Pathology Flashcards
Which of the following will cause edema? A. Hyperalbuminemia B. Right-sided heart failure C. Blockage of lymphatics by a neoplastic process D. Both B and C are correct
D. Edema is caused by hypoalbuminemia
True of edema in inflammation
A. Edema fluid is called a transudate
B. Due to increased capillary permeability
C. Due to renin-angiotensin system activation
D. Both B and C are correct
B. Edema fluid is exudate
A passive process brought about by obstruction in venous blood flow A. Hemorrhage B. Congestion C. Hyperemia D. Anasarca
Morphologic evidence of chronic congestion
A. Presence of hemosiderin laden macrophages
B. Constricted vessels with a reddish hue
C. Disintegrated neutrophils
D. Only A and B are correct
True of petechiae A. May be due to immunologic disorders B. Measures > 2 mm C. May be related to platelet or clotting factor defects D. Seen in subcutaneous tissues
Petechiae are
Participants in normal hemostasis except A. Platelets B. Endothelium C. Intracellular matrix D. Coagulation factors
Primary hemostasis involves A. Tissue factor B. Endothelin C. Fibrin D. Thrombin
Fibrin and thrombin secondary hemostasis
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Endothelial cells have both anti- and pro-thrombotic properties
B. Prostacyclin and nitric oxide inhibits platelet aggregation
C. Tissue factor activates extrinsic clotting cascade
D. Platelet to platelet adhesion is mediated by von Willebrand factor
vWF mediates adhesion to underlying ECM
Deficiency in gp1b A. Bernard-Soulier syndrome B. May trigger coagulation cascade C. Will cause an increase in partial thromboplastin time D. Both A & B
gp1b mediates binding of vWF to platelets
The endothelial cell produces A. Vasoconstrictors B. Plasminogen activator inhibitor C. Tissue factor D. AOTA
It assesses the function of factors XII, II, V, X, and fibrongen A. PTT assay B. ARST assay C. PT assay D. PPT assay
PTT is for the extrinsic pathway
Morphology of true thrombi A. RBC, platelets, fibrin B. RBC, WBC, fibrinogen C. WBC, plasmin, fibrin D. WBC, platelets, fibrin
In heart or aorta: platelets, fibrin, RBC
Arterial: platelets, fibrin, RBC, WBC
True of thrombus A. Endothelial damage is the major cause B. Laminar blood flow is present C. Involves inflammation D. Both A & C
Sequelae of venous congestion A. Superficial ulcer B. Local congestion and pain C. D. A & B only
True of pulmonary embolism
A. Deep venous thrombosis is a major cause
B. Immobilization can cause venous thrombosis in the lower extremities
C. Most pulmonary emboli are not clinically significant
D. Saddle emboli are found at the bifurcation of the pulmonary arteries
Which of the following is an example of endogenous cell accumulation? A. Freckles B. Brown atrophy C. Hemosiderosis D. AOTA
Most common cause of infarcts A. Vasospasms B. Thromboembolic occlusions C. Torsion D. Inflammation
Not usually true of red infarcts
A. May occur in spleen, kidney, or heart
B. Seen in organs with loose tissue support
C. Happens in organs with dual circulation
D. Both B and C
Infarcts in A are white infarcts
Histamine and IgE mediated shock A. Neurogenic B. Cardiogenic C. Anaphylactic D. Hypovolemic
True of shock
A. Systemic hypoperfusion due to decreased cardiac output
B. Hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, and cell death
C. Multiple organ failure
One of the most common genetic alterations found in human carcinoma, which when working leads to tumor suppression A. RAS B. p53 C. c-myc D. Bcl-2
Infection with syphilis predisposes one to the transmission of HIV because
A. Infection has a synergistic effect in down-regulating the immune system
B. Skin lesions represent good portals of entry
C. Visible but nonpainful lesions do not alert the host to potential damage
D. Infection provides live organisms
Which of the following causes the least pathologic change in the liver post-infection? A. Hepatitis B B. Hepatitis C C. E. coli abscess D. Leptospirosis
The virulence factor of H. influenza is: A. Capsule B. Plasmid-encoded hyaluronidase C. Exotoxin D. Cord factor
The first human cells the M. tuberculosis usually first encounters is: A. oral cavity cells B. nasal cavity cells C. pulmonary alveolar macrophages D. bronchial ciliated cells
The earliest diagnostic test to become positive in a dengue infection is: A. MAC-ELISA B. NS 1 C. CF test D. Hemagglutination-inhibition assay
Incidence of RSV infection is higher in young children and decreases with age. This is probably reflective of:
A. Memory-type response in the form of IgG in the circulation
B. Memory-type response in the form of secretory IgA in the upper respiratory tract
C. Memory-type response in the form of cytotoxic T cells in the circulation
D. Better IgM response in the circulation
Pancreatitis with enzymatic fat necrosis is seen in: A. Mumps B. dengue C. Rubella D. herpes
Chorioretinitis may be seen in A. EBV B. Herpes C. CMV D. Dengue virus
Squamous cell carcinoma may follow cervical infection usually with: A. HPV 16 B. HPV 6 C. HPV 1 D. HPV 2
Illness with striking lymphadenopathy with the terminal ileum having the most severe lesions A. S. typhi B. Amoeba C. Shigella D. Vibrio cholera
In about 1% of cases, polio virus invades the CNS and replicates in the: A. Motor neurons of the spinal cord B. Cerebellum C. Purkinje cells D. Microglia
Viral damage in host cells will morphologically manifest mostly as:
A. Suppurative inflammation
B. Necrotizing inflammation
C. Granulomatous inflammation
D. Cytopathic-cytoproliferative inflammation
Vibrio cholera adhesion and toxins are induced by: A. Plasmids B. Diarrhea C. Proliferation in salt water D. Iron deprivation
These structures are found on many bacteria and mediate adherence A. Pili B. Glycoprotein C. Ground substance D. Mucin
A three-year old female patient was brought to the hospital because of moderate to high grade fever of two days duration
If the patient presents with productive cough and runny nose, the most likely etiologic agent is: A. Influenza virus B. S. aureus C. RSV D. Streptococcus pneumonia
A three-year old female patient was brought to the hospital because of moderate to high grade fever of two days duration
Upon examination of the patient, small ulcerated mucosal lesions were found at the posterior portion of the oral mucosa, near the molars. Causative agent is most likely a: A. Gram (-) intracellular diplococci B. Gram (+) cocci arranged in clusters C. Enveloped single stranded RNA virus D. Single stranded DNA virus
C.). The lesions described are Koplik’s spots, which are pathognomic for measles. Measles are caused by Paramyxoviridiae, a negative sense, single-stranded RNA virus. Other members of this viral genus are RSV and the mumps virus.
A three-year old female patient was brought to the hospital because of moderate to high grade fever of two days duration
A long term complication of this infection A. SSPE B. Chlamydia C. Varicella D. Herpes zoster
Recall: SSPE = subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
A three-year old female patient was brought to the hospital because of moderate to high grade fever of two days duration
A few days more after initial hospitalization, the patient developed pneumonia. The following might be found in the exudative material in the lungs:
A. Cowdry-type A nuclear inclusions
B. Warthin-Finkeldey cells
C. Negri bodies
D. Large ovoid dense eosinophilic inclusions