Pathological RBCs Flashcards
Bite Cells
semi-circle missing from edge due to oxidative damage (oxidant drug or G6PD def)
Burr Cells
short, even serrations
-chronic kidney disease, liver disease, pyruvate kinase def or artifact
Spurr Cells
spicules at diff angle
-artifact, end stage liver disease or abetalipoproteinemia
- More central pallor (>1/3 cell)
- Anything w/ reduced Hb (iron deficiency, thalassemia, sideroblastic anemia)
Macrocytes v Microcytes
- Macrocyte - larger cell; reticulocyte or abnormal DNA damage but cyto expands
- Microcyte - smaller cell; reduced Hb synthesis (thal, iron def)
fragmented w/ no central pallor and 2-3 pointed ends
from mechanical disruption - prosthetic valve, microangiopathic anemia (DIC, TPP)
dense sphere w/o central pallor from dec membrane redundancy
immune hemolytic anemia, hereditary spherocytosis, transfusion, artifact, drug-induced
Target Cells
dark center w/in central pallor from inc redundancy of membrane
HALT at target - HbC disease, Asplenia, Liver disease, Thalassemia
Teardrop Cells
drop shape from mechanical distortion (bone marrow or splenic fibrosis or bone marrow infiltration)
RBCs crying b/c displaced from home (marrow) by infiltrate
Basophilic Stippling
Aggregation of residual ribosomes
Lead poisoning, sideroblastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndromes
Howell Jolly Bodies
Basophilic nuclear remnant normally removed by splenic macrophages
Remains if asplenia, hyposplenia
Heinz Bodies
In G6PD deficiency
Oxidation of Hb-SH groups –> S-S –> Hb precipitates (body)