Patho OB Midterm Flashcards
Hypovolemic shock may happen even in minimal bleeding
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Abruptio Placenta
Which of the ffg is the recommended management of macrosomic fetuses to prevent shoulder dystocia according to ACOG?
a. Prophylactic use of Low dose aspirin starting at 20 weeks AOG
b .Dietary restriction starting at 32weeks where cellular hypertrophy occurs
c. Elective CS when estimated fetal weight is 5000 grams in patients without DM
d. Elective CS when estimated fetal weight is 4250 grams with gestational hypertension
c. Elective CS when estimated fetal weight is 5000 grams in patients without DM
occurs due to the fusion of amniotic sheets.
A. Amniotic Cyst
B. Amnion nodosum
C. Amniotic Band
D. Amniotic Sheets
A. Amniotic Cyst
2nd phase of fetal growth
up to 32 weeks - hyperplasia and hypertrophy
fetal growth disorder is usually attributed to�
placental lesions and infection, the most common is viral - why we check Rubella titers
failure of any structure
acardius amorphus
If internal rotation did not occur, face presentation may engage but it can only descend with accompanying molding. Capput succedaneum and molding is obvious in this part of fetal head.
A. Parietooccipital area
B. Parietal area
C. Frontal area
D. Occipital area
A. Parietooccipital area
Speculum Exam
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Placenta Previa
UC colitis
which portion of bowel colonoscopy diarrhea symptoms cancer risk surgical intervention
UC colitis
. which portion of bowel: large bowel mucosa and submucosa
. Colonoscopy: rectal involvement very common
. diarrhea symptoms: bloody
. cancer risk: 3-5%
. surgical intervention: proctocolectomy
A variant of placenta membranacea. Placenta is annular, partial or complete ring of placental tissue
A. circummarginate placenta
B. circumvallate placenta
C. placenta abruptio
D. annular placentation
D. annular placentation
What component of the complement may be an indicator of FGR? What is it associated with?
C4d - chronic villitis
3rd phase of fetal growth
after 32 weeks - hypertrophy
chorion in t sign
he risk of Fetal Growth Restriction is subsequent pregnancy nearly approaches what percentage?
25 percent
perinatal death, induction of labor and cesarean delivery were markedly reduced because of early antepartal surveillance and appropriate Doppler assessment of this vessel
a. Uterine artery
b. Middle cerebral artery
c. Umbilical artery
d. Ductus venosus
c. Umbilical artery
Mentum anterior, force of labor, flex head and brow presentation.
A.Vertex occiput anterior
B.Vertex occiput posterior
C.Brow presentation
D.Transverse presentation
C.Brow presentation
Ultrasound confirms diagnosis
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Placenta Previa
Amniotomy is done
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Abruptio Placenta
A 36y/o G3P3 (3003) came in with complaints of 6 months� amenorrhea. She has just delivered her baby __ months PTC. Pregnancy test is negative. Most likely suffering from
A. Sheehan�s syndrome
B. Simmond�s dusease
C. Post-partum depression
A. Sheehan�s syndrome
The largest dimension of the fetal head that should negotiate with the inlet of the pelvis in Brow presentation is:
A. Occipitobregmatic diameter
B. Occipitofrontal diameter
C. Suboccipitobregmatic diameter
D. Occipitomental diameter
D. Occipitomental diameter
Implantation in the LUS is such that the placental edge does not reach the internal os and
A. Placenta previa
B. Low lying placenta
C. Marginal placenta
D. Vasa previa
B. Low lying placenta
at what AOG does AF start to decline
38 weeks
Test performed at 22-24 weeks gestation in populations to be high risk preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction.
A. Uterine Artery Doppler Velocimetry
B. Umbilical Artery Doppler Velocimetry
C. Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler Velocimetry
D. Fetal Thoracic Aorta Doppler Velocimetry
A. Uterine Artery Doppler Velocimetry
failed head growth
acardius acephalus
HELLP Syndrome:
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low Platelet count
Type of hematoma found between placenta and amnion
A. Retroplacental hematoma
B. Subchorionic hematoma
C. Subamnionic hematoma
D. Subchorional thrombosis
C. Subamnionic hematoma
A form of periodic fetal heart pattern on EFM encountered in post term gestation complicated by fetal distress and oligohydramnios
a. prolonged bradycardia
b. sinusoidal pattern
c. . prolonged deceleration
d. moderate variablitiy
c.. prolonged deceleration
Which method controls bleeding after delivery of a placenta implanted in the LUS by obliteration the major blood supply to the uterus
A. Bilateral hypogastric artery ligation
B. CS hysterectomy
C. Packing with gauze
D. NOTA (Internal Iliac Artery Ligation)
ACOG recommended elective delivery
A. 37 weeks
B. 38 weeks
C. 39 weeks
D. 40 weeks
C. 39 weeks
Transverse lie abdominal palpation, narrow left, large nodular right
Right acromionodular anterior
Left acromionodular anterior
Right acromionodular posterior
Left acrominonodular posterior
Right acromionodular posterior
Cause of symmetric growth restriction
early insult could result in a relative decrease in cell number and size
Cause of asymmetric growth restriction
late pregnancy insult such as placental insufciency from hypertension.
Due to increase age and parity
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
ormed from disruption of amnion; entraps fetus impairing growth and development. Risk of fetal intrauterine amputation.
A. Amniotic Cyst
B. Amnion nodosum
C. Amniotic Band
D. Amniotic Sheets
C. Amniotic Band
fetal testing at 41 weeks REPEAT
- counting fetal movements during a 2-hr period each
- non stress testing three times weekly
- amniotic fluid volume assessment two to three
times weekly, with pockets <3 cm considered abnormal
risk factors for posterm
Previous post term birth
Socioeconomic class
dystocia, suprapubic pressure should be applied to the posterior aspect of the anterior shoulder of the fetus, this would duel success because
A. It compresses the soft tissues allowing the release of the impaction
B. Helps to rotate the anterior shoulder away from the symphysis pubis
C. Pressure will rotate into the direction of theiss of the maternal pelvis
D. A&B only
E. A, B & C
D. A&B only
A. It compresses the soft tissues allowing the release of the impaction
B. Helps to rotate the anterior shoulder away from the symphysis pubis
Most common intrapartum complication in compound presentation
A. Dysfunctional labor/dystocia
B. Cord prolapse
C. Non reassuring fetal heart rate pattern
D. Intrapartal death
B. Cord prolapse
bishop unfavorable score
< 7
major cause of death perinatal post term
gestational hypertension
The fetal head presentation positioned bet. face presentation & vertex presentation thus anterior fontanelle is the presenting part in digital pelvic examination.
A. Compound
B. Sinciput (aka Forehead )
C. Asynclitic vertex presentation
D. Midface
B. Sinciput (aka Forehead )
Significantly associated with prolonged pregnancy.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management for placenta previa at/near term with stable condition
A. Classical CS at 37-38wks AOG
B. Vaginal delivery
C. Adequate oxytocin administration to control hemorrhage from the placental implantation site
D. B & C only
A. Classical CS at 37-38wks AOG
Hallmark of oligohydramnios characterized by small, light tan nodules overlying the placenta
A. Amniotic Cyst
B. Amnion nodosum
C. Amniotic Band
D. Amniotic Sheets
B. Amnion nodosum
Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler velocimetry isprimarily cardiovascular factor in predicting neonatal outcome
True or False
. False
uterine incision delivery in a back-down transverse lie fetus:
A. Kerr
B. Kronig
C. Classical
D. T incision
C. Classical
Which of the ffg is associated with fetal overgrowth?
A. Decrease cord C- peptide levels
B. Increase lipolytic activity
C. Decrease trophoblastic lipase expression
D. Increase neonatal hypoxia
B. Increase lipolytic activity
True of the mechanism of labor in face presentation
A. In face presentation, labor may initially start in brow presentation
B. Internal rotation in face presentation occur between the ischial spines and ischial tuberosities
C. The anterior fetal chin passes under the symphysis and flexion of the head occurs
D. A & C
E. A, B & C
D. A & C
A. In face presentation, labor may initially start in brow presentation
C. The anterior fetal chin passes under the symphysis and flexion of the head occurs
Fibrin and old hemorrhage lie between the placenta and the overlying amniochorion
A. circummarginate placenta
B. circumvallate placenta
C. placenta abruptio
D. annular placentation
A. circummarginate placenta
Safest interval of delivery between first and
second twin
A. 30 mins
Amionic, Chorionic
13 days
Conjoined Twins
DIC increases the risk
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Abruptio Placenta
normal amniochorion draped over preexisting uterine synechia. Risk of preterm delivery and placental abruption.
A. Amniotic Cyst
B. Amnion nodosum
C. Amniotic Band
D. Amniotic Sheets
D. Amniotic Sheets
Amionic, Chorionic
4 days
Diamnionic, Dichorionic Twin Pregnancy (2 embryo, 2
amnion, 2 chorion)
posterm definition
42 completed weeks or 294 days
For the following hemoglobin levels, what should be administered
10-11 g/dl 9-9.9 g/dl <9 g/dl <8.5 g/dl <7 g/dl
10-11 g/dl Oral Iron, 200 mg/day 9-9.9 g/dl Iron Sucrose, 200mg 1-2x/wk <9 g/dl Iron Sucrose, 200mg 2x/wk <8.5 g/dl rHEPO with Iron Sucrose <7 g/dl Blood Transfusion
ductus venosus Doppler parameters were the primary cardiovascular factor in predicting neonatal outcome
True or False
. True
- urine not visible within the donor’s bladder
3. abnormal doppler status of the umbilical artery, ductus venosus, or umbilical vein
partial head with limbs
arcardius myelocephalus
Initial workup for IDA
Inital work up
A. red cell indices
B. hct
C. Serum ferritn
Breus mole
A. Retroplacental hematoma
B. Subchorionic hematoma
C. Subamnionic hematoma
D. Subchorional thrombosis
D. Subchorional thrombosis
Hypertension is a risk factor
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Abruptio Placenta
OB attempts or maneuver to rotate a posterior position to a more favorable anterior mentum position are rarely successful and are associated with fetal morbidity and mortality which includes:
A. Fetal cervical spine injury B. Neurological impairment C. Erb Duchenne D. A and B E. A, B and C
C. Erb Duchenne
Which of the ffg is the standard in the evaluation and management of growth restricted fetuses?
Serial biometry
Non stress test
Doppler velocimetry
Amniotic fluid measurement
Doppler velocimetry
Twin-twin transfusion syndrom is most
common in?
Which of the ffg fetal biometric measurements is the most frequently abnormal in growth restricted fetuses?
Femur length
Biparietal diameter
Head circumference
Abdominal circumference
Abdominal circumference
he primary modality to assess fetal growth restriction:
A. fundic height
B. serum analyte
C. Ultrasound
D. abdominal assessment of fetal weight
A. fundic height
By international definition of prolonged gestation, which of the following is correct?
a. 284 or more from first day LMP
b. 41 and 0/7 weeks
c. 2 weeks beyond term gestation
d. none of the above
d. none of the above
Prominent vaginal examination in persistent occiput position include/s
A. Posterior fontanel is on the anterior quadrant of the pelvis
B. Anterior and Posterior sutures are deflected
C. Lambda shaped Posterior fontanel is in the posterior quadrant of the pelvis
D. A and B
E. B and C
B. Anterior and Posterior sutures are deflected
C. Lambda shaped Posterior fontanel is in the posterior quadrant of the pelvis
Refers to the fertilization of 2 ova during the
same cycle but at separate days and the sperms
not necessarily from the same man
B. Superfecundation
IDA diagnosis
. Microcytic hypochromic
. Serum ferritin LOW
. Can go <7
What level of hemoglobin will you administer the following
Oral Iron, 200 mg/day Iron Sucrose, 200mg 1-2x/wk Iron Sucrose, 200mg 2x/wk rHEPO with Iron Sucrose Blood Transfusion
10-11 g/dl Oral Iron, 200 mg/day 9-9.9 g/dl Iron Sucrose, 200mg 1-2x/wk <9 g/dl Iron Sucrose, 200mg 2x/wk <8.5 g/dl rHEPO with Iron Sucrose <7 g/dl Blood Transfusion
which biometric measurement/parameter in ultrasound highly affected by fetal growth disturbances
a. head circumference
b. bpd
c. abdomen circumference
d. femur length
c. abdomen circumference
Placenta previa can result to fetal growth restriction
True or False
Several placental abnormalities may cause poor fetal growth.
High incidence of perinatal mortality associated with transverse lie is reportedly due to high risk of
A. Prematurity
B. Birth asphaxia
C. Low birth weight
D. Perinatal infection
A. Prematurity
type of forceps used in vaginal birth after cs
piper forceps
What phase of fetal growth does most fetal fat andglycogen accumulates?
A. Phase of cellular hyperplasia
B. Cellular hyperplasia & hypertrophy
C. Cellular hypertrophy
D. Cellular atrophy
C. Cellular hypertrophy
IDA patients who cannot tolerate oral iron should be advised:�
A. Iron sucrose IV
B. Iron dextran IM
D. Recombinant erythropoietin
B. Iron dextran IM
Which of the following scenario is vaginal delivery possible in preterm transverse lie?
Fetal shoulder is forced and accommodated in large pelvis
Fetal assumes �conduplicato corpore� attitude
One arm prolapses and is delivered first followed by the shoulder
None of the above
Fetal assumes �conduplicato corpore� attitude
Placental dysfunction in post term pregnancy
a. placental hemorrhage
b. placental apoptosis
c. increased cord blood erythro�
e. B & C
e. B & C (a. placental hemorrhage / c. increased cord blood erythro�)
preterm labor prediction:
best at 28 weeks
fetal fibronectin levels (other is cervical length)
1st phase of fetal growth
16 weeks - hyperplasia
B. Anemia with chronic disease
C. Both
Total iron demand in pregnancy - Microcytic Hypochromic morphology - _ serum ferritin levels � _serum ferritin levels - Recombinant erythropoietin for treatment �
Total iron demand in pregnancy - IDA
Microcytic Hypochromic morphology � BOTH
_ serum ferritin levels � ANEMIA WITH CHRONIC DISEASE
_serum ferritin levels - IDA
Recombinant erythropoietin for treatment � ANEMIA WITH CHRONIC DISEASE
What is the most common type of vascular
anastomosis in twin- twin transfusion syndrome?
Aa, av, vv
Later in adult life, one who had a history of Fetal Growth Restriction has higher incidence of?
IUGR Sibling
Severe malnutrition
Hematoma starts at basalis layer
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Abruptio Placenta
Umbilical cord vessel thrombosis
A. Umbilical artery
B. Umbilical vein
C. U. Art. & Vein
B. Umbilical vein
what is the most common type of vascular
anastomosis in twin- twin transfusion syndrome?
Aa, av, vv
artery to artery
What is the objective of the internal rotation of the face?
To flex the head
To bring chin under symphysis pubis
Short neck can span the anterior surface of the sacrum
The longer occipito-mental diameter can pass through the symphysis pubis
To bring chin under symphysis pubis
Possible etiological factor/s for Face presentation:
A. Lax uterus, multifetal pregnancies, polyhydramnios
B. Deflexed fetal head
C. Dolicocephalic fetus (means: long head)
D. A & B
E. A, B & C
A. Lax uterus, multifetal pregnancies, polyhydramnios
B. Deflexed fetal head
C. Dolicocephalic fetus (means: long head)
External podalic version in the management of transverse lie requires an intact bag of water, placenta and should be performed safely on this age of gestation
A. 32-34 weeks
B. 34-36 weeks
C. 36-37 weeks
D. Beyond 40 weeks
C. 36-37 weeks
What is the modality offered to test for aneuploidy and infection for severe growth restriction (EFW = >3%) with gestational age >24 weeks
A. Noninvasive prenatal testing
B. Amniocentesis
C. Cordocentesis
D. Chorionic Villous Sampling
B. Amniocentesis
Substance abuse such as intake of heroin is associated with decreased birthweight by lowering the fetal plasma level of this hormone?
Omentin 1
Etiology of face or brow as /are
A. Preterm B. Increasing parity C. CPD D. a and b E. AOTA
Normal delivery may be attempted if the fetus is dead and the mother is stable
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Abruptio Placenta
A separating membrane of 0.3 cm is highly
suggestive of?
Iron (Ferrous sulfate) daily requirement for pregnant woman�
A. 10-20 mg
B. 30-60 mg
C. 90-120 mg
D. 150-180 mg
B. 30-60 mg
Asymmetic growth restriction resulting from intrinsic fetal factor including aneuploidy, congenital malformations or infections
True or False
. False
in post term what does viscous AF signify
thick meconium that may be aspirated
The greatest direct antenatal risk factor for shoulder dystocia is:
A. History of shoulder dystocia in a prior vaginal delivery
B. Fetal macrosomia
C. GDM, overt DM, and impaired glucose tolerance
D. Contracted pelvis
C. GDM, overt DM, and impaired glucose tolerance
The most frequent cause of placental abruption is
A. Prior CS
C. Chorioamnionitis
D. Advanced maternal age
C. Chorioamnionitis
Optimal timing to decrease rate of fetal growth restriction is with pregnancy interval of
a. <6mos
b. 6-12 mos
c. 12-18 mos
d. 18-23 mos
b. 6-12 mos
Amionic, Chorionic
8-13 days
Monoamnionic, Monochorionic Twin The chorion and
amnion has already differentiated (2 embryo with
common amniotic san and common chorion)
The mechanism of labor consists of the cardinal movements following engagement in face presentation descent takes place, the widest diameter of the fetal head negotiating the pelvis is
A. Suboccipitobregmatic
C. Mentooccipital
D. Frontooccipital
C. Mentooccipital
Type of hematoma found between the placenta and adjacent decidua
A. Retroplacental hematoma
B. Subchorionic hematoma
C. Subamnionic hematoma
D. Subchorional thrombosis
A. Retroplacental hematoma
preterm labor prediction:
best at 24 weeks
cervical length (other is fetal fibronectin levels)
max velocity weight gain
37 weeks
Mentum (anterior/posterior) is deliverabl via vaginal delivery
Mentum anterior is deliverable via vaginal delivery
In compound presentation, vertex-arm combination is the most frequent type of presentation?
A. True
B. False
A. True
G5P4 (4004) after delivering vaginally, the uterus remained boggy. What management?
A. Misoprostol
B. Peripartum Hysterectomy
B. Peripartum Hysterectomy
Which differentiates face from breech during IE?
Breech and ischial tuberosities in same line (Anus and ischial tuberosities in straight line)
Mouth and malar eminence form a triangle
Mouth is bigger than anus
A and B
A and B
Breech and ischial tuberosities in same line (Anus and ischial tuberosities in straight line)
Mouth and malar eminence form a triangle
he chorion periphery is thickened, opaque, gray-white circular ridge composed of double fold of chorion and amnion.
A. circummarginate placenta
B. circumvallate placenta
C. placenta abruptio
D. annular placentation
B. circumvallate placenta
CS is the management for all cases
Abruptio Placenta
Placenta Previa
Placenta Previa
Type of hematoma found between the chorion and decidua
A. Retroplacental hematoma
B. Subchorionic hematoma
C. Subamnionic hematoma
D. Subchorional thrombosis
B. Subchorionic hematoma
Amionic, Chorionic
4-8 days
Diamnionic, Monochorionic Twin (2 embryo, 2 amnion,
1 chorion)
a 42 y/o G2P1 was noted to have a large amount of subchorionic hemorrhage by ultrasound at 10 weeks AOG. The pregnancy progressed. At 22 weeks AOG, she had vaginal bleeding. A repeat ultrasound showed oligohydramnios. What is the clinical diagnosis?
A.Placenta previa with severe hemorrhage
B.Chronic abruptiooligohydramnios sequence
C.Abruptio placenta with concealed hemorrhage
D.Placenta accrete with ruptured membrane
B.Chronic abruptiooligohydramnios sequence
The UZ finding of �twin peak� is seen in what
type of twinning?
B. Diamnionic,dichorionic