Lab 5 - RBC Flashcards
What are the red blood parameters?
- Red blood cell count
- Haemoglobin measurement
- Derivative parameters
- Reticulocyte count
- Osmotic resistance
- Morphology of the RBC
What are the methods to determine the red blood cell count?
- Burker-chamber methods
- Estimated RBC-count
- Automated cell counters
What is the normal RBC count
4,5-8 * 10^12 (T/l)
What is the characteristics of the Burker-Chamber
- Counting chamber
- Need for dilution
- Uses the grid to manually count the nr of cells in a certain area of known size.
- Count RBC in 20 rectangles or 80 small squares *10^10
- Poor accuracy: 10-25% error can be estimated
- Not effective
What is the characteristics of the Impedance method
- Based on Coulter Principle
- Blood cells are poor conductors of electricity, but are suspended in electrically conductive electrolyte solution
- Two Chambers filled with conductive fluid, connected by a small aperture
- Electric current is passed flows through the aperture
- As cells passing through the aperture impeded flow of current and a voltage pulse is generated
- Pulse amplitude (height) is proportional to cell size
- Number of the pulses indicates the cell number
What is this

A Normal Histogram
What characterize Flow Cytometric Haematology analysers

- Combination of impedance technology and flow cytometry
- Cells are directed through a laser beam
- Laser light is scattered and several detectors measure scattered light at different angles
- Low angle or forward scatter correlates with cell size, the amount of high angle or scatter correlates with cell granularity or density
- Not only size but also cell complexity/density is used to distinguish cell types
(PLT vs RBC)
Normal value

120-180 g/l
Hb functions

- Binding
- Transport
- Release

Fe2+ = Functionally active
F3+ = Oxidised form - Methaemoglobin: Severe oxidative damages= Nitrites, paracetamol, onion
HAEMOGLOBIN measurement
Characterize the method

- Spectrophotometric method (DRABKIN-METHOD)
- Whole blood
- Drabkin-reagent + KCN
- 540 nm
What does this curve repressent

Oxygen dissocication curve
Oxygen dissociation curve
What increases the oxygen-binding capacity of Hb?
2,3 DPG level in RBC
pCO2 level in the blood (in case of respiratory ALKAlosis)
Temperature of blood ( Hypothermia)
PH of blood
Oxygen dissociation curve
What decreases the oxygen-binding capacity of Hb?
- PH of the blood ( Acidosis, respiratory or metabolic)
- 2,3 DPG level in RBC
- pCO2 level in the blood (respiratory acidosis)
- Temperature of blood (Hyperthermia)
Red bloodcell indices
What is the DERIVATIVE PARAMETERS and what is it usefull for
Useful informations about the average SIZE and COLOR of RBC in small animals, humans
- MCV = Mean corpuscular vulume
MCH = Mean corpuscular Haemoglobin
MCHC = Mean corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration
RDW = Red cell distribution WIDTH
Characterize MCV
Mean corpusculat volume = MCV
= Indicates the average size of the RBCs
Increased = Macrolytic
Normal = Normolytic
Decreased = Microlytic
Normal: Depends on the species and the breed too
CAT= 40-60fl
DOG= 60-80fl (Akita= 55-60fl, Poodles 75-80fl)

Characterize RDW
RDW = Red cell distribution WIDTH
= Describes the variability in RBC SIZE
More sensitive indicator of altered red cell size than MCV
Describes the entire population of RBCs instead of one average value

Characterize MCH
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin = MCH
= Indicates the average Hb content of RBCs
Normal value: 12-30 pg
In young animals (+MCV) can be increased 28-32 pg

Characterize MCHC
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration = MCHC
= Indicates the mean concentration of hemoglobin per red cell
Increased = Hyperchromic
Normal = Normochromic
Decreased = Hypochromic
Normal = 300-350 g/l = Normochrom

Typical changes in derivated parameters
Regenerative anaemia
Typical changes in derivated parameters
Normal ()
Impaired DNA synthesis - VITAMIN B12 = Normal in poodles
Typical changes in derivated parameters
Decreased MCV and MCHC
Decreased Hb synthesis
- Iron and Copper deficiency
Typical changes in derivated parameters
Decreased MCV
Normal ()
Opposite from macrolytic normochromic (except MCHC = same)
Reticulocyte Counts
Where is it released from
Released from the bone marrow into the circulation
Reticulocyte Counts
When does it reach its full maturation
After a further 24-48 hours (after release?)
Characteristics about reticulocytes
LARGER than mature red cells (incr MCV, RDW)
Contains LESS Haemoglobins than mature red cells (MCHC decr)
Contain numerous clumps of ribosomal RNA remnants
- Polychromatophillic (Blueish-pink) color on Giemsa staining
Dark clumps with vital staining
Flourescent stains detected by flow cytometric haematology analysers
Reticulum network is lost as the red cells matures
- Polychromatophillic color with GIEMSA STAINING?
(Blueish-pink) color on Giemsa staining
Reticulocytes with vital staining
Dark clumps
Due to MANUAL reticulocyte Count staining -
What types of staining?
Which stain is used?
What does it stain?
Vital staining = Stains living cells
Stain= Bryllant-Cresil blue stain
Stains reticulum network of aggregated ribosomes, mitochondria, and organelles present in immature reticulocyte cells

What type of analyzer is this

Flow cytometric haematology analyser
What happens 3-5 days after acute blood loss due to reticulocytes
The reticulocytes must be interpreted in the light of the degree of anemia
For manual methods:
Absolute reticulocyte count (*10^9/L)
Observed % reticulocytes * RBC count (*10^12/l)*10
Determining the severity of the anemia due to hematocrit
MILD severity of anaemia
Ht (HEMATOCRIT) = 0,30-0,37
Determining the severity of the anemia due to hematocrit
MODERATE severity of anaemia
Ht = 0,29-0,20
Determining the severity of the anemia due to hematocrit
SEVERE severity of anaemia
Determining the severity of the anemia due to hematocrit
VERY SEVERE severity of anaemia
Degree of regeneration due to reticulocyte count
Inadequate or no regeneration
Degree of regeneration due to reticulocyte count
Mild degree of regeneration
Degree of regeneration due to reticulocyte count
Moderate degree of regeneration
Degree of regeneration due to reticulocyte count
Marked degree of regeneration
Characteristics of Osmotic resistance of RBC
= Evaluating RBC membrane function
Dilution line from NaCl solution (saline) from 0,3% to 2,5%
Centrifuge (3000 rpm)
Check the supernatant plasma for hemolysis
Causes of membrane damage (Osmotic resistance of RBC)
- Uraemia
- Immun-Haemolytic anaemia
- Hereditiary defects:
Pyruvate-Kinase, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
RBC 1, 2 3 on the picture are?

1= Hypertonic
2= Isotonic
3= Hypotonic
Osmotic resistance
What is the result of this cause?
Control blood in hypotonic NaCl- solution

Laboratory analytical error
- do it again
Osmotic resistance
What is the result of this cause?
PATIENT blood in hypotonic NaCl- solution

- Laboratory analytical error
- Intravasal Hemolytic Crisis (BABESIOSIS)
- Membrane defect of RBCs (Immun-haemolytic anemia)
Osmotic resistance
What is the result of this cause?

- Laboratory analytical error
- Intravasal Hemolytic Crisis (BABESIOSIS)
Preparation of blood smare - STEPS
- Soon after taking blood sample
- Drop of blood placed at one end of slide
- Extend smare to 2/3 of the length of the slide (square edge if possible)
- AIR DRY fully before staining
- Blod film examination
- Feathered edge - First lower magnification (*200) then *1000)
- Examine smeare at high power in THIN area where the cells are evenly distributed in monolayers
- DO NOT EXAMINE cells at the feathered enge or in thick areas of the smare
Arrow =

Arrow = Reticulocytes
- Polychromasia
- Anisocytosis
- Macrocytosis

Target cell/Codocyte



Echinocyte/Crenated red cell

Acanthocyte/Spur cell


Heinz Bodies

Howell-Jolly body


Babesia Canis
Due to Iron circulation
Name iron deficiencies
- Chronic blood loss
- Innadequate intake (piglets, calves)
- Maldigestion, malabsorbtion
Impaired gastric, duodenal, jejenual function (reduction, transport, absorption)
Characteristics of the analysis
Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)
Indirect measurement of transferrin
TIBC= 50-68 mmol/l
Method of measurement:
- Measuring sample seFe
- Serum sample is flooded with excess iron, which binds to all the available binding sites on transferrin = full saturation
- With absorbent unbound iron is removed
- SeFE in the remaining sample is evaluated again
- TIBC = Serum iron Level (saturated transferrin)+Free transferring(not saturated)
NORMAL value = 20-55% (33%)

Distinguish microlytic hypochromic anaemia
Iron deficiency
Anaemia chronic inflamatory disease (transferrin negative acute phase protein)

Serum Iron
- Sample= Serum
- fibrinogen disturb the measurement
- Spectrophotometric method
- Red coloured CHELATE (ironman)
- Normal SeFe (serum iron) = 18-20 mmol/l
- Serum iron measurement should always be performed together with TIBC analysi
Normal values in arterial blood:
Normal values in venous blood:
Hbg molecules containing oxidised iron (3+) are called:
What does methaemoglobin-reductase enzyme do?
Reduces methaemoglobin to normal haemoglobin
What do we call increased methaemoglobin level in the blood? What color of the blood?
Methaemoglobinaemia. Dark brown
Hgb molecules of which animals are sensitive to oxidation damage?
Cats, newborn or very young animals
Causes of increased ↑ Hgb concentration:
Ususally associated with different types of relative (dehydration) or absolute polycytaemia
Causes of decreased ↓ Hgb concentration:
Usually associated with relative (hyperhydration) or absolute oligocytaemia (anaemia)
Hbg concentration is much lower in which species?
In young pigs
What does MCH indicate?
Average Hb content of the RBCs
What is hypochromasia?
Descreased Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH)
What is hyperchromasia?
Increased Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH)
Normal and young animals MCH:
12-30 and 28-32
What does Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) indicate?
They have smaller RBCs than other animals
Cats and horses
They have bigger RBCs
Newborns and young animals
Causes of microcytosis:
Chronic blood loss
Iron, copper, vit b6 deficiency
Portosystemic shunt
Causes of macrocytosis
Polycythaemia (erythrileukemia)
Vit b12, folic acid, cobalt deficiency
What does Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Conentration (MCHC) indicate?
The avergae concentration of haemoglobin in erythrocytes (hb conc)
What is normal MCHC?
300-350 g/l (30-35%)
Decreased MCHC -
hypochromasia newborn animals
regenerative anaemias
iron deficiency anaemia
Increased MCHC -
Erythroleukemia (polycythaemia absoluta vera) vitamin B12, folic acid, cobalt deficiency
immunhemolytic anaemia (spherocytosis)
lead poisoning
What does short RDW mean?
Non generative processes
What does large RDW mean?
Regenerative process
What are reticulocytes?
Young but differenciated RBCs with basophil punctates
What does it means if a reticulocyte have big blue aggregates?
They are younger than does containing small punctuates
Punctated forms are more common in which species?
Which species have reticulocytes only in the bone marrow and not in the peripheral blood?
Horses and ruminants
Apperance of reticulocytes is a sign of what?
The regenrative function of bone marrow
Why are nucleated RBCs not able to function as RBSs?
They are too young and therefore not able to carry oxygen
Why do we differentiate btw regenerative and non regenerative anemias?
Because nucleated RBCs will never become reticulocytes or mature RBCs, so nucleated RBCs are never counted
Why are regenerative anemia usually diseases with favourable prognosis?
Because enough new RBCs are produced in the bone marrow to regenerate the anaemia, to replace lost RBCs and reach normal RBC count quickly
Characteristic for vital staining:
Mix fresh (EDTA) blood and Brylliant-cresil stain in the same proportion Incubate at room temp for 2-3 h Prepare a smear
Reticulocyte counting:
Count 100-1000 RBCs and take the percent of the reticulocytes 2-3% normal
Usually more mature RBCs are dead than young ones. Why?
Because mature RBCs are more sensitive to damage than young RBCs and reticulocytes
How many days are needed for the bone marrow to increase the reticulocyte count in the blood?
2-3 days
Increased reticulocyte count can be caused by different types of regenerative anaemias:
acute blood loss,
haemolytic anaemia,
chronic blood loss,
some types of nutrient deficiency anaemias
Osmotic resistance of RBCs is dependent on what?
pH of the plasma,
osmotic concentration of plasma
Size of RBCs Macrocytosis:
many big cells
Size of RBCs Microcytosis:
many small cells
Size of RBCs
variable cell size - iron deficiency and regenerative process
Size of RBCs Poikylocytosis:
variable size and colour
Reticulocyte appearance:
- increased production (regenerative anaemia)
- chronic Fe deficicency anaemia,
acute blood loss,
chronic blood loss
Spherocyte (spherical small polychromatophil RBC) appearance:
Sensitive RBC membrane,
immune-mediated hemolysis
Stomatocyte (mouth-shaped RBC) Appearance:
increased RBC production (regenerative anaemia)
Acanthocyte (Spur cell - RBC with few long spikes) appearance:
- RBC membrane failure (lipid bilayer)
– lipid metabolism disorder,
- hepatopathies
Schysocyte (RBC fragment) appearance:
Traumatic or toxic damage (uremia, blood parasites, long term severe physical activity, DIC)
Anulocyte (0 - like RBC) appearance:
iron deficiency anaemia
Codocyte (Target cell, like a target) appearance:
regenerative process
Echynocyte (Burr cell, crenation, RBC with many small spikes) appearance:
laboratory error (too quick drying of blood film, uremia, DIC)
Sickle cell appearance:
RBC damage, Hb globin chain malformation in humans
Inclusion bodies in RBCs Heinz body (NMB - new methylene blue stain):
Denaturated Hgb appearance: O2 effect, oxidative damage to RBCs
(cat!, for example methemoglobinaemia!), GSH deficiency
Howell-Jolly body : nuclear membrane remnants appearance:
vitamin B12 deficiency,
increased production of red cells,
Basophilic punctuates :nuclear remnants appearance:
regenerative process,
young RBCs of cat,
physiological in ruminants,
lead poisoning
Hb inclusions appearance:
Hb damage,
increased RBC production,
regenerative anaemia
RBC parasites:
- Haemobartonella canis, felis, bovis
- Babesia spp. (canis, gibsoni), B. canis is very common in Hungary!
- Ehrlichia canis, equi etc.
- Dirofilaria immitis, repens
- Anaplasma marginale, centrale, ovis,
- Eperythrozoon wenyoni, ovis, suis, parvum
- Citauxzoon felis
- Theileria parva, mutans, annulata, hirci, ovis
- Trypanosoma cruzi, congolense, vivax, brucei, evans, suis, equiperdum Leishmania donovani
What test can we use if we suspect iron deficiency, especially due to chronic blood loss?
Serum iron measurment
What the normal SeFe?
18-20 micromol/l
What is the daily iron need of adult animals?
1 mg
Iron is in it’s Fe3+ form in the feed of animals which cannot be absorbed, so how will iron be absorbed?
Gastric juice makes Fe3+ free from complex molecules. Reduced to Fe2+ by ascorbic acid, cystein or glutathione in the duodenum. Ready to be absorbed
What is iron bound to in the small intestines?
Apoferritin and stored like this as ferritin
Iron in the plasma is oxidised to Fe3+ by what enzyme?
Coeruloplasmin enzymes
How is iron Fe3+ transported?
By transferrin
How many % of transferrin molecules carry iron?
How many % of iron is reutilized for haemoglobin synthesis in the bone marrow?
When iron metabolism is not closed but opened by chronic blood loss, what happens?
Iron storage become depleted and at the end iron deficiency anaemia will appear
What may disturb the measurment of serum iron?
Fibrinogen content of the plasma, so serum plasma is needed for the analysis
What happens when Fe2+ reacts with ferrosin?
It forms a red-colored chelate which can be measured photometrically
Causes of low serum iron concentration:
chronic blood loss decreased intake (piglets, calves) impaired gastric, duodenal, jejunal function (reduction, transport, absorption)
Causes of high serum iron concentration:
iron toxicosis (overload)
Serum iron measurement should always be performed together with:
TIBC analysis
What test gives information about the transferrin content?
Total iron binding capacity (TIBC)
Normal TIBC:
50-68 micromol/l
Causes low TIBC:
chronic inflammation (negative acute phase protein, see later)
chronic liver failure (decreased transferring synthesis in the liver) neoplastic disease
Causes of high TIBC:
iron deficiency anaemia:
not severe: normal iron level+high TIBC,
severe: low iron level+high TIBC
Determination of TIBC:
- Measure seFe then,
- add Fe-solution to the plasma (by this method all transferrin molecules will be fully saturated),
- then put absorbent to the solution,
- centrifuge the absorbent (this binds to free Fe and goes to the sediment),
- Use the upper layer and check seFe again.
TIBC =serum iron level (saturated transferrin)+free transferrin (not saturated)
Laboratory Findings in Hemolysis
PCV, reticulocytes increase (regenerative anemia) polychromasia,
poikilocytosis leukocytosis, (neutrophilia)
total bilirubin increase
indirect bilirubin decrease,
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) I,II ,
haptoglobin decrease,
RBC osmotic resistance decrease,
hyperchromic stool,
urobilinogen and Hgb in urine increase
What is this a example of

Normal Histogram
What is this a example of

Non regenerative anaemia
What is this a example of

Regenerative anaemia
What is this an example of

Microcytic anaemia
What is this a example of

Macrocytic anaemia
What is this a example of

Thrombocytopenia in the recovery phase (macrothrombocytosis), often found in cats