Past Perfect Subjunctive Flashcards
Yo esperaba que el avión [had arrived].
Yo esperaba que el avión hubiera llegado.
I hoped that the plane had arrived.
Rosario quería que [we had paid] la cuenta.
Rosario quería que hubiéramos pagado la cuenta.
Rosario wanted that we had paid the bill.
Me alegré de que ella [had returned].
Me alegré de que ella hubiera vuelto.
I was glad that she had returned.
Ella dudaba que sus amigos [had been right].
Ella dudaba que sus amigos hubieran tenido razón.
She doubted that her friends had been right.
Yo no creía que el alcalde te [had recognized].
Yo no creía que el alcalde te hubiera reconocido.
I didn’t believe that the mayor had recognized you.
El niño temía que su madre [had gone].
El niño temía que su madre se hubiera ido.
The child feared that his mother had gone.
Lo sentimos que Uds. [had not felt well].
Lo sentimos que Uds. no se hubieran sentido bien.
We were sorry that you had not felt well.
Fue posible que los niños [had fallen asleep].
Fue posible que los niños se hubieran dormido.
It was possible that the children had fallen asleep.
Era importante que yo [had attended] a la conferencia en México.
Era importante que yo hubiera asistido a la conferencia en México.
It was important that I had attended the conference in Mexico.
Ojalá que yo [had known].
Ojalá que yo hubiera sabido.
I wish that I had known. [Would to God that I had known.]
Ojalá que la [we had found].
Ojalá que la hubiéramos encontrado.
Would to God that we had found her.
I wish that we had found her.
Ojalá que ellos [had stayed].
Ojalá que ellos se hubieran quedado.
Would to God that they had stayed.
I wish that they had stayed.
La niña quisiera que su mamá le [had given] un caballo para su cumpleaños.
La niña quisiera que su mamá le hubiera dado un caballo para su cumpleaños.
The girl wished that her mother had given her a horse for her birthday.
Ellos quisieran que el hotel [had had] una piscina.
Ellos quisieran que el hotel hubiera tenido una piscina.
They wished that the hotel had had a swimming pool. [Note: The verb ‘querer’ can be used in the imperfect subjunctive in a main clause, where it is used to soften statements and questions.]
¿Quisieras tú que yo te [had told] la verdad?
¿Quisieras tú que yo te hubiera dicho la verdad?
Did you wish that I had told you the truth?
Si [I had had] más tiempo, yo [would have gone] a verlo.
Si yo hubiera tenido más tiempo, yo habría ido a verlo.
If I had had more time, I would have gone to see him.
Si Paulo [had followed] las direcciones, él [would have arrived] a tiempo.
Si Paulo hubiera seguido las direcciones, él habría llegado a tiempo.
If Paul had followed the directions, he would have arrived on time.
Ella [would have known] la respuesta si [she had read] el cuento.
Ella habría sabido la respuesta si hubiera leído el cuento.
She would have known the answer if she had read the short story.
[We would have watched] la película si [we had been able to find] la grabación.
Habríamos mirado la película si hubiéramos podido hallar la grabación.
We would have watched the movie if we had been able to find the tape.
Si Ana [had put] las gafas en la mesa, ella las [would have found].
Si Ana hubiera puesto las gafas en la mesa, ella las habría encontrado.
If Ana had put the eyeglasses on the table, she would have found them.
Si mis padres [had arrived] ayer, [we would have been able to go] a Toledo esta tarde.
Si mis padres hubieran llegado ayer, habríamos podido ir a Toledo esta tarde.
If my parents had arrived yesterday, we would have been able to go to Toledo this afternoon.
Ojalá que [they had won] el premio.
Ojalá que hubieran ganado el premio.
I wish that they had won the prize.
[If WE had lived] en los días de nuestros antepasados, [we would not have been complicit with them] para derramar la sangre de los profetas. Mateo 23:30
Si hubiéramos vivido nosotros en los días de nuestros antepasados, no habríamos sido cómplices de ellos para derramar la sangre de los profetas
If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have been complicit with them in spilling the blood of the prophets.