Past paper October 2021 Flashcards
Name 4 distinct protective structures used in horticulture for crop production, propagation or display
Glasshouse polythene tunnel cold frame cloche conservatory
describe 2 horticultural uses for protective structures used in horticulture for crop production, propagation or display; glasshouse
used to propagate a range of plants eg; Cyclamen persicum
For growing a main season crop eg; Lycopersicon esculentum
overwintering plants
display house
describe 2 horticultural uses for protective structures used in horticulture for crop production, propagation or display; polythene tunnel
Used to grow a short season crop eg; Lactuca sativa
Plant propagation
Overwintering plants
describe 2 horticultural uses for protective structures used in horticulture for crop production, propagation or display; Cold frame
Used to propagate hardy plants
Growing bedding plants
Hardening off plants eg: Impatiens walleriana
describe 2 horticultural uses for protective structures used in horticulture for crop production, propagation or display; cloche
used to protect early season row crops
Starting French or Runner beans until established
State two reasons why adequate ventilation is an essential part of successfully growing under protection. TEMPERATURES
Ventilation maintains optimum air temps for growing.
Temps that are too high can encourage soft growth - that is susceptible to pest/disease damage and lower yields.
Temps that are too low cause stunted growth, reduced flower production and lower yields.
Maintaining ambient levels of carbon dioxide with adequate ventilation enables photosynthesis to take place.
Inadequate ventilation can cause temporary depletion of it in the boundary layer around the leaf surface resulting in a reduction in growth.
State two reasons why adequate ventilation is an essential part of successfully growing under protection; CARBON DIOXIDE LEVELS
Maintaining ambient levels of carbon dioxide with adequate ventilation enables photosynthesis to take place.
Inadequate ventilation can cause temporary depletion of it in the boundary layer around the leaf surface resulting in a reduction in growth.
State two reasons why adequate ventilation is an essential part of successfully growing under protection; RELATIVE HUMIDITY
controlling relative humidity avoids the occurrence of fungal diseases
Describe one named method of ventilation ;
Forced draught or Fan ventilation
Install extractor fan at one end of structure
Construct an opening at the other end of the structure.
Hot, moist air is extracted from the structure by the fans
Cooler air enters through the opening
The air speed entering the structure is slow due to the large surface area of the opening.
A thermostat installed withing the structure can control the ventilation rate.
Describe the properties of the following horticultural cladding materials; HORTICULTURAL GLASS
good natural light entry for a long period of time
easily broken-can be a risk to health
very heavy
Describe the properties of the following horticultural cladding materials; POLYCARBONATE
usually twin-walled in construction which traps air
very good insulator
light weight and easy to handle
does not break easily and can be cut with a saw
Describe the properties of the following horticultural cladding materials; POLYTHENE FILM
limited life span
can create condensation which results in an environment with a high relative humidity
susceptible to wind damage and snow loading
goes brittle over time
Describe the properties of the following horticultural cladding materials; ACRYLIC SHEETS
can be obtained in limited sizes
tends to discolour over time
only available in a limited number of thickness
Describe the properties of the following horticultural cladding materials; HORTICULTURAL FLEECE
reduces light levels creating a shade effect
does not retain heat
useful for frost protection for a short period of time
Describe one method of heating a protected structure under each of the following headings; fuel used
gas oil electricity bio-fuel paraffin/kerosene
Describe one method of heating a protected structure under each of the following headings; Heat distribution
Heat is distributed around the structure by air.
It can be direct from a fan heater in one corner.
It can be distributed via polythene ducting which distributes the heat evenly within the structure.
It can also be done by water through a network of pies running down the length of the glasshouse.
A circulating pump ensures the water runs within all of the pipework
Warm air rises so the heat source needs to be low down to ensure even heat distribution.
Describe one method of heating a protected structure under each of the following headings; EFFICIENCY OF THE SYSTEM
Efficiency is dependent on the reliability and effectiveness of the heat source, combined with the ability to distribute heat around the structure quickly.
This is to ensure the system is responsive to any temp. changes in the structure.
Low thermal inertia provides a quick response.
Financial efficiency is also important IE; max. heat for min. cost.
Describe the management of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana under each of the following headings; PROPAGATION BY SEED
Propagated by seed.
Over fill clean trays with a John Inness seed sowing compost.
Tap tray to settle compost and strike off with a striking off board.
Firm with a firming board.
Sieve a fine layer of compost over the top of the tray and re-firm.
As seed is fine, mix with 50;50 dry silver sand to aid distribution.
Distribute mixture evenly over surface of tray
Seeds germinate at temp of 18-24’c
Once seeds are large enough to handle, prick out into modular trays
Describe the management of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana under each of the following headings; PROPAGATION BY STEM/TIP CUTTINGS
Cutting material must be true to type, healthy and pest/disease free.- collect from must above a node.
Cutting is 100mm long, prep. by cutting just below a node and remove basal leaves from a third of the length of the stem.
Insert cuttings into prepared clean trays in a 50;50 mix of coir;perlite.
Place cuttings in a closed case of mist unit with basal temp of 18-24’c.
Once sufficiently rooted they can be potted off.
Describe the management of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana under each of the following headings; POTTING
pot off into 9cm pots once root system established.
Use John Innes No.1 potting mix.
Half fill pot
Hold plant in centre of pot at suitable depth
Fill pot around plant-leave space for water and firm in.
The potted plants should be watered to settle the compost
Describe the management of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana under each of the following headings; MAINTENANCE
Water regularly as required but they will tolerate dry conditions temporarily.
Feed in growing season with liquid or foliar feed
Monitor for pest/disease damage
Aphid, red spider mite, mealy bugs, sciarid fly, botrytis and powdery mildew can affect the plants and need to be controlled.
Deadhead as required to encourage more flowering.
Describe the production of a named salad crop under each of the following headings; PROPAGATION (Solanum lycopersicum) aka tomato :)
propagate by seed.
Use a new/clean seed tray
over fill with John innes seed sowing compost
Tap tray twice on bench to settle compost-make sure corners filled.
Level surface with a striking board and firm with firming board.
Sow seeds evenly across the surface of the tray and lightly cover with a sieved compost.
Seeds germinate at 18-21’c in a closed case.
Seedlings are pricked out into 9-12cm pots when big enough to handle.
Describe the production of a named salad crop under each of the following headings; PLANTING (Solanum lycopersicum) aka tomato :)
can plant and grow in; grow bags/hydroculture/pots/directly in soil.
Select plants for their even vigour, health,
Water well and handle with care when planting out to avoid damage
Plant to same depth as they were in their pots and firm in.
Describe the production of a named salad crop under each of the following headings; PLANT MAINTENANCE (Solanum lycopersicum) aka tomato :)
water at regular intervals to maintain field capacity.
Avoid wet/dry cycles.
Give high N feeds initially to support growth
Raise Potassium levels to encourage flowering/fruiting
Provide support to aid long term cropping with cordon training systems eg; S HOOK or ‘Efford’ bobbin systems.
Individual plants can be supported by a bamboo cane and ties.
In later stages of crop maintenance de-leafing of the lower leaves takes place to reduce the area of foliage and maintain air movement around the plant.