Labs Flashcards
Rule of 3’s
- Hb - conc of Hb in blood
- HCT - proportion of RBCs compared to total vol (RBCs + plasma)
- RBC - red blood cell count
RBC (3) = Hb and Hb(3)= HCT
- meas of avg size of RBCs (macrocytic, normocytic, microcytic)
Reticulocyte Count + Correction
- Amount of absolute reticulocytes - hypo, hyper or normoproliferative
- Corrected Reticulocyte Count = retic % given x (Hb of pt / normal Hb for gender)
- Then decide if there are shift cells (inc IRF) and if so you need to measure RPI (reticulocyte proliferation index)
- RPI = corrected retic & / retic maturation time (dep on Hb)
- Hb 15 = 1 day
- Hb 12= 1.5 days
- Hb 8 = 2 days
- Hb 5 = 2.5 days - RPI < 1 hypo-proliferative and RPI > 1 hyper-proliferative
immature reticulocyte fraction
ratio of immature reticulocytes: total reticulocytes (found by meas rRNA)
mean reticulocyte Hb content - sensitive indicator of iron availability
MCH -amount of Hb in ea RBC
MCHC -based on Hb and HCT
RDW (size variability)
Iron Labs
Serum iron
Ferritin - represents stored iron
TIBC - unsaturated carrier
- In iron def, there is dec iron and ferritin but inc TIBC b/c more is made by liver and not being used
- In anemia of chronic disease, iron is trapped so low iron and low TIBC (liver stops making it) but high ferritin (high stores)
Serum Homocysteine and Methylmalonic Acid
- If both elevated - B12 def
- If only homocysteine elevated - folic acid def
Schilling Test
- Radioactive B12 given then subQ block of B12 receptors; if >8% in URINE then normal if <8% then problem w/ absorption (did not get out of GI –> circ –> urine)
- If corrected w/ admin of radioactive B12 bound to IF then know it is pernicious anemia; if still not corrected then bacterial overgrowth, tapeworm, illeal resection likely
- If corrected w/ admin of radioactive B12 w/ pancreatic enzymes then pancreatic insufficiency
General Labs for all Megaloblastic Anemias
dec reticulocyte count, elevated LDH, inc bilirubin, dec haptoglobin
Blood smear = macro-ovalocytes, hyper-segmented PMNs, giant bands, giant platelets
Coomb’s Test
- Direct anti-globulin test - incubate w/ anti-IgG and/or anti-complement antibodies; look for agglutination
- Indirect - incubate normal RBCs w/ patient’s serum and add anti-IgG or anti-complement; this would detect target proteins in patient serum
- Can be used to see if someone would react to blood transfusion