Pasture Species and Cultivars Flashcards
Define apical meristem
growing point which is a translucent dome of cells
Grasslands Kara - species, growth habit, flowering and grazing
Cocksfoot, erect, mid-season flowering, rotational grazing (not sheep)
Name the most common Italian-type hybrid ryegrass and its persistence range
Grasslands Manawa - 2-3 years
Name 1 early and 1 late flowering cultivar of Timothy
Grasslands Charion early, Grasslands Kahu
What is different about the flowering dates of Timothy than Ryegrass?
Even the early flowering variety of timothy flowers much later than Ryegrass
Grasslands Nui - species, flowering, grazing, ploidy
Diploid perennial ryegrass, early flowering, rotational/set stocked
Ceres Torpedo - species, flowering, grazing / growth habit
Tall fescue, mid flowering, rhizomes so requires lax grazing to increase Summer and Autumn growth.
Fertility requirements of PR and IR
Fertility requirements of Tall Fescue
Fertility requirements of Cocksfoot
Fertility requirements of Phalaris
Fertility requirements of Timothy
Fertility requirements of Prairie Grass
What are the environmental requirements for tetraploid ryegrass?
high fertility, high moisture, lax grazing
Nevis - species, flowering, ploidy
Perennial ryegrass, early flowering tetraploid
Quartet - species, flowering, ploidy
Perennial ryegrass, late flowering tetraploid
What is the main legume species found on a steep dry hill country slope?
Sub Clover
What was the pasture yield on a steep dry hill country slope vs a stock camp
5.8t/ha vs 15.6t/ha
What was the ryegras % on high country steep slope vs a stock camp?
43% ryegrass vs 64% RG
Grasslands Advance - species, growth habit, grazing requirements
Tall Fescue, broad leaf, rotational grazing
Grasslands Maru - species, best time of growth
Phalaris, Autumn and early winter
Tall Fescue Establishment temperature?
10 degrees
Describe the trend in age of grass tillers on a plant
The oldest tillers are found at the bottom and newer tillers at the top.
What is found at the nodes?
shoot buds