path respiratory - formatted Flashcards
- 1.APRIL02 Which of the following best describes the most common macroscopic’ appearance of bronchioalveolar carcinoma of the lung?
- Central hilar mass
- Peripheral solitary mass favouring the upper lobes
- Peripheral mass, usually as multiple diffuse nodules with tendency to coalescence
- Central area of ill-defined consolidation
- Bilateral ill-defined unresolving multifocal consolidation
**AJV: SHIT QUESTION!!!!!!!!, waste my time with this shit.
no longer called bronchioalveolar carcinoma. Now called Adenocarcinoma in-situ.
- no macroscopic description in Robbins.
- Robbins “lesion <3 cm, composed entirely of dysplastic cells growing along preexisting alveolar septae”
- Statdx: “GGN or part-solid nodule <3 cm”, “purely lepidic growth.
- no lobar association.
- LW: Robbins states “BAC involve peripheral parts of lung as either single nodule, or more often as multiple diffuse nodules that may coalesce to produce pneumonia like consolidation” hence answer 3 is preferred.
2. Peripheral solitary mass favouring the upper lobes 3. Peripheral mass, usually as multiple diffuse nodules with tendency to coalescence Adenocarcinomas in situ (AIS) of the lung refer to a relatively new entity for a pre-invasive lesion in the lung. This entity partly replaces the noninvasive end of the previous term bronchoalveolar carcinoma. Adenocarcinoma in situ is defined as a localised adenocarcinoma of <3 cm that exhibits a lepidic growth pattern, with neoplastic cells along the alveolar structures but without stromal, vascular, or pleural invasion 1.- < 3 cm- no invasion- lepidic growth
- 2.APRIL02 Lung carcinomas are associated with the following paraneoplastic syndromes, with the EXCEPTION of:
- Lambert-Eaton syndrome (a myasthenia like syndrome)
- Hypocalcaemia
- Gynaecomastia.
- Low serum sodium
- Horner syndrome
- Horner syndrome (not paraneoplastic syndrome)
* *Promethius: “nice try fuckers”
- LW:
- cushing syndrome –> ACTH
- carcinoid syndrome –> serotinin and bradykinin
- Hypocalceamia –> calcitonin
- hypoglycaemia
- PTHrP –>hypercalcaemia
- SIADH –> low Na++
- Eaton Lambert syndrome
- limbic encephalitis
- gynacomasteia –> gonadotrophins.
APRIL02 Concerning mesothelioma, Which of the following statements IS INCORRECT:
- Asbestos workers who smoke have a greater risk of developing mesothelioma than those who do not smoke
- The epithelial form has a better prognosis than the sarcomatous form
- Tumour characteristically extends into the fissures
- Tumour can arise from the parietal or the visceral pleura
- There is a greater risk of developing the tumour with the crocidolite-type of asbestos fibre than anthophyllite.
- Asbestos workers who smoke have a greater risk of developing mesothelioma than those who do not smoke
Mesothelioma, also known as malignant mesothelioma, is an aggressive malignant tumour of the mesothelium. Most tumours arise from the pleura, either from the visceral or parietal pleura.
Given the presence of the mesothelium in different parts of the body, mesothelioma can arise in various locations pleural mesothelioma (~90%) peritoneal mesothelioma (~10%) pericardial mesothelioma (<1%) cystic/multicystic mesotheliomatunica vaginalis testis mesothelioma (<1%)
asbestos-fibre exposure: causes majority of caseserionite-fibre exposure: naturally occurring mineral used in building, particularly in Turkey
simian virus 40 (SV40) radiation exposure
epithelial: ~60%
mixed: 25%
sarcomatoid: 15%
Epithelioid is the most common, followed by biphasic and sarcomatoid respectively. Histologic subtype has significant implications for prognosis, with the poorest outcomes observed for sarcomatoid tumors.
There seems to be no increased risk of mesothelioma in asbestos workers who smoke. This is in contrast to the risk of asbestos-related lung carcinoma, already high, which is markedly magnified by smoking. Thus, for asbestos workers (particularly those who are also smokers), the risk of dying of lung carcinoma far exceeds that of developing mesothelioma.
- 4.APRIL02 Concerning bronchogenic carcinoma, which of the following statements is correct?
- Adenocarcinoma has the strongest correlation with smoking.
- Squamous cell carcinoma is the histologic sub-type that most often produce para-neoplastic syndrome
- Small cell carcinoma is most responsive to chemotherapy
- Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma is a sub-type of large cell carcinoma
- There is no increased risk of developing the tumour in asbestos workers
- Small cell carcinoma is most responsive to chemotherapy (Small cell is sensitive to radiotherapy & chemotherapy, with potential cure rates of 15 – 25 % for localized disease)
APRIL02 Concerning bronchogenic carcinoma, which of the following statements is correct?
- Adenocarcinoma has the strongest correlation with smoking. (Small cell > Squamous show strongest association with Smoking)
- Squamous cell carcinoma is the histologic sub-type that most often produce para-neoplastic syndrome (Small cell)
- Small cell carcinoma is most responsive to chemotherapy (Small cell is sensitive to radiotherapy & chemotherapy, with potential cure rates of 15 – 25 % for localized disease. However, most patients with small cell carcinoma have distant metastases at diagnosis. Thus, even with treatment, the mean survival after diagnosis is only about 1 year.)
- Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma is a sub-type of large cell carcinoma (F - adenocarcinoma)
- There is no increased risk of developing the tumour in asbestos workers (F- Asbestos exposure also increases the risk for lung cancer development. The latent period before the development of lung cancer is 10 to 30 years. Lung cancer is the most frequent malignancy in individuals exposed to asbestos, particularly when coupled with smoking. Asbestos workers who do not smoke have a five-fold greater risk of developing lung cancer than do nonsmoking control subjects, and those who smoke have a 55-fold greater risk.)
- 13.02.51 The following are not associated with primary TB
- Consolidation
- Lung disease of secondary TB worse than primary
- Ghon complex defined as the pulmonary lesion only
- Ghon complex defined as the pulmonary lesion only
= calcifed parenchymal focus (Ghon focus) + node
NB: ranke = gohn + calcified LN
- 5.APRIL02 Concerning pulmonary tuberculosis, which of the following statements IS INCORRECT?
- Primary infection is usually asymptomatic
- The Ghon focus is characteristic of post-primary (secondary) tuberculosis
- Cavitation is characteristically seen in reactivation of tuberculosis
- In miliary tuberculosis, grey-white nodules are scattered throughout the lung parenchyma and the pleura
- Bronchial stenosis is a complication
- The Ghon focus is characteristic of post-primary (secondary) tuberculosis (Initial focus of 1° infection = Ghon complex)
Gohn Focus = primary infection of bacilli causing small inflammatory consolidation focus.
Gohn compex = Combination of parenchymal lung lesion (Gohn focus) and nodal involvement.
Ranke complex = Progressive fibrosis of Gohn complex, becoming radiologically calcified.
- 5.APRIL02 Concerning pulmonary tuberculosis, which of the following statements IS INCORRECT?
- Primary infection is usually asymptomatic (Usually progresses to fibrosis & calcification (asymptomatic)
- The Ghon focus is characteristic of post-primary (secondary) tuberculosis (Initial focus of 1° infection = Ghon complex)
- Cavitation is characteristically seen in reactivation of tuberculosis (Erosion into a bronchiole & drainage of caseous focus → CAVITY)
- In miliary tuberculosis, grey-white nodules are scattered throughout the lung parenchyma and the pleura
- Bronchial stenosis is a complication
- 6.APRIL02 A patient with known coal worker’s pneumoconiosis has a CXR. They have increased risk of all of the following conditions WITH THE EXCEPTION of:
- Tuberculosis
- Bronchogenic carcinoma
- Progressive massive fibrosis
- Chronic bronchitis
- Emphysema
AJV: Shit question (probably old).
From robbins
- No increased risk for TB
- No increased predispositions for lung Ca.
- No association with chronic bronchitis.
- <10% develop progressive massive fibrosis leading to pHTN and cor pulmonae
- Can sometimes give rise to centrilobular emphysema.
- 7.APRIL02 Concerning bacterial pneumonia, which of the following statements IS INCORRECT?
- Klebsiella pneumoniae causes lobar pneumonia with abundant inflammatory exudate
- Streptococcus pyogenes is the commonest cause of community-acquired pneumonia
- Haemophilus influenzae causes round pneumonia
- Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia is associated with abscess formation
- Haemorrhagic oedema of hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes is characteristic of inhalational anthrax
- Streptococcus pyogenes
- 8.APRIL02 A patient with known asbestos exposure has an abnormal CXR. Which of the following conditions IS NOT asbestos related?
- Pleural effusion
- Non calcified pleural plaques
- Laryngeal carcinoma
- Bronchogenic carcinoma
- Pulmonary microlithiasis
- Pulmonary microlithiasis
- 9.APRIL02 Which of the following statements concerning asbestos exposure IS LEAST correct?
- There is an increased incidence of carcinoma in families of asbestos workers
- Histologically asbestosis is characterised by a diffuse basal pulmonary fibrosis with visible asbestos fibres encased in an ironcontaining proteinaceous coating.
- The pulmonary fibrosis begins around the respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts.
- Macroscopic nodule formation may occur in patients with rheumatoid disease
- While the risk is markedly increased the overall lifetime incidence of mesothelioma with heavy asbestos exposure remains low – in the order of 1 in 1000.
A: LEAST CORRECT: While the risk is markedly increased the overall lifetime incidence of mesothelioma with heavy asbestos exposure remains low – in the order of 1 in 1000.
Actual fact is: The lifetime risk of developing mesothelioma in heavily exposed individuals is as high as 7-10% (1 in 100). There is a long latent period of 25-45 years for the development of asbestos-related mesothelioma, and there seems to be no increased risk of mesothelioma in asbestos workers who smoke.
- 10.APRIL02 A 68-year-old man has a suspected primary left bronchogenic carcinoma. Which of the, following aspects of a radiological report HAS NO OR LEAST relevance to staging?
- Tumour size greater or less than 5 cm
- Involvement of regional intrapulmonary nodes (separate to hilar or mediastinal nodes)
- Side of any mediastinal node enlargement
- Distance from the carina
- Presence of lobar collapse
- Involvement of regional intrapulmonary nodes (separate to hilar or mediastinal nodes) +/- involvement means that it goes from N0 to N1 can’ remember this as a part of staging system
**LJS - intrapulmonary nodes = N1, so does have relevance. Old question, previously distance to carina was important, now only involvement of carina is (8th edition staging). If this were asked now, distance from carina would be least true
- 13.02.06 Coal workers pneumoconiosis on 6 months follow up chest x-ray least likely finding ? Rob p269
- TB
- Bronchial Ca
- Caplan’s syndrome
- Pulmonary HT
- TB: *LW: robbins states unlike silicosis, there is no convincing evidence that coal dust increases susceptibility to TB: so this is also false
- Bronchial Ca (No ↑ risk of lung cancer)
* LW agrees. - 13.02.06 Coal workers pneumoconiosis on 6 months follow up chest x-ray least likely finding ? Rob p269
Previous answers:
1. TB (Incidence of TB increased)
- Bronchial Ca (No ↑ risk of lung cancer)
- Caplan’s syndrome (Occurs in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis & pneumoconiosis)
- Pulmonary HT (Involvement of pulmonary vasculature by scarring → pulmonary hypertension & cor pulmonale)
- 13.03.02 Patient with suspected C. psittacosis for HRCT ? Rob p310-311, 483
- Inflammation – histiocytes/lymphocytes confined to alveolar walls
- Neutrophilic exudate within alveoli
- Grey/white slough on bronchial walls
- Mucous plugging and areas of atelectasis
- Inflammation – histiocytes/lymphocytes confined to alveolar walls
- C. psittaci is excreted from infected birds and inhaled with dust particles.
- Although human infection may be asymptomatic or mild, C. psittaci also causes a severe pneumonia, also known as ornithosis.
- Lethal generalized disease, most frequent during epidemics, is marked by focal areas of necrosis in the liver and spleen and diffuse mononuclear infiltrates in the kidneys, heart, and (sometimes) brain.
- The alveolar septa are widened and edematous and usually have a mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and occasionally plasma cells.
- In acute cases, neutrophils may also be present.
- The alveoli may be free from exudate, but in many patients there are intra-alveolar proteinaceous material, a cellular exudate, and characteristically pink hyaline membranes lining the alveolar walls, similar to those seen in hyaline membrane disease of infants.
- These changes reflect alveolar damage similar to that seen diffusely in ARDS.
- Subsidence of the disease is followed by reconstitution of the native architecture
- 13.03.41 In pure emphysema VS pure chronic bronchitis? Rob p459
- Emphysema occurs younger
- Chronic bronchitis more likely to have cardiomegaly
- Elastic recoil is preserved in emphysema
- bronchitis earlier and more short of breath
- cor pulmonale more common in emphysema
- Chronic bronchitis more likely to have cardiomegaly (Emphysema small heart vs Bronchitis large heart)
- 13.03.41 In pure emphysema VS pure chronic bronchitis? BRob p459
- Emphysema occurs younger (Emphysema 50-75 vs Bronchitis 40-45)
- Chronic bronchitis more likely to have cardiomegaly (Emphysema small heart vs Bronchitis large heart)
- Elastic recoil is preserved in emphysema
- bronchitis earlier and more short of breath (Dyspnoea - Emphysema severe:early vs Bronchitis mild late)
- cor pulmonale more common in emphysema (Emphysema Rare: terminal vs Bronchitis common)
- 13.03.42 DEFINITION of chronic bronchitis is ? Rob p463
1. Productive cough in 3 consecutive months over for 2 consecutive years
- Productive cough in 3 consecutive months over for 2 consecutive years
- 5.03.40 Young female with tufts of capillary formation? Rob p130
- Primary pulmonary hypertension
- Goodpastures
- Recurrent thromboemboli
- Primary pulmonary hypertension
• Plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy in primary pulmonary hypertension.
Plexogenic arteriopathy has been a term used to describe a constellation of vascular changes occurring in those with pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is considered the histologic hallmark of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension; it is seen in approximately 75% of cases
The term for the clinical situation has not been largely replaced by idiopathic pulmonary hypertension.
chest CT, may been seen as small, tortuous peripheral arteries without a significant connection to pulmonary veins.
Features of background pulmonary hypertension may also be present.
features of pulmonary hypertension on CT- dilated pulmonary trunk- peripheral pruning and tortuousity of pulmonary arteries- right ventricular dilation and/ or hypertrophy- interventricular septal flattening/ bowing- right atrial dilation
- 13.02.10 Definition of Bronchiectasis ? Rob 464
- Permanent dilatation bronchus and bronchioles > accompanying arterioles
- Permanent dilatation bronchus and bronchioles > 1.1 accompanying arterioles
- Chronic Permanent dilatation of the bronchi and bronchioles caused by destruction of the muscle and elastic supporting tissue, resulting from or associated with necrotizing infection of bronchus and bronchioles
- Chronic infection of bronchus and bronchioles
- Cylindrical saccular, varicose dilation of bronchus and bronchioles
- Chronic Permanent dilatation of the bronchi and bronchioles caused by destruction of the muscle and elastic supporting tissue, resulting from or associated with necrotizing infection of bronchus and bronchioles
- 13.03.38 ARDS takes a long time to resolve because Rob p466
- Usually associated with bacterial superinfection
- Always goes on to fibrosis
- Abnormality is due to endothelaial damage and increased capillary permeability.
- Takes a long time for Type II pneumocytes to recover
*LW quoting Robbins:
Organising stage, type 2 pnuemocytes undergo proliferation to try and regenerate the alveolar lining damaged. Resolution is unusual, more commonly there is organisation of the fibrin exudate with resultant intra alveolar septa fibrosis, and marked thickening of alveolar septa, due to proliferation of interstitial cells and collagen deposition.
Fatal cases often have superimposed broncho-pneumonia.
Initial injury is to capillary endothelium most commonly, progressing to both endothelium and alveolar epithelium.
Acute consequences of damage to alveolar capillary membrane include increased vascular permeability, and alveolar flooding, loss of difusion capacity, surfactant abnormalities due to type 2 cell injury, Exudate and diffuse tissue destruction cannot be easily resolved, resulting in organisation with scarring –> chronic disease.
1. Usually associated with bacterial superinfection: not always (tend to be fatal cases), so less correct
- Always goes on to fibrosis: commonly goes onto fibrosis, so partially correct, but term ‘always’ makes me dubious, Robbins Orange box uses the term ‘sometimes goes on to fibrotic scarring’.
- Abnormality is due to endothelaial damage and increased capillary permeability: TRUE.
- Takes a long time for Type II pneumocytes to recover: semi true.
Previous answer:
• the exudate and diffuse tissue destruction that occur with ARDS cannot be easily resolved, and the result is generally organization with scarring, producing severe chronic changes, in contrast to the transudate of cardiogenic pulmonary edema, which usually resolves
- 7.02.55 Hyaline Membrane Disease (‘mild’ form) Rob p466
- Child typically breathless at birth
- Child becomes breathless a short time after birth
- Various durations for recovery
- Child becomes breathless a short time after birth
- At birth may require resuscitation but usually quickly establishes spontaneous breathing + normal colour
- Shortly after (30mins)develops respiratory distress + cyanosis requiring ventilation
- In uncomplicated cases recovery begins in 3 – 4 days
- 13.02.08 Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis ? Rob p468
- Hamman-Rich syndrome
- Desquamative lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis
- Chronic interstitial pneumonitis
- Treatable condition and can progress to UIP
- Chronic form of UIP
- Treatable condition and can progress to UIP
* LW: confusing question with terminology used… - Hamman-Rich syndrome: False –> Acute interstitial pneumonitis.
- Desquamative lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis: False - macrophages predominate = smokers macrophages.
- Chronic interstitial pneumonitis: is a broad umbrella term for interstitial pneumonias of chronic duration, although not radiologically descriptive it tends not to include ground glass appearacnes which DIP is…..
Differing line of thought…symptoms are usually insideous and thus suggest chronicity, and micro shows mild chronic inflammatory changes….
*RY - I would favour this as the correct answer. - Treatable condition and can progress to UIP: most correct option (sub set can progress to fibrosis with continued smoking).
* RY - I disagree with this being the correct answer - although fibrosis can occur, fibrosis is not the same as UIP. “Although initially appealing, there is insufficient evidence to support a theory of DIP and UIP lying at different ends of one disease spectrum. There are no biopsy-proven reports of DIP progressing to UIP and several reports of sequential biopsies in DIP patients showing no such progression. Similarly, no patients with early IPF/UIP show pathologic changes consistent with DIP.” - Chronic form of UIP: False, DIP minimal if any fibrosis, and is usually non progressive (subset can progress to fibrosis with continued smoking).
- 13.03.94 Sarcoid – which is TRUE? Rob p470
- Relapsing/ remitting course
- Complete recovery in 60-80%
- Residual pulmonary/ visusal impairment in 30%
- Complete recovery in 60-80%
- Unpredictable course, may be progressive or marked by periods of activity interspersed with remissions, sometimes permanent
- 65-70% recover with minimal to no residual manifestations
- 20% have permanent loss of lung function or permanent visual impairment.
- 10-15% die of cardiac or CNS damage. Most succumb to progressive fibrosis and cor pulmonale
- 13.03.31 Sarcoid which is MOST ATYPICAL ? Rob p470
- Afro-american
- South East Asian
- Ashkenzai Jew
- Living in tropics
- Male
- South East Asian (rare in Asians – from B&H)
- 13.03.31 Sarcoid which is MOST ATYPICAL ? Rob p470
- Afro-american (Most common)
- South East Asian (rare in Asians – from B&H)
- Ashkenzai Jew (no mention of this)
- Living in tropics (no mention of this)
- Male (more prevalent in females, but race more important overall)
- 13.02.07 Sarcoid What is true answer? Rob p470
- Hypogammaglobulinemia
- Subpleural interstitial fibrosis
- Bone lesion distal and proximal femur
- 50% affect spleen and liver
A: Subpleural interstitial fibrosis.
From robbins
- HYPERgammaglobulinemia.
- Bone marrow involvement mainly of the hands and feet.
- Spleen affected in 3/4s of cases but enlarged in only 1/5th.
- Liver is affected slightly less than the spleen.
From radiopaedia. 3 main patterns of sarcoid fibrosis described corresponding to pulmonary function testing results:
- central bronchial distortion or bronchiectasis featuring air trapping, with predominantly obstructive physiology.
- peripheral honeycombing, with predominantly restrictive physiology and low DLCO: subpleural, mainly the middle and upper lung zones, lower lobes predominance resembling UIP is rare
- diffuse linear fibrotic pattern, with more mild effect on respiratory function: typically radiate away from hila in all directions
- 13.02.09 Young girl with moderate to severe sarcoid presents with sudden death – cause? (Normal Calcium Score) Rob p470
- Renal failure
- Pulmonary HT
- Ruptured berry aneurysm
- Hypertensive cerebral haemorrhage
- Cardiac sarcoid
A: Cardiac sarcoid
From Robbins
- of the remaining 10-15%, some die of cardiac or central nervous system damage, but most succumb to progressive pulmonary fibrosis or cor pulmonale.
- 13.02.27 What disease is characterised by non caseating granuloma? Rob p470
- TB
- Chronic Crohn’s
- EG
- Sarcoid
A: Sarcoid **but also see Crohns
From robbins
- TB: Caseating granulomas (Tuberculoma)
- **Chronic Crohns: not characterized by however non-caseating granulomas is a hallmark of Crohn disease, found in 35% of cases.
- Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangitis: Necrotising eosinophilic granulomas
- 13.03.46 In Goodpatures syndrome ? Rob p473
- Lung involvement occurs later than renal
- Lung involvement characterized by necrotizing haemorrhagic pneumonitis
- may avert pulmonary disease with renal treatment
- minimal, same type (pulm/renal disease)
- severe pulmonary disease secondary to vasculitis
- pulmonary disease secondary to granulomatosis
- Lung involvement characterized by necrotizing haemorrhagic pneumonitis true
• A condition characterized by the simultaneous appearance of
- Proliferative gomerulonephritis
- Necrotizing haemorrhagic interstitial pneumonitis
• Characteristic findings of focal proliferative glomerulonephritis in early cases, or rapid progressive/crescentic GN (RPGN) in rapidly progressive cases
SCS: robbins. Additional facts
- if only affecting Kidneys= antiglomerular basement membrane disease
- the term goodpasture designates the 40-60% of pepz who develop pulmonary haemorrhage in addition to renal disease
- male preponderance
- majority are dirty smokers
- most cases begin with lung symptoms ( pricipally haemoptysis and consolidation on CXR). Then manifestations of GN appear.
- cause of death= uraemia
- treat w plasmapheresis + immune suppression.
- 13.03.39 In pulmonary emboli – which is TRUE? Rob p475
- Haemorrhage implies infarction
- Always infarct as vessels are end-arteries
- With haemorrhage underlying parenchyma is preserved
- With haemorrhage underlying parenchyma is preserved
• Smaller emboli can travel out into the more peripheral vessels, where they may or may not cause infarction.
• In patients with adequate cardiovascular function, the
• Only about 10% of emboli actually cause infarction.
• Although the underlying pulmonary architecture may be obscured by the suffusion of blood, hemorrhages are distinguished by the preservation of the pulmonary alveolar architecture; in such cases, resorption of the blood permits reconstitution of the preexisting architecture
• Pulmonary embolism usually causes infarction only when the circulation is already inadequate, as in patients with heart or lung disease.
• For this reason, pulmonary infarcts tend to be uncommon in the young.
• About ¾’s of all infarcts affect the lower lobes, and in more than ½ multiple lesions occur
*SCS - taken from radiopaedia:
Following an occlusive pulmonary embolus, the bronchial arteries are recruited as the primary source of perfusion for the pulmonary capillary network. The higher pressure of the bronchial arteries, in combination with locally increased vascular permeability and capillary endothelial injury, is thought to result in local pulmonary capillary hemorrhage.
- 13.03.47 Incidence of lung cancer ? Rob p498
- Squamous and adeno 20-40%,small 20%, large 10%
- Squamous and small 20-40%,large 20%, adeno 10%
- All 30%
A: Squamous and adeno 20-40%, small 20%, large 10%.
From robbins
- Adenocarcinoma 38%
- SCC 20%
- Small cell carcinoma 14%
- Large cell carcinoma 3%
- other 25%
- 13.03.48 Small cell carcinoma, WHICH IS BEST? Rob p498
- Also known as oat cell
- Neuroendocrine granules and most likely to have paraneoplastic syndrome
- Treatment is with lobectomy and chemotherapy
- Ususally peripheral but has hilar nodes
- Not associated with smoking
A: Neuroendocrine granules and most likely to have paraneoplastic syndrome
Other answers
- “also known as oat cell”: only found on radiopaedia. Not on statdx or robbins.
- Treatment is radiation and chemotherapy only.
- May arise in major bronchi or in the periphery of the lung.
- It has the strongest association with smoking (only 1% of cases occur in non-smokers.
- Treatment is with lobectomy and chemotherapy (Small cell is sensitive to radiotherapy & chemotherapy, with potential cure rates of 15 – 25 % for localized disease)
- Ususally peripheral but has hilar nodes (Central, almost never cavitate)
- Not associated with smoking ( Sqaumous and Small Cell show strongest association with Smoking; only 1% in non-smokers)
- Carefull with the wording in the exam on this one, see below!!
- This highly malignant tumor has a distinctive cell type. The epithelial cells are generally small, have little cytoplasm, and are round or oval and, occasionally, lymphocyte like (although they are about twice the size of a lymphocyte LW - smaller than neighbouring resting Lymphocytes).
- This is the classic oat cell, which is a specific subtype. (not all Small cell are oat cell!!) true
• Other small cell carcinomas have
o spindle-shaped
o polygonal cells
o and may be thus classified (spindle or polygonal small cell carcinoma).
The cells grow in clusters that exhibit neither glandular nor squamous organization.
• Electron microscopic studies show dense-core neurosecretory granules in some of these tumor cells. The granules are similar to those found in the neuroendocrine argentaffin (Kulchitsky) cells present along the bronchial epithelium, particularly in the fetus and neonate.
• 3-10% of lung cancers develop a paraneoplastic syndrome
- 13.02.03 52 year old female, non smoker, 3cm pulmonary mass- query cause? Rob p499
- Primary adenocarcinoma
- Primary SCC
- Primary small cell Ca
- Primary bronchoalveolar
- Metastatic from breast
- Primary adenocarcinoma
• Solitary Metastatic Lung Nodule
o A solitary lung nodule represents a primary lung tumor in 62% in patients with known Hx of neoplasm
o 5% of all solitary nodules are metastatic; most likely origin: colon carcinoma (30-40%), osteosarcoma, renal cell carcinoma, testicular tumor, breast carcinoma
*LW: useful pathological marker is TTF-1: thyroid transcription facot, which is positive in primary lung adenocarcinoma and negtive in pulmonary metastatic disease from extra thoracic adenocarcinoma.
- 13.02.04 67 year old man, 4cm small cell lung Ca, hilar lymph node, no mets- query survival (without treatment)? Rob p499
- 40% 5 years
- 20% 5 years
- 50% 1 year
- 50% 6 months
- 6-18 months
Answer unclear
As Radiopaedia
- Staging IIA: T2aN1M0
- 5 year survival 60%.
However, as per robbins
- In general, the 5-year survival rate is 52% for cases detected when the disease is still localized, 22% when there is regional metastases, and only 4% with distant metastases.
- Untreated, the survival time for patients with small-cell carcinoma is 6-17 weeks. Even with treatment, the mean survival after diagnosis is only about 1 year.
- 13.03.49 Laryngeal cancer ? Rob p507
- Associated with alcohol, smoking and irradiation
- Polyps and nodules are associated with increase risk of cancer
- Usually arises from false cords
- Polyps and nodules usually involve false cords
A: Associated with alcohol, smoking and irradiation
Other statments corrected:
- Polyps and nodules VIRTUALLY NEVER GIVE RISE to cancer
- Laryngeal cancer usually arises from the TRUE CORDS
- Polyps and nodules usually involve the TRUE CORDS
- Asbestos plaques – least associated with ?
- asbestos bodies
- pleural effusions
- anterior/posterolateral site
- diaphragm
- asbestos bodies macrophage ingest asbestos fibre-> collage prolfieration-> stained with haemosiderin and iron
**SCS: Radiopaedia.
An asbestos body is a histological finding in interstitial LUNG disease following a parenchymal (NOT pleural ) biopsy.
Macrophage ingestion of the asbestos fibres triggers a fibrogenic response via the release of growth factors that promote collagen deposition by fibroblasts. The fibres become encased in iron-rich material derived from proteins such as ferritin and haemosiderin.
- 13.02.01 Pleural fibroma. Unusual finding
- Slightly mobile and on pedicle
- 1-2 cm in size
- 8-10 cm in size
- associated with pulmonary effusion
- cystic formation with the mass
A: associated with pulmonary effusion (NO PLEURAL EFFUSION)
From robbins
- may be small (1-2 cm) or may reach an enormous size
- often attached to the pleural surface by a pedicle.
- grossly consists of dense fibrous tissue with occasional cysts filled with viscid fluid.
- no relationship to asbestos exposure.
- Sep03.01 Alpha feto-protein is least likely to be associated with:
- colonic ca
- lung ca
- pancreatic ca
- ?smoking
- nonseminiferous tumour of testes
- Uncomplicated cirrhosis
Liver cell cancer, nonseminomatous germ cell tumors of testis
Less regularly in CA of colon, lung and pancreas
Non-neoplastic : cirrhosis, toxic liver injury, hepatitis and pregnancy (especially when there is foetal distress or death), smoking
- Sep03.30 Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency in a 20 year old. Preoperative assessment for lung transplant. The most likely finding on CT is:
- Hepatic cirrhosis
- Pancreatic…
- Adrenal…
- Hepatic cirrhosis
- Sep03.31 Emphysema
1. centriacinar emphysema constitutes 95% of cases
- Sep03.48 Laryngeal carcinoma
1. associated with asbestos exposure and smoking
risk factors- smoking- alcohol- coffee- asbest
- Sep03.XX Laryngeal Tumour most correct statement
- singers nodules on false cords
- carcinoma on false cords
- carcinoma above true cord
A: carcinoma above the true cord **note only the most correct from those statements (see below).
From Robbins
- Singer nodules located usually on the true vocal cords.
- Carcinoma of the larynx usually develops on the vocal cords (true cords), but may also arise above or below the cords, on the epiglottis or aryepiglottic folds or in the pyriform sinuses.
Additional facts from robbins:
- 95% of laryngeal carcinomas are typical squamous cell tumors.
- Carcinoma of the larynx is most commonly seen in men, 6th decard of life.
- risk factors: smoking, alcohol, absestos, irradiation, HPV infection.
- Sep03.49 Asbestos fibres most likely to be found in :
- Malignant mesothelioma
- Pleural fluid
- Pleural plaque
- Parenchymal biopsy
- Bronchial washings
- Parenchymal biopsy
- Sep03.52 Silicosis vs Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis
- lung cancer
- lower vs upper
- lymph node calcification
- lung cancer
carcinoma and tuberculosis are potential serious complications of silicosis.
- Sep03.74 Paragangliomas
- paraganglioma, chemodectoma and carotid body tumours can be used interchangeably
- often adherent to vessels resulting in incomplete excision and recurrence of 10%
- often adherent to vessels resulting in incomplete excision and recurrence of 10% (frequently recur after incomplete resection)
- 13.02.05 Bronchial carcinoid ? Rob p504
- 0.1-0.05 % lung tumors
- 5th –6th decade of life
- 2-3:1 male:female
- 10% atypical (of which will get carcinoid recurrence in 50%)
- histology keratin pearls
- 10% atypical (of which will get carcinoid recurrence in 50%)
- Bronchial carcinoids represent 1 to 5% of all lung tumors
- Most patients with carcinoid tumors are younger than 40 years of age
- incidence is equal for both sexes
- The reported 5- to 10-year survival rates for typical carcinoids are 50 to 95%.
- A minority (10%) of tumors show cytologic atypia, necrosis, and aggressive behavior (50% recurrence or metastasis after 2 years) and are designated atypical carcinoids. (note: Adelaide notes say 25%!!)
- Histologically the tumor is composed of nests, cords, and masses of cells separated by a delicate fibrous stroma. In common with the lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, the individual cells are quite regular and have uniform round nuclei and infrequent mitoses - note central vs peripheral- typical and atypical
- PATH2004 FAT EMBOLISM..describe
- after fractures of long bones, or rarely in the setting of soft tissue trauma and burns.
- occurs in 90% of individuals with severe skeletal injuries, but less than 10% of such patients have any clinical findings.
- syndrome typically begins 1 to 3 days after injury, with sudden onset of tachypnea, dyspnea, and tachycardia.
- Besides pulmonary insufficiency, the syndrome is characterized by neurologic symptoms, including irritability and restlessness, which can progress to delirium or coma.
- diffuse petechial rash in nondependent areas (occurring in the absence of thrombocytopenia) is seen in 20 to 50% of cases and is useful in establishing a diagnosis.
- Patients may also present with thrombocytopenia, presumably caused by platelets adhering to the myriad fat globules and being removed from the circulation
- anemia may result as a consequence of erythrocyte aggregation and hemolysis
- fatal in up to 10% of cases.
- The pathogenesis of fat emboli syndrome probably involves both mechanical obstruction and biochemical injury (free fatty acids)
- platelet activation and recruitment of granulocytes
- Because lipids are dissolved out of tissue preparations by the solvents routinely used in paraffin embedding, the microscopic demonstration of fat microglobules (i.e., in the absence of accompanying marrow) typically requires specialized techniques, including frozen sections and fat stains.