Path slide set 2 Flashcards
Do NOT express CD5 or CD10 but DO express CD43
pain on swalowing
PUD within gastric FUNDUS or BODY, is usually accompanied by what
lesser acid secretion as a result of mucosal atrophy
what bacteria has some serotypes that decrease risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma
helicobacter pylori
Patients with GAVE may present with what
occult fecal blood or iron deficiency anemia
Eosinophilic gastritis can also occur in association with immune disorders such as what?
- systemic sclerosis
- polymyositis
- parasitic infections
- H. pylori infection
Describe the pathogenesis of autoimmune gastritis
- loss of parietal cells responsible for gastric acid intrinsic factor
- no acid –> more gastrin release (hypergastrinemia and hyperplasia of antral G cells)
- no intrinsic factor ->no ileal vitamin absorption (B12 deficiency and megaloblastic anemia (pernicious))
- no serum pepsinogen I from chief cell destruction
The clinical presentation of autoimmune gastitis may be linked to symptoms of
In the US, H. pylori infection is associated with what
- poverty
- household crowding
- limited education
- African or Mexican Americans
- residence in rural areas
- birth outside the US
which type of gastric adenocarcinoma is early satiety a symptom of
primarily diffuse
erosion denotes loss of what
epithelium resulting in a superficial mucosal defect
What represent an induced form of MALT, that has potential to transform into lymphoma in H. pylori gastritis
lymphoid aggregates, some with germinal centers
what genetic diseases confer increased risk of congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Turner and trisomy 18
Autoimmune gastritis is characterized by what
diffuse mucosal damage of the oxyntic (acid producing) mucosa within the body and fundus
Submucosal glands are most abundant in proximal and distal esophagus, contibute to mucosal protection by secreting what?
mucin and bicarbonate
idipathic ledge-like protrusions of mucosa that may causes obstruction of esophagus
- semi-circumferential
- nonprogressive dysphagia associated with incompletely chewed food
Esophageal mucosal Webs
Variceal hemorrhage is an emergency that can be treated medically how?
by inducing splanchnic vasoconstriction or endoscopically by sclerotherapy (injection of thrombotic agents), balloon tamponade, or variceal ligation
Pseudomembranes composed of densely matted fungal hypae
Stress related mucosal disease occurs in what patients?
- severe trauma
- extensive burns
- intracranial disease
- major surgery
- serious medical disease
GIST composed of elongated cells
Spindle cell type
characterized by intestinal metaplasia within the esophageal squamous mucosa
Barrett esophagus
what type of ulcer?
- rounded and less than 1 cm
- base stained brown to black
- anywhere in stomach and often multiple
- sharply demarcated
- Absent scarring and blood vessel thickenings
Acute stress ulcer
Race and gender for esophageal adenocarcinoma
- most frequent in caucasians
- strong gender bias. . .7X more males
blood to upper 1/3 of esophagus
inferior thyroid A.
The cardia and antrum are lines mainly with what?
mucin-secreting foveolar cells that form small glands
Barrett esophagus can only be identified through what?
endoscopy and biopsy
3 forms of esophageal dysmotility
- Nutcracker esophagus
- Diffuse esophageal spasm
- hypertensive LES
Gastric carcinoid tumors may be associated with what?
- endocrine cell hyperplasia
- autoimmune chronic atrophic gastritis
- MEN-1
- and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
when does congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis present?
presents as what?
between third and sixth weeks
regurgitation, projectile, NONBILIOUS vomiting after feeding, and frequent demands for re-feeding
most common age for GERD
over 40
symptoms with esophageal adenocarcinoma
- pain or difficultly swallowing
- progressive weight loss
- hematemesis
- chest pain
- vomiting
Time for pain in peptic ulcer
1 to 3 hours after meals during the day and worse at night (bt 11 pm and 2 am)
in the stomach, MALT is induced by what
chronic gastritis from H. pylori
most common cause of diffused atrophic gastritis
Benign tumors of the esophagus are generally what?
mesenchymal, smooth muscle . . leiomyomas most common
Ulcers occurring in proximal duodenum and associated with severe burns or trauma
Curling ulcer
exuberant reactive epithelial proliferation associated with entrapment of epithelial-lined cysts
Gastritis cystica
Meckel diverticulum occurs where?
carcinoid tumors that produce gastrin may cause waht
Zollinger Ellison syndrome
Rash distribution for eosinophilic esophagitis in adults
- upper arms
- back
- wrists
- hands
- fingers
- feet
- toes
What are some diagnostic tests for H. pylori in addition to histologic identification
- noninvasive serologic test for antibodies to H. pylori
- fecal bacterial detection
- urea breath test . . generation of ammonia by bacterial urease
Prognosis of a GIST correlates with what
- size
- mitotic index
- location
What is the Virulent toxin produced by H. pylori that may be involved in disease progression
submucosal artery that does not branch properly within the wall of the stomach . . diameter 10 times the size of mucosal capillaries
Dieulafoy lesion
type of gastric adenocarcinoma that tends to form bulky masses
intestinal type
What mutation of breast cancer patients causes increased risk for diffuse gastric cancer
Gender for hirschsprung
When females involved the segment is longer
Narrowing of the esophageal lumen generally caused by fibrous thickening of submucosa and associated with atrophy of the muscularis propria as well as secondary epithelial damage
benign esophageal stenosis
majority of individuals with eosinophilic esophagitis are ___
- asthma
- allergic rhinitis
- atopic dermatitis
Blood to lower 1/3 of esophagus
left Gastric A.
uncommon diseases characterized by giant “cerebriform” enlargement of the rugal folds due to epithelial hyperplasia without inflammation
hypertrophic gastropathies
mucosal lining of meckel diverticulaum may resemble that of normal small intestine but what ectopic tissue may be present and what may it secrete
- pancreatic
- gastric . . may secrete acid causing a peptic ulceration
length of esophagus
18-22 cm
type of gastric adenocarcinoma that infiltrates the wall diffusely, thickens it, and is typically composed of SIGNET RING CELLS
diffuse type
neuropathic changes in autoimmune gastritis
- demyelination
- axonal degeneration
- neuronal death
Any gastritis that contains well-formed granulomas or aggregates of epitheloid macrophages
Granulomatous gastritis
large Zenker diverticulum may produce what symptoms
regurgitation and halitosis
cutaneous flushing, sweating, bronchospasm, colicky abdominal pain, diarrhea, and right sided cardiac valvular fibrosis
carcinoid syndrome
Treatment for both primary and secondary achalasia
laparoscopic myotomy and pneumatic balloon dilatation
Botox injection to inhibit LES cholinergic neurons can also be effective
Cerebral manifestions of pernicious anemia and subacute combined degeneration of the cord
range from mild personality changes and memory loss to psychosis
characteristics of foregut carcinoid tumor
- rarely metastasize
- generally cured by resection
GIST dominated by epithelial appearing cells
epithelioid type
symptoms of GIST may be related to
mass effect
high grade dysplasia in Barrett esophagus shows what?
more severe cytologic and architectural changes. with progression, epithelial cells may invade the lamina propria, a feature that defines intramucosal carcinoma
similar to Webs but are CIRCUMFERENTIAL, thicker, and include mucosa, submucosa, and occoasionally hypertrophic muscularis propria
esophageal RINGS or SCHATZKI rings
these polyps occur in individuals with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
- Fundic gland polyps
- Gastric adenoma
most common site of acquired diverticula
sigmoid colon
The gastinomas of ZE syndrome are most commonly found where?
small intestine and pancreas
esophageal SCC most commonly presents with what?
dysphagia, odynophagia (pain on swallowing), or obstruction
- weight loss
- anemia or hemorrhage
Autoimmune gastritis is characterized by what?
- antibodies to parietal cells and intrinsic factor that can be detected in serum and gastric secretions
- reduced serum pepsinogen I concentration
- Endocrine cell hyperplasia
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- defective gastric acid secretion (achlorhydria)
lymph node metastasis with esophageal SCC: upper 3rd
cervical nodes
what is the COX-2 selective inhibitor that can result in gastropathy and gastritis
What is probably causing an increase in cancer of the gastric cardia?
related to Barrett esophagus and may reflect the increasing incidence of chronic GERD and obesity
structures for foregut carcinoid tumor
- stomach
- duodenum proximal to ligament of Treitz
- esophagus
primary mode of treatment for Hirschsprung
surgical resection of the aganglionic segment followed by anastomosis of the normal proximal colon to the rectum
The presence of this . . . . a preinvasive change in Barrett esophagus is associated with prolonged symptoms, longer segment length, increased patient age, and caucasian race
Mutations which cause loss of SDF function confer increased risk for what 2 things? . . what is the syndrome?
GIST and paraganglioma
Carney-Stratakis syndrome
geographic highest rates for esophageal adenocarcinoma
- US
- UK
- Canada
- Australia
- Netherlands
- Brazil
immunohistochemical stains for synaptophysin and chromogranin A
carcinoid tumor
Meckel diverticulum occurs as a result of what?
failed involution of the vitelline duct
impaired relaxation and spasm of what muscle after swallowing can result in increased pressure within distal pharynx
cricopharyngeus muscle
Age and gender for intestinal type gastric cancer
mean of 55 and males 2:1
mucosal inflammatory process of stomach . . neutrophils present
acute gastritis
What is tylosis
risk factor for esophageal SCC . . RHBDF2 mutation . . Howel-Evans syndrome
Since chronic inflammation drives the development of inflammatory or hyperplastic polyps, the incidence depends partly on regional prevalence of what
H. pylori
majority or inflammatory or hyperplastic polyps are how big
smaller than 1 cm
Most common form of PUD occurs where and as a result of what?
within gastic antrum or duodenum
chronic, H. pylori induced antral gastritis which is associated with increased gastric acid secretion and decreased duodenal bicarbonate secretion
A less severe chemical injury to esophageal mucosa can occur when medicinal pills lodge and dissolve in the esophagus rather than passing into the stomach intact . .this is called
pill-induced esophagitis
When present in esophagitis, ulceration is accompanied by what?
superficial necrosis with granulation tissue and eventual fibrosis
concurrent erosion and hemorrhage is termed
acute erosive hemorrhagic gastritis
highest geographic incidence for esophageal SCC
- Iran
- central china
- Hong Kong
- Brazil
- South africa
Local invasion to where is common in gastric cancer
- duodenum
- pancreas
- retroperitonem
over time . .esophageal SCC lesions may look like what/
polypoid, or exophytic and protrude into and obstruct the lumen
up to 75% of all gastric polyps are what
inflammatory or hyperplastic polyps
on a very basic level, Gastropathy and Acute Gastritis can occur when what happens?
- increase injurious agents leading to damage
- impaired defenses
Although they grow slowly, 60-90% of the gatrinomas in ZE are what
This form of gastritis is characterized by tissue damage associated with dense infiltrates of eosinophils in the mucosa and muscularis
eosinophilic gastritis
what drugs exposure either orally or via mother’s milk, in the first 2 weeks of life have been linked to increased incidence in congenital hypertrophic stenosis
erythromycin or azithromycin
2 types of esophageal cancer
- adenocarcinoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
location for esophageal SCC
middle 3rd
in contrast to H. pylori gastritis, autoimmune gastritis typically spares the ______ and is asoociated with _______
antrum; hypergastinemia
most common specific cause of granulomatous gastritis in Western populations
Crohn Disease
followed by sarcoidosis and infections (mycobacteria, fungi, CMV, and H. pylori)
Greatest concern of Barrett esophagus
increased risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma
Pernicious anemia and autoimmune gastritis are often associated with other autoimmune diseases such as?
- Hashimoto thyroiditis
- insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes
- Addison disease
- Primary ovarian failure
- Primary hypoparathyroidism
- Graves disease
- Vitiligo
- Myasthenia gravis
- Lambert-Eaton syndrome
majority of adenomas are composed of what type of epithelium
intestinal type columnar that exhibits varying degrees of dysplasia
mechanism by which SDH mutations lead to GIST
accumulation of succinate leads to dysregulation of HIF-1a leading to increase in VEGF and IGF1R
genetic variants in what proinflammatory and immune response genes are associated with elevted risk of gastric cancer when accompanied by H. pylori
- IL-1b
- IL-10
- IL-8
- TLR4
Rare hypertrophic gastropathy associated with excessive secretion of TGF-alpha
Menetrier Disease
large cytoplasmic mucin vacuoles and peripherally displaces crescent shaped nuclei
signet ring cells of diffuse type gastric adenocarcinoma
congenital aganglionic megacolon is another name for ?
Hirschsprung Disease
pill induced esophagitis occurs at what sites
strictures which impedes passage
Diagnosis of Barrett esophagus requires what?
endoscopic evidence of metaplastic columnar mucosa above the gastroesophageal junctions
H. Pylori virulence is linked to what factors
- Flagella
- Urease
- Ahesins
- Toxins
the most common translocation for MALT brings together what genes
API2 on 11
MLT on 18
API2-MLT fusion gene
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZE) is caused by what?
gastrin secreting tumors (gastinomas)
Carcinoid syndrome is caused by what/
tumor secreting vasoactive substances into systemic circulation
origin of a GIST
interstitial cells of Cajal or pacemaker cells of the GI muscularis propria
Hemorrhage in gastritis may occur and cause what
dark punctae and hyperemic mucosa
What is ALWAYS affected in hirschsprung
Rash distribution for eosinophilic esophagitis in childhood
- flexural folds of extremities (antecubital, popliteal)
- neck
- ankles
Gastric adenomas and malignant potential
they are pre-malignant neoplastic lesions
histology in more significant cases of GERD
eosinophils recruited into squamous mucosa followed by neutrophils. Basal zone hyperplasia and elongation of lamina propria papillae
When viewed endoscopically, H. pylori infected antral mucosa is usually what?
erythematous and has a coarse or even nodular appearance
By the time symptoms appear with esophageal adenocarcinoma, the tumor has usually spread where?
submucosal lymphatic vessels
distinctive endoscopic appearance of lymphocytic gastritis
-thickened folds covered by small nodules with central aphthous ulceration
Lesions associated with intracranial injury are thought to be caused by direct stimulation of what? which causes hypersecretion of what?
vagal nuclei
gastric acid
In allogeneric hematopoietic stem cell and organ transplant recipients, the bowel is a frequent site for what?
caused by what?
EBV positive B cell lymphoproliferations
T cell deficits from cyclosporine
What host factor genetic polymorphisms are associated with pangastritis, atrophy, and gastric cancer in a patient with H. Pylori infection
- increase in TNF and IL-1B
- Decrease in in IL-10
What form of ACQUIRED megacolon is the only one associated with loss of ganglion cells?
Chagas disease
pattern of H. pylori compared to autoimmune
multifocal rather than diffuse
GISTs without mutations in PDGFRA or KIT have mutations in what other genes that function in the pathway
- NF1
or components of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase complex (SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD)
foregut carcinoid tumor that arises without predisposing factors
more aggressive
This type of gastric cancer predominates in high risk areas and developes from precursor lesions, including flat dysplasia and adenomas
Intestinal type
rule of 2’s for Meckel diverticulum
- 2% of population
- within 2 feet of ileocecal valve
- approximately 2 inches long
- twice as common in males
- most often symptomatic by age 2
if GERD like symptoms but no acid reflux and high doses of proton pump inhibitors don’t relieve
eosinophilic esophagitis
classic peptic ulcer description
if gastritic cystica is found in deeper layers of gastric wall
gastritis cystica profunda
size of GIST
as much as 30 cm
risk of dysplasia correlates with what?
length of esophagus affected
Extranodal lymphomas arise most commonly where
GI tract particularly the stomach
What type of esophageal dysmotility: repetitive simultaneous contractions of DISTAL esophageal smooth muscle
Diffuse Esophageal spasm