past retake retake Flashcards
Pathogen of destructive rhinitis:
o OHV-1
o OHV-2
o OHV-3
o OHV-5
o OHV-2 (Herpesvirusà Malignant catarrhal fever)
What is responsible for the development of grazing
pulmonary edema?
o Switching from poor quality pasture to rich pasture
o Lupinus spp. in the hay
o C. perfringens
o Bovine parainfluenza virus
o Switching from poor quality pasture to rich pasture (increase of proteins in feed)
What treatment would you use for foamy fermentation bloating?
o Sounding, foaming, flaxseed, hay supplementation
o Probing, drinking 5 liters of 10% vinegar
o Feed withdrawal for 3 Days
o No treatment, euthnasia
o Sounding, foaming, flaxseed, hay supplementation
What is characteristic of grazing pulmonary edema?
o Sudden formation, may affected animals
o Chronic course
o Only young animal affected
o High fever
o Sudden formation, may affected animals)
(sudden onset, only adults)
Enzoonotic bronchopneumonia in calves:
o Chronic disease
o Spontaneous recovery from higher fever
o Complex pathological disease
o Usually associated with hypothermia
o Complex pathological disease
Which statement is false about enzootic pneumonia in calves?
o Multifactorial disease
o Predisposing factors play a major role in its development
o Always an acute disease
o Brochodilators
o Always an acute disease
Pathogen of bovine lungworm:
o Dictyocaulus arnfieldi
o Dictyocaulus filaria
o Dictyocaulus eckerti
o Dictyocaulus viviparus
o Dictyocaulus viviparus
What is not subject of notification?
o Sheep-goat smallpox
o Is the sticky lung of cattle
o Scabies
o Infectious bovine laryngitis and tracheitis
o Infectious bovine laryngitis and tracheitis
Gentle feeding to restore rumen pH?
- Easily fermentable carbohydrates in large quantities
- Feeding sugars (e.g. molasses)
- It is mainly hay containing high quality fibers
- Industrial by-products eg. extracted soybean meal
- It is mainly hay containing high quality fibers
Substance formed from carbohydrates during rumen digestion?
- Volatile fatty acids
- Ketone substances
- Long chain fatty acids
- Fats
- Volatile fatty acids
Peripheral blood for measuring beta-hydroxy butyric acid?
- Arterial blood only in a closed blood collection system
- Only the v. blood collected from jugularis
- Blood taken from the tail vein is suitable for measurement
- If peripheral blood is not suitable, blood should be taken from the central vein
- Blood taken from the tail vein is suitable for measurement
Which clinical parameter is useful for early detection of the disease on herd level?
- Brinal condition
- Milk production
- Majority
- Anorexia
- Milk production
Optimal pH range of rumen:
- 7.0-7.5
- 5.5-6.3
- 7.2-8.0
- 6.3- 7.1
- 6.3- 7.1
In subacute rumen acidosis, the pH range of the rumen is
- 2.2 - 2.3
- 3.3 - 3.4
- 4.4 - 5.5
- 5.5-6.5
- 4.4 - 5.5
Time required to restore subclinical rumen acidosis
- 1 day
- 3-5 days
- 2-3 weeks
- 2-3 months
- 2-3 weeks
Clinical signs of acute rumen acidosis?
- Occasionally Kussmaul -type dyspnoea
- Tachycardia
- Nystagemus
- Exsiccoiss
- Occasionally Kussmaul -type dyspnoea
Drugs used in the treatment of acute rumen acidosis?
- MgOxide (500g, p.os)
- Fluid therapy depending on the degree of dehydration (Drench or iv)
- Rumen transfusion
- Ionophore antibiotic therapy p.os
- Fluid therapy depending on the degree of dehydration (Drench or iv)
Prevention of rumen acidosis
- Feeding of high lignite feeds
- Feeding rumen buffers
- Propylene glycol intake
- Ammonium chloride diet
- Feeding rumen buffers
Not used in the therapy of clinical ketosis?
- gluconeoplastic substances
- glucose
- glucocorticol
- gamithromycin
- gamithromycin
What is true for free gas bloat?
- Excessive amounts of butterfly green fodder can also cause feeding
- When foaming, little foamy content can be obtained
- Probing and medical treatment are also available for diagnostic purposes
- His prognosis is unfavorable
- Probing and medical treatment are also available for diagnostic purposes
Peripartal insulin resistance in ruminants:
- Can be measured under stable conditions by HEC test
- The derived index, which can be measure on the basis of the blood parameters is indicated by, for example RQUICK
- If the blood sugar level is less than 3 mmol/liter
- It develops 3 months after calving
- The derived index, which can be measure on the basis of the blood parameters is indicated by, for example RQUICK
Diagnosis of subclinical ketosis?
- Measurement of BHB concentration from peripheral blood
- Determination of RQUICKI derived value
- measurement of insulin from peripheral blood
- determination of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) from peripheral blood
- Measurement of BHB concentration from peripheral blood
In the treatment of calving paralysis (milk fever), the administration of calcium compounds is recommended
as follows:
- Oral
- Intraperitoneal
- Subcutaneously
- Intravenously
- Intravenously
Symptoms of subclinical hypoglycemia:
- causes bed rest
- does not cause bed rest
- Diseases around childbirth become more common
- May reduce the amount of milk produced during lactation
- Diseases around childbirth become more common
Treatment of clinical hypocalcemia (calving paralysis):
- Calcium gluconat iv
- Ca-phosphate per os
- Ca-sulfate iv
- Ca-nitrate iv
- Calcium gluconat iv
What is the consistency of the ruminal content in case of anterior functional stenosis?
- Foamy, cream-like
- watery
- doughy
- solid
- Foamy, cream-like
Which orifice is the cause of blocked passage in the case of posterior functional stehosis?
- Reticulo-abomasal orifice
- Cardia
- Pylorus
- Reticulo-omasal orifice
- Pylorus
What is the consequence of the ruminal reflux?
- In all cases, it causes rumen acidosis
- Hyperchloraemia
- The concentration of Cl-ion in the rumen increases
- Metabolic acidosis
- The concentration of Cl-ion in the rumen increases
Which solution is preferred to use in abomasal displacement?
- Hannover method
- Ventral paramedian abomasopexia
- Utrecht method
- Laparoscopy (1 step form)
- Laparoscopy (1 step form)
Which statement is true for rolling technique in case of abomasal displacement?
- Fast, simple and invasive technique, but the changes of repeated inoculation of the stomach are high (50-70%)
- rapid, simple and invasive technique, but the changes of repeated inoculation of the stomach are low (5-7%)
- rapid, simple and invasive technique, but the changes of repeated vaccination stomach position changes are low (5-7%)
- Rapid, simple and non-invasive technique, but the incidence of recurrence is quite high (50-70%)
- Rapid, simple and non-invasive technique, but the incidence of recurrence is quite high (50-70%)
What method is providing the abomasal life-long fixation:
- Fastening with non-absorbent thread
- Fastening with absorbent thread
- Fixation with non-absorbable thread, which causes local peritonitis and then adhesions
- Fixation with non-absorbable thread, which causes general peritonitis and then congestion
- Fixation with non-absorbable thread, which causes local peritonitis and then adhesions
What is characteristic of the Hanoverian method used to resolve the abomasal displacement?
- Upright, paramedian laparotomy
- Standing left flank laparotomy
- Standing right flank laparotomy
- Pseudo 6, but does not apply laparotomy
- Standing right flank laparotomy