Pathology of Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications Flashcards
Which part of the pancreas is responsible for insulin secretion?
Islets of langerhans
What is the tissue of the normal pancreas?
Lobules of glandular tissue surrounded by fat
What portion of the islet cells are beta cells?
What is the aetiology of type 1 diabetes?
•Autoimmune attack on islet cells – lymphocyte infiltration of islets (insulitis) – destruction of B cells
Genes found so far: •Molecules that help T cells recognise self from non-self = Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) molecules
What is a potential environmental cause of diabetes?
Viral infection?
Molecules on viral surface can mimic molecules on the outside of Beta cells
What is the aetiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus?
- 1) reduced tissue sensitivity to insulin (insulin resistance) and
- 2) inability to secrete very high levels of insulin
How do insulin receptors become ineffective in type 2 diabetes?
- Expanded upper body visceral fat mass (Too much food and not enough exercise)
- Resulting increase in free fatty acids because the adipocytes are probably stressed and release fatty acids
- Fatty acids interfere with the insulin receptor pathway (peripheral insulin resistance)
- Pancreas needs to secrete more insulin to move glucose in person (hyperinsulinaemia)
- Genes involved are the beta cells uncapable of mass unsulin secretion (variant genes)
- A patient with lots of these genes cannot produce large amounts of insulin
- Insulin secretion does not increase enough to counteract the insulin resistance caused by the central adiposity
•Slim person who puts on a small amount of weight may get type II diabetes if they have very high dosage of genes resulting in inability to even modestly raise insulin
What is the most common cause of death in diabetes mellitus?
What causes the long term complications of diabetes?
Poor glycaemic control
What is the main complication of DM?
Damage to vessels including:
(accelerates atherosclerosis)

How is atherosclerosis accelerated in DM?
Glucoses attach to low density lipoprotein
Glucose molecules stop low density lipoprotein from binding its receptor (on liver cells) tightly.
Low density lipoprotein is not removed by liver cells therefore lipoprotein and lipid stay in blood which leads to Hyperlipidaemia
What is disease called in the arteries, arterioles and capillaries?
Arteries: Large vessel disease (atherosclerosis)
Arterioles and Capillaries: Small vessel Disease
How does small vessel disease arise?
Arteriole lining is composed of several endothelial cells which sit on a basal lamina (collagen).
Around the basal lamina are smooth muscle cells
Between basal lamina and endothelial cell is potential space
Molecules flux into and out from this subendothelial ‘space’
Diabetes Mellitus – molecules flux into subendothelial space but find it hard to flux back to blood, there is a build up of trapped molecules (plasma proteins e.g albumin and connective tissues e.g collagens) under the endothelial cell
The process (arteriolar disease) is also called hyaline change
The basal lamina also becomes thickened
Happens throughout the body and narrows the arteriole causing poor blood flow and ischaemia
Where is arteriolar disease very damaging?
•Very damaging in kidney, peripheral tissues (foot), eyes and in arterioles supplying nerves
What is the role of advanced glyocosylation end-products in small vessel disease?
Glucose is added to proteins (collagen) - called glycosylation
Non-enzymatic and is initially reversible however it is irreversible once covalent bonds have formed (Advanced glycosylation end-products)
Normally albumin can flux out of the endothelial space meaning there is no accumulation of albumin in subendothelial space of arterioles
Glycosylated collagen does bind to albumin, accumulation of albumin in subendothelial space of arterioles
What is the role of cross linking in small vessel disease?
Basal lamina proteins become cross linked as a result of glycosylation, meaning the protein can no longer be easily removed
These proteins persist in the walls of the arteriole even in normoglycaemia
Small artery disease comes from the combination of acumulation of trapped plasma proteins and accumulation of cross-linked basal lamina proteins
When does large and small vessel disease typically occur and is it reversible?
- Occurs in setting of prolonged, poor diabetic control
- Typically irreversible when established