Past Perfect Indicative Flashcards
Ud. sabía que [we had left].
Ud. sabía que habíamos salido.
You knew that we had left.
Yo creí que [he had died].
Yo creí que él había muerto.
I believed that he had died.
Ellos vieron a la mujer que [hadn’t said anything].
Ellos vieron a la mujer que no había dicho nada.
They saw the woman who hadn’t said anything.
Ella sabía que él no me [hadn’t written].
Ella sabía que él no me había escrito.
She knew that he hadn’t written to me.
Después de [having arrived] a Perú, los aventureros buscaron un hotel en Cuzco.
Después de haber llegado a Perú, los aventureros buscaron un hotel en Cuzco.
After having arrived in Peru, the adventurers looked for a hotel in Cuzco.
Después de [having eaten], fui a la plataforma del tren.
Después de haber comido, fui a la plataforma del tren.
After having eaten, I went to the train platform.
El actor aprendió el diálogo sin [having rehearsed] mucho.
El actor aprendió el diálogo sin haber ensayado mucho.
The actor learned the dialogue without having rehearsed much.
Los testigos [had been] advertidos por el juez.
Los testigos habían sido advertidos por el juez.
The witnesses had been warned by the judge.
El apartamento [had been] alquilado por dos amigos.
El apartamento había sido alquilado por dos amigos.
The apartment had been rented by two friends.
Esta mañana supimos que [had declined] la Bolsa.
Esta mañana supimos que había bajado la Bolsa.
This morning we learned that the Stock Market had declined.
Cuando llegamos, ya [they had locked] la puerta con llave.
Cuando llegamos, ya habían cerrado la puerta con llave.
When we got there, they had already locked the door.
El avión [had just landed].
El avión acababa de aterrizar.
The airplane had just landed.
Hacía unos pocos minutos que [I had been studying] cuando me dormí.
[action began in the past and ended in the past]
Hacía unos pocos minutos que estudiaba cuando me dormí.
I had been studying for a few minutes when I fell asleep
Hacía una hora que [she had been waiting.]
[action began in the past and ended in the past]
Hacía una hora que esperaba.
She had been waiting for an hour.
[action began in the past and ended in the past]
[She had been waiting] desde hacía una hora.
[action began in the past and ended in the past]
Esperaba desde hacía una hora.
[action began in the past and ended in the past]
[She had been] una hora esperando.
[action began in the past and ended in the past]
Llevaba una hora esperando.
[action began in the past and ended in the past]
Lleva una hora [he hasn’t said anything].
Lleva una hora sin hablar.
He hasn’t said anything for an hour.
sin + infinitive = someone has not been doing something for a certain length of time
Me dijo que [he had stopped] de fumar.
Me dijo que había dejado de fumar.
He told me that he had stopped smoking.