal change of the basement membrane
nephrotic syndrome
most common cancer in men
prostate cancer
most common cancer in women
breast cancer
most common cause of oseomyelitis
staphyloccus aureus
most common malignant bone tumor
most common benign brain tumor
most common kidney tumor in children
wilms tumor
most common malignant brain tumor in adults
glioblastoma multiform
most common malignant brain tumor in children
most common primary bone cancer in adults
multiple myeloma
most common primary bone cancer in teens
most common skin cancer
basal cell carcinoma
most malignant skin cancer
malignant melanoma
M spike on serum electrophoresis
multiple myeloma
multiple cysts in both kidney’s for adult
polycycstic disease of the kidney
multiple cysts in one kidney in an infant
congenital polycystic disease of kidney
multiple superficial ulcers in the colon
ulcerative colitis
needle-shaped negatively birefringent crystals
gout (uric acid crystals)
negri bodies
neurofibrillary tangles
alzheimers disease
N-MYC oncogene
non-caseous granulomas in the gut
crohn’s disease
non-caseous granulomas in the lung
nutmeg liver
congestive heart failure
onion-skin periosteal reaction on x-ray
ewing’s sarcoma
oral pigmentation and intestinal polyps
peutz-jegher syndrome
owl-eye appearance in a lung biopsy
Cryptococcus neoformans
p16 oncogene
malignant melanoma
pannus formation
rheumatoid arthritis
paroxysms of hypertension, palpitations and perspiration
Philadelphia chromosome
chronic myelogenous leukemia
pill-rolling tremor and decreased dopamine
Parkinson’s disease
post coital bleeding
carcinoma of the cervix
post-menopausal bleeding
endometrial cancer
prostatic specific antigen
prostatic carcinoma
pseudo-hypertrophy of calf muscles
duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
pulmonary stenosis, VSD, over-riding aorta, RVH
Tetrology of Follot
pulsatile midline abdominal mass
rachitic rosary
vitamin D deficiency in children
red and grey hepatisation in lung
radiofemoral delay
coarctation of the aorta
red blood cell casts in urine
recurrent peptic ulcer
zollinger-ellison syndrome
rib notching on chest x-ray
coarctation of the aorta
Reed Sternberg cells
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
rokitansky-ashoff sinuses
scanning speech, intention tremor and nystagmus
multiple sclerosis
sero-positive (rheumatoid factor) arthritis
RA and SLE
soap-bubble appearance on x-ray
giant cell tumor
spaghetti and meatballs appearance
malassezia furfur
splenomegaly and eyethema nodosum
splinter hemorages
subacute bacterial endocarditis
starry sky appearance in lymph node
burkitt’s lymphoma
stunted small intestinal villi due to gluten sensitivity
celiac disease
subchondral sclerosis
thymic and parathyroid aplasia
digeorge syndrome
thyroglobulin antibodies
hashimoto’s disease
trisomy 21
down syndrome
vanilyl mandelic acid in the urine
Virchow’s triad-vessel damage, stasis, hypercoagulability
deep vein thrombosis
vomiting blood after protracted vomiting and retching
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
wallerian degeneration
nerve damage
weight loss and troister’s sign
gastric carcinoma
white blood cells case in urine
XO chromosomal disease
Turner’s disease
zenker’s degeneration
skeletal muscle damage