Past Q - Exam Flashcards
Total bilirubin is expected to increase in serum due to increases in bilirubin I formation
in case of
a. Acute haemolysis
b. Haematoma formation (resorption icterus)
c. Extrahepatic bile duct obstruction
d. Decreased conjugation in liver
e. Bile peritonitis
a. Acute haemolysis
b. Haematoma formation (resorption icterus)
d. Decreased conjugation in liver
ACTH stimulation test is used to
a. Screen for hyperadrenocorticism
b. Monitor treatment for hyperadrenocorticism
c. Screen overall pituitary hyperfunction
d. Diagnose ectopic ACTH secretion
e. Diagnose hyperadrenocorticism
a. Screen for hyperadrenocorticism
b. Monitor treatment for hyperadrenocorticism
Which is NOT formed in the liver
a. IgE
b. Haptoglobin
c. Albumin
d. Prothrombin
e. Fibrinogen
a. IgE
Decreasing pH will lead to increased haemoglobin oxygen binding capacity (right shift
of the oxygen dissociation)…
True or false
An increase in plasma oncotic pressure can result in cavity effusion formation…
True or false
Cavity effusions: match the etiologies with the consequences
a. Endotoxin effect…
b. Right sided congestive heart failure…
c. Lymphangiectasia, intestinal…
d. Protein-losing enteropathy…
1. increased vascular permeability
2. decreased plasma colloid oncotic pressure
3. lymph stasis
4. hydrostatic pressure increase
a. Endotoxin effect… 1. increased vascular permeability
b. Right sided congestive heart failure… 4. hydrostatic pressure increase
c. Lymphangiectasia, intestinal… 3. lymph stasis
d. Protein-losing enteropathy… 2. decreased plasma colloid oncotic pressure
A left shift is found when immature cells (younger form: …………)
older, still immature: ………… are found in proportionally larger populations than
…………. forms. This is most often seen in the second phase (post-…………) of
inflammation along with ………….
Jugend (metamyelocytes) Stab (band) Segmented Neutrophilia Neutropenia
Match the conditions with typically expected changes
a. Vitamin B12/folate deficiency…
b. Regenerative anemia…
c. Non-regenerative anemia…
d. Iron deficiency anemia…
e. Breed: Akita…
- decreased MCV, MCHC unchanged
- increased MCV, MCHC unchanged
- decreased MCV, decreased MCHC
- increased MCV, decreased MCHC
- unchanged, MCV, MCHC unchanged
a. Vitamin B12/folate deficiency… 2. increased MCV, MCHC unchanged
b. Regenerative anemia… 4. increased MCV, decreased MCHC
c. Non-regenerative anemia… 5. unchanged, MCV, MCHC unchanged
d. Iron deficiency anemia… 3. decreased MCV, decreased MCHC
e. Breed: Akita… 1. decreased MCV, MCHC unchanged
Select the negative acute-phase proteins
a. CRP
b. Albumin
c. Fibrinogen
d. Transferrin
e. Haptoglobin
b. Albumin
d. Transferrin
➡Note: During acute inflammation, the positive acute phase proteins increase while the
negative acute phase proteins decrease.
In case of DIC
a. PTT increases
b. APTT decreases
c. APTT increases
d. Thrombocyte (platelet) number increases
e. PTT decreases
f. Platelet number decreases
a. PTT increases
c. APTT increases
f. Platelet number decreases
The reference interval and unit of actual base excess (ABE) is…
+/- 3.5 mmol/l
The upper limit of pCO2 in canine venous blood is (number + unit)…
45 mmHg
The canine steroid induced hepatic alkaline phosphatase (ALKP, AP) isoform is heat
True or false
AST is a liver-specific enzyme (i.e. only produced in the liver)…
True or false
Muscle, heart, RBC too
Decreasing pH (acidosis) results in an increased oxygen unload from haemoglobin (right shift in the oxygen dissociation curve)… True or false
Fibrinogen free plasma is called (blood) serum…
True or false
Sub-questions a. Hepatocellular damage is indicated by… b. Haemolysis… c. Only found in dogs… d. Liver function tests… e. In case of cholestasis… 1. ALT, AST, GLDH increase 2. ALT, AST, GLDH increase 3. Bile acids, total bilirubin, ammonia 4. Total bilirubin increases, PCV decreases, bile acids are unchanged 5. bile acids and total bilirubin increase
A. Hepatocellular damage is indicated by… 1. ALT, AST, GLDH increase
B. Haemolysis… 4. Total bilirubin increases, PCV decreases, bile acids are unchanged
C. Only found in dogs… 2. ALT, AST, GLDH increased.
D. Liver function tests… 3. Bile acids, total bilirubin, ammonia
E. In the case of cholestasis… 5. bile acids and total bilirubin increase
Which tube can be used for coagulation measurements?
b. Na-citrate 9:1 (blood:citrate)
c. Na-citrate 4:1 (blood:citrate)
d. Li-heparine
e. NaF
e. NaF
The primary process (metabolic or respiratory) is the one that leads to the acid-base
disturbance - this parameter is always shifted in the same direction as the pH and
usually this shift is significant…
True or false
Match the analytes with informations they can give
a. MCV…
b. Reticulocyte count…
c. MCHC…
d. RDW…
e. Osmotic resistance…
1. regeneration
2. macrocytosis
3. intravascular haemolysis
4. anisocytosis
5. hypochromasia
A. MCV — 2. Macrocytosis B. Reticulocyte COUNT — 4. Anisocytosis C. MCHC — 5. Hypochromasia D. RDW — 1. Regeneration E. Osmotis resistance — 3. Intravascular Haemolysis
Which one is not a urinary cast type?
a. Waxy
b. Hyaline
c. White blood cell
d. Transitional cell
e. Granular
d. Transitional cell
The glutaric aldehyde test determines the presence of acute inflammation in
True or false
pH is defined as the negative base 10 logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration…
True or false
Which analytes are measured in the conditions given to prove their presence?
a. Chylorous effusion…
b. Bile peritonitis…
c. Acute pancreatitis…
d. Urinary tract rupture…
e. Tumour related effusion…
1. increased triglycerides with normal cholesterol
2. total bilirubin
3. amylase, lipase
4. LDH
5. urea, creatinine
a. Chylorous effusion… 1. increased triglycerides with normal cholesterol
b. Bile peritonitis… 2. total bilirubin
c. Acute pancreatitis…3. amylase, lipase
d. Urinary tract rupture…5. urea, creatinine
e. Tumour related effusion…4. LDH
Which conditions lead to increased bile acids in the serum?
a. Intravascular haemolysis
b. Cholangiohepatitis
c. Colitis
d. Portosystemic shunt
e. Bile duct obstruction
a. Intravascular haemolysis
b. Cholangiohepatitis
d. Portosystemic shunt
e. Bile duct obstruction
Rivalta test:
Preparation paragraph (exactly from notes - pg 88)
Urine pH in carnivores is mostly acidic while in herbivores it is alkaline… True or false
Match the lipid fractions with the apolipoproteins carrying them
a. Triacylglycerols…
b. Cholesterol…
c. Phospholipids…
d. Free fatty acids…
1. albumin
4. HDL
a. Triacylglycerols… 3. VLDL
b. Cholesterol…2. LDL/HDL
c. Phospholipids…4. HDL
d. Free fatty acids…1. albumin
The following organs are called vital buffers: kidney, bones, liver, lungs…
True or false
Antifreeze poisoning (ethylene glycol) leads to the formation of crystals in urine…
Calcium oxalate
Renal tubular cell damage causes increased alkaline phosphatase (ALKP, AP)
concentration in the blood…
True or false
Only hepatic and bone ALKP appear in blood
Tubular cell damage causes increased ALKP in URINE
a. Haemophilia A…
b. DIC…
c. Thrombocytopenia…
d. Rodenticide (warfarin) poisoning early…
e. Rodentic (dicumarol) toxicosis, late…
- BMBT unchanged, APTT increased, PT unchanged
- BMBT increased, APTT increased, PT unchanged
- BMBT increased, APTT increased, PT increased
- BMBT unchanged, APTT increased, PT increased
- BMBT unchanged, APTT unchanged, PT increased
A. Haemophilia A…
1. BMBT unchanged, APTT increased, PT unchanged
3. BMBT increased, APTT increased, PT increased
C. Thrombocytopenia…
2. BMBT increased, APTT increased, PT unchanged
D. Rodenticide (warfarin) poisoning early…
5. BMBT unchanged, APTT unchanged, PT increased
E. Rodentic (dicumarol) toxicosis, late…
4. BMBT unchanged, APTT increased, PT increased
Which is not a pre-renal cause of increased urea concentration
a. Cardiac failure
b. Shock
c. Glomerular problems
d. Addison’s disease
e. Dehydration
c. Glomerular problems
Cavity effusions can form as a result of hydrostatic pressure change in the vascular
True or false
Predigested lipid absorption (lipid + pancreatic extract fed after incubation) from the
intestines leading to lipaemia and hypertrygliceridaemia indicates an intestinal
absorption defect…
True or false
Choose the amylase isoenzymes
a. Intestinal
b. Renal
c. Musculoskelatal
d. Pancreatic
e. Salivary
a. Intestinal
d. Pancreatic
e. Salivary
In case of prehepatic icterus, an increased urobilinogen (UBG) concentration is
expected in both serum and urine…
True or false
B12 concentration increases while folate concentration decreases in plasma in case of malabsorption…
In case of respiratory acidosis with metabolic compensation: pH decreases, pCO2 increases, HCO3- concentration increases… True or false
Unconjugated bilirubin (bilirubin I) is expected to increase in serum in patients with prehepatic causes of icterus… True or false
.Osmolality (paragraph exactly from notes - pg 10
Select the ketone bodies
a. Acetone
b. Propanone
c. Acetoacetate
d. Beta hydroxybutyrate
e. Glucagon
a. Acetone
c. Acetoacetate
d. Beta hydroxybutyrate
Select the causes of metabolic alkalosis
a. Hepatic insufficiency
b. Diarrhoea
c. Vomiting
d. Ruminal bloat
e. Chronic kidney disease
f. Abomasal displacement
a. Hepatic insufficiency
c. Vomiting
f. Abomasal displacement
Match: diseases with acid base disorders
a. Diarrhoea…
b. Pneumonia…
c. Fever, hyperventilation…
d. Vomiting…
- respiratory alkalosis
- metabolic alkalosis
- respiratory acidosis
- metabolic acidosis
a. Diarrhoea… 4. metabolic acidosis
b. Pneumonia…3. respiratory acidosis
c. Fever, hyperventilation… 1. respiratory alkalosis
d. Vomiting… 2. metabolic alkalosis
What causes the following changes?
a. Absolute oligocythaemia, normovolaemic…
b. Absolute polycythaemia, normovolaemic…
c. Relative polycythaemia, hypovolaemic…
d. Relative oligocythaemia, hypovolaemic…
e. Relative polycythaemia, hypervolaemic…
f. Relative oligocythaemia, hypervolaemic…
- hypoxia
- Iatrogenic infusion overdose
- acute stress
- chronic kidney injury and diarrhea
- burns
- immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IHA)
A. Absolute oligocythaemia, normovolaemic…
6. immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IHA)
B. Absolute polycythaemia, normovolaemic…
1. Hypoxia
C. Relative polycythaemia, hypovolaemic…
5. burns
D. Relative oligocythaemia, hypovolaemic…
4. Chronic kidney injury and diarrhea
E. Relative polycythaemia, hypervolaemic…
3. acute stress
F. Relative oligocythaemia, hypervolaemic…
2. Iatrogenic infusion overdose
Which sample type can be used for ammonia determination?
a. Serum
b. Plasma
b. Plasma
Select the metabolic parameters
a. Partial O2 pressure
b. Partial CO2 pressure
c. Actual base excess
d. Standard base excess
e. Bicarbonate concentration
c. Actual base excess
e. Bicarbonate concentration
Which factor’s function is independent of vitamin K?
a. Von willebrand factor
b. X (Stuart prower)
c. VII (proconvertin)
d. II (prothrombin)
e. IX (Christmas)
a. Von willebrand factor
Creatinine is filtrated through the glomeruli and they partially reabsorbed in the
True or false
Thrombocytopathy can be found in cases of
a. Uraemia
b. Anti-freeze poisoning
c. NSAID treatment
d. Rodenticide poisoning
e. Liver failure
A. Uraemia
C. NSAID treatment
E. Liver failure
Creatinine is a degradation product of muscle creatin
• True
• False
• True
The glucose absorption test can distinguish malabsorption from diabetes mellitus
• True
• False
Ruminal pH is lower before eating than after
• True
• False
• False
Acetic acid is the largest fraction of volatile fatty acids on the neutral pH in ruminal fluid.
• True
• False
• True
5. Which buffer is not a part of the intra/extracellular buffer systems? • Albumin • Phosphate • Hydrochloric acid • Bicarbonate
• Hydrochloric acid
Expected acid base changes in various forms of ileus:
Distal ileus – metabolic acidosis
Proximal ileus (initially) -metabolic alkalosis
• True
• False
• True
Acid-base -When a compensatory effect is visible it is easily detected, because the
parameter causing the primary changes is shifted in the opposite direction compared to the
• True
• False
• True
Characterise transudates: causes of development, protein content (compared to other types
of effusions), specific gravity (compared to other types of effusions ) cell types, counts etc.
Causes of the development:
Increased vessel permeability due to the underlining causes
• increase of hydrostatic pressure of the blood
• decrease of plasma colloid oncotic pressure
• impended lymphatic flow
• hormonal effects
it is bloody, watery, yellowish with no smell.
The specific gravity is less than 1,017g/ml
Slightly alkaline pH or 7
Its total protein is less than 25g/L
Contains albumin, globulin, creatinine
Contains nucleated cells with a count less than 1-10 x109 /l
Proteinuria: describe the prerenal causes
When the urinary total protein: creatinine ratio is between 1-5
ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is directly proportional to increased WBC count
• True
• False
• False
Which parameter decreases in every anaemic patient? MCHC WBC number MCV PCV
. Fibrinogen free (blood) serum is called plasma
• True
• False
Thrombocytopenia is a thrombocyte count over the upper reference limit (the upper end of
the reference interval)
• True
• False
• False
What are the causes of hyperkalemia?
• Acute kidney failure • Increased intake orally • Hypoaldosteronism • Acidosis • Ruptured urinary bladder • Overdose of fluids with potassium. (Pseudo-hyperkalaemia can occur when tissue cells or red blood cells are damaged and also due to problems by the laboratory.) EXTRA INFO
Write down the causes and characteristics of various gammopathies!
Monoclonal gammopathy: this happens due to immune-mediated processes or neoplastic
conditions. It is when one protein fraction is coming from one clone.
• This has a peak as narrow as albumin
• Can be produced from both neoplastic and non-neoplastic disorders.
Polyclonal gammopathy: this is coming from inflammatory processes and also immune mediated
diseases. This is when gamma and beta globulins are deriving from different clones.
Can be derived from
• liver diseases
• Heart worm
• Lymphoma
• Ehrlichiosis
Generally coming from disorders in IgA and IgM
Which change CAN NOT bee seen in Stress Leukogram A. Neutrophelia B. Neutropenia C. Monocytosis D. Lymphopenia
B. Neutropenia
Which species have relatively higher neutrophil percentage ratio in the blood A. Rabit B. Horse C. Pig D. Cattle
B. Horse ?
Which species has a relatively higher lymphocyte percentage ratio in blood? A. Dog B. Cat C. Horse D. Cattle
D. Cattle
In which type of white blood cells can be the Döhle-bodies detected? A. Reactive lymphocyte B. Monocyte C. Toxic neutrophil D. Eosinophil Granulocyte
C. Toxic neutrophil
D. Eosinophil Granulocyte?
Neutrophil granulocyte
Which statement is true for the hyperhydration?
A. Caused by fluid loss
B. Caused by compensation of anemia
C. Caused by increased water intake
D. Frequently sees as a consequence of low pO2
C. Caused by increased water intake?
What can be the cause of relative polycythaemia? A. Hypoxaemia B. Anaemia C. Dehydration D. Neoplasma
Which statement is true for urine sediment analysis?
A. Calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals have coffin-shaped appearance
B. Precence of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals is associated with ethylene glycol toxicosis?
C. Cystine crystals are inorganic crystals
D. Struvite crystals can form in acidic PH
Which statement are true for urine analysis
A. Traces of blood normally can be detected in the urine
B. Urine specific gravity can be reliable assessed by using refractometer
C. Presence of the urobilinogen in the urine is … binding
D. Glucose only can be detected in the urine of diabetic patients
Motillity and number of the ruminal flora should be examined under the following circumstances:
A. Immediatly, on a cool slide to decrease motility to facilitate counting
B. Delayed to allowed for the decreased motility but preserve the viability of ruminal flora
C. Immediatly, to allow for viability examination
D. Delayed, with added lactic acid for increased sampled stability and viability.
C. Immediatly, to allow for viability examination
- What change can be seen in leukemoid reaction?
A. Extrem neutrophilia with marked left shift
B. Neutropenia with right shift
C. Neoplastic cells are appearing in the blood
D. Leukopenia due to bone marrow suppression
A. Extrem neutrophilia with marked left shift
Which changes can NOT be seen in Stress Leukogram? Neutrophilia Neutropenia Monocytosis Lymphopenia
Which species have relatively higher neutrophil percentage ratio in the blood?
Dog, cat, human
Which species have relatively higher lymphocyte percentage ratio in the blood? Dog Cat Horse Cattle, swine, goat, sheep, chicken
Cattle, swine, goat, sheep, chicken
In which type of white blood cells can be the Døhle bodies detected? Reactive lymphocyte Monocyte Toxic neutrophil Eosinophil granulocyte
Toxic neutrophil
Which statement is TRUE for hyperhydration?
Caused by fluid loss
Caused by compensation of anaemia
Caused by increased water intake
Frequently seen as a consequence of low pO2
Caused by increased water intake
7. What can be the cause of relative polycythaemia? Hypoxaemia Anaemia Dehydration Neoplasma
8. In general which anticoagulant is used for hematology tests? Na-citrate 1:4 ratio Na-citrate 1:9 ratio EDTA Heparin
Na-citrate 1:4 ratio = RBC sedimentation test
Na-citrate 1:9 ratio = haemostasis evaluations
Heparin = biochem parameters plasma
What is the definition of Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)?
Average Hb content of RBCs
Mean concentration of haemoglobin per RBC
Average size of the RBCs
Variability in RBC size
Average size of the RBCs
10. What changes in RBC derivated parameters can be seen in iron deficiency anaemia? Macrocytic, hypochromic Macrocytic, normochromic Microcytic, normochromic Microcytic, hypochromic
Microcytic, hypochromic
What changes in RBC derivated parameters can be seen in regenerative anaemia? Macrocytic, hypochromic Macrocytic, normochromic Microcytic, normochromic Microcytic, hypochromic
Macrocytic, hypochromic
Which statement is TRUE for urine sediment analysis?
A. Calcium oxalate monobydrate crystals have coffin-shaped appearance
B. Presence of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals is associated with ethylene glycol toxicosis
C. Cystine crystals are inorganic crystals
D. Struvite crystals can form in acidic pH
B. Presence of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals is associated with ethylene glycol toxicosis
Struvite crystals can form in acidic pH =Alkaline
Calcium oxalate monobydrate crystals have coffin-shaped appearance = needle shape
Which statement is TRUE for urine sediment analysis?
A. Presence of calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals is associated with ethylene glycol toxicosis
B. Presence of struvite crystals can be associated with urinary tract infection
C. In Dalmatians due to enzyme deficiency calcium phosphate crystals can be detected in the urine
D. Tyrosin crystals are inorganic crystals
B. Presence of struvite crystals can be associated with urinary tract infection
(monohydrate is)
14.Which statement is TRUE for reticulocytes?
A. Nucleated red blood cells
B. Their volume is smaller than the red blood cells volume
C. Immature, young red blood cells
D. Their hemoglobin content is higher than the red blood cells
C. Immature, young red blood cells
15. Which can be the cause of hyperalbuminaemia? A. Inflammation B. Hepatic dysfunction C. Neoplasma D. Dehydration
D. Dehydration (only)
Hepatic dysfunction
= Hypoalbuminaemia
16. Which is the choice of anticoagulant for glucose concentration measurement? EDTA Na-citrate NaF-heparin Calcium equilibrated heparin
EDTA = Haematology test
Na-citrate = Blood clotting parameters
Calcium equilibrated heparin = electrolyte measurement
17. Which condition can be the cause of hepatic icterus? Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia Acute pancreatitis Acute hepatitis Obstruction of common bile duct
Acute hepatitis
Which condition can be the cause of prehepatic icterus? Liver failure Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia Acute pancreatitis Gallbladder rupture
Immune-mediated haemolytic anemia
Which statement is TRUE for creatinine?
A. Synthesized in the liver from ammonia
B. Liver function can influence its concentration
C. Excreted only by glomerular filtration
D. Gastrointestinal haemorrhage can increase its concentration
C. Excreted only by glomerular filtration
Which laboratory test findings can NOT be detected in actute kidney injury?
A. Hyperkalaemia
B. Metabolic acidosis
C. Protein losing nephropathy caused hypoalbuminaemia
D. Azotaemia
C. Protein-losing nephropathy caused hypoalbuminaemia
Which statement is FALSE for ALT?
A. Mitochondrial enzyme
B. Some drug can induce its activity
C. Activity may increase in severe muscle trauma/disease
D. Both primary and secondary liver disease increase its activity
A. Mitochondrial enzyme
Cytoplasmic enzyme
Which statment is FALSE for AST?
A. Releases later than ALT
B. More specific marker of significant liver damage
C. Haemolysis and severe muscle trauma/disease may increase its activity
D. Cytoplasmic enzyme
D. Cytoplasmic enzyme
Mitochondrial enzyme
- Which statement is TRUE?
A. Stercobilinogen can be detected in the urine by dipstick
B. Conjugated bilirubin is transported by the albumin
C. Bilirubin is conjugated by the intestinal bacteria
D. High bilirubin level can be detected on physical examination as the visible mucus membranes turns to icteric (yellow)
D. High bilirubin level can be detected on physical examination as the visible mucus membranes turns to icteric (yellow)
Which statement is FALSE for the bilirubin? A. Major constituent of bile B. Recycle by enterohepatic circulation C. Breakdown product of the hem D. Increased serum level in cholestasis
A. Major constituent of bile
Which statement is TRUE?
A. Urobilinogen can be detected in the urine by dipstick
B. Liver cells conjugate taurin to bilirubin
C. Unconjugated or indirect bilirubin is soluble in plasma
D. High bilirubin level can be detected on physical examination as visible mucus membranes turn to pale
A. Urobilinogen can be detected in the urine by dipstick
Which laboratory test findings can NOT be detected in chronic kidney disease?
A. Azotaemia
B. Hyperkalaemia
C. Hyperphosphataemia
D. Protein losing nephripathy caused hypoalbuminaemia
D. Protein-losing nephropathy caused hypoalbuminaemia
Which condition can not be the cause of hyperglycemia
a. insulinoma
b. diabetes mellitus
c. hyperadrenocorticism
d. stress
a. insulinoma
Multiple choice: Changes in DIC are: a. BMBT decrease b. PT increase c. Thrombocytopenia d. aPTT increase
b. PT increase
c. Thrombocytopenia
d. aPTT increase
Which test is NOT for evaluating coagulopathies? a. APTI/PTI b. Appearance of first fibrin strand C. Clotting time D. Buccal mucosal bleeding time
D. Buccal mucosal bleeding time its a test for: thrombocytopenia, thrombocythopathies and vasopathies.
Which change can be seen in a Stress leukogram?
a. Leukocytosis
b. Eosinopenia
c. Lymphopenia
d. Neuropenia
e. Neutrophilia
a. Leukocytosis
b. Eosinopenia
c. Lymphopenia
e. Neutrophilia
Measurement of reduced TLI in the blood has a high sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of?
A. Pancreatic tumour (carcinoma)
B. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, decreased enzyme synthesis
C. Acute Pancreatitis
D. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, pancreatic duct obstuction.
C. Acute Pancreatitis
Where are the coagulation factors produced?
a. Spleen
b. Liver
c. Bone marrow
d. Kidney
b. Liver
Multiple choice Which leads to a prerenal increase of urea concentration? A. Intestinal bleeding B. Poor Ruminal energy status C. Urinary tract obstruction D. Impaired Liver function E. Cardiac failure
A. Intestinal bleeding
B. Poor Ruminal energy status
E. Cardiac failure
Which method is considered to be the “gold standard” for glucose measurements
a. Biruette reaction
b. Jaffe method
c. GOD/POD reaction
d. Portable glucometer
c. GOD/POD reaction
In uroperitoneum (urine in abdominal cavity due to urinary tract injury) which biochemical parameter(s) of the fluid is higher compared to the serum level?
a. Cholesterol
b. Urea/creatinin
c. triglycerides
d. Amylase/lipase
e. total bilirubin
b. Urea/creatinin
Mutltiple choice Chose the amylase isoenzymes a. Musculosceletal b. Renal c. Pancreatic d. Intestinal e. salivary
c. Pancreatic
d. Intestinal
e. salivary
Which condition necessitates further evaluation of the patients serum using protein electrophoresis?
a. Hyperglobulinaemia
b. Hypoproteinemia
c. Hypoalbuminemia
d. Hyperalbuminemia
a. Hyperglobulinaemia
In rodenticide toxicosis, the PT can be prolonged easlier than the aPTT, because Factor II (or any exept VII) has the shortest halflife of all vitamin K- dependent factors
In this question the answer should be typed in the given area. Question is graded manually by the teacher. More than one word can be given.
Antifreeze poisoning leads to the formation of _______crystals in urine.
Calcuim Oxalate crystals
Multiple Choice Which keton bodies are measured by the Ross reaction? A. Acetoacetate B. Acetone C. Beta-hydroxybutyrate
A. Acetoacetate
B. Acetone
The level fructosamine in serum indicates glycaemic status of the last .... (time) A. 2-3 months B. 5-6 hours C. 1-2 days D. 2-3 weeks
D. 2-3 weeks
Causes of metabolic acidosis
- HCO3- due to diarrhoea and ileus, Kidney tubular disturbances
- Increased acid due to increased fruit intake
- Too acidic silage
- Overdose of acidifying drugs
- Increased lactic acid production
- Decreased acid excretion due to renal failure
- Volatile FA production due to cattle grain overdose
- Increased ketogenesis due to relative or objective anaerobic glycolysis or DM
- Hyperkalemia
- Etylene-glycol toxicosis
1) Metabolic alkalosis is expected in ileus if.
A. The obstruction is in duodenum, and it develops preceding metabolic acidosis.
B. The obstruction is in the jejenum or other more distal intestines, and it develops preceding metabolic acidosis.
C. The obstruction is in the duodenum and it develops following metabolic acidosis.
D. The obstruction is in the genome or other more distal intestines, and it develops following metabolic acidosis.
C. The obstruction is in the duodenum and it develops following metabolic acidosis.
2) Choose the incorrect answer.
A. TLI is used to diagnose EPI.
B. TLI should be measured in less than 6 hours after feeding to provide correct information.
C. Decreased TCL concentration is expected in EPI.
D. If in cats fTLI be a sensitive diagnostic method for pancreatitis.
C. Decreased TCL concentration is expected in EPI.
3) Lack of bile flow into the intestines may contribute to endotoxemia because of the endotoxin inactivator effect of bile acids. True or false?
4) Total bilirubin concentration in serum is increased to the following cases. (Multiple choice.)
A. Gastrointestinal bleeding.
B. Massive intramuscular bleeding.
C. Severe liver damage
D. Impaired biliary flow (for example extrahepatic bile duct obstruction)
C. Severe liver damage
D. Impaired biliary flow (for example extrahepatic bile duct obstruction)
5) Pair the disease processes with the change in serum concentrations/enzyme activities.
A Prehepatic icterus. B Hepatic icterus. C Posthepatic icterus.
1. Increased ALKP. GGT markedly increased bilirubin
2. Increased reticulocytes count increased decreased haematocrit.
3. Increase NH3 and decrease urea.
Prehepatic icterus - Increased reticulocytes count increased decreased haematocrit.
Hepatic icterus - Increase NH3 and decrease urea.
Posthepatic icterus - Increased ALKP. GGT markedly increased bilirubin
6) Choose the correct statements about ammonia concentration (multiple choice)
A. It is measured from EDTA or citrate samples
B. In herbivores it is an indicator of digestion as well as hepatic function.
C. Ammonia will bypass the liver in post portosystemic shunts and therefore its concentration in plasma will increase.
D. Ammonia measurements should be carried out immediately after sampling, or the sample should be kept on ice for 20 minutes; Plasma can be used if frozen for two days.
C. Ammonia will bypass the liver in post portosystemic shunts and therefore its concentration in plasma will increase.
D. Ammonia measurements should be carried out immediately after sampling, or the sample should be kept on ice for 20 minutes; Plasma can be used if frozen for two days.
7) Pair the measurements with the species. A. ALT, ALKP, GGT B. ALT, GGT, (ALKP in acute cases) C. AST, GGT, (arginase) D. AST. GLDH, (GGT) 1. Ruminants 2. Dog 3. HorsE 4. Cat.
A= 2
B. ALT, GGT, (ALKP in acute cases) - Cat.
C. AST, GGT, (arginase) -HorsE
D. AST. GLDH, (GGT) - Ruminants
8) A decreased albumin concentration may lead to edema formation in case it’s below 11 gram per liter in serum. True or falsE?
9) Urea concentration in serum is expected to increase in. (Multiple choice). A. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage. B. Massive intramuscular hemorrhage. C. Impaired renal function D. Kidney failure.
A. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
C. Impaired renal function
D. Kidney failure.
10) Creatinine reflects GFR better than urea because (multiple choice)
A. It is formed in a constant rate in muscle proportional to muscle mass.
B. It is reabsorbed in a constant rate, in the tubules independent of filtrate flow.
C. It is freely filtrated, with neither secreted nor reabsorbed in tubuli.
D. It’s measurements lackes interference if the Jaffa method is used.
A. It is formed in a constant rate in muscle proportional to muscle mass.
C. It is freely filtrated, with neither secreted nor reabsorbed in tubuli.
11) Calcium-oxalate dihydrate crystals are formed in case of antifreeze poisoning. True or false?
12) Isosthenuria may be seen in the following cases (multiple choice).
A. Healthy patients.
B. Dehydrated patients, tubular damage.
C. Diabetes mellitus with intact kidney function.
D. Psychogenic polydipsia.
A. Healthy patients.
B. Dehydrated patients, tubular damage.
D. Psychogenic polydipsia.