past paper content Flashcards
what is professional skepticism
-questioning mind
-alert to conditions which may indicate possible misstatement due to error and fraud
-critical assessment of audit evidence
if auditor is not skeptic
-they may not realise that something is unusual i.e red flags that indicate fraud
-may not be able to identify and assess risks accurately
-audit procedures may not be tailored to the risk at hand
-jump to hasty conclusions
-it is important part of being a competent auditor
-important to be ethically independent, objectivity
payroll supervisor says that no authorization needed for payment of temporary employees
-this assertion by him must be corroborated aka confirm if its true
-if true this is a design deficiency, include this in report to management
ghost employee situation- payroll supervisor says there r new temporary staff, management says there are no staff.
-confirm from management that there is no new temporary staff
-this could be fraud situation aka money being taken by supervisor or accomplice
-junior should raise issue with supervisor.
what are the reasons auditor might not seek re election
-lack of resources, big client, not enough staff
-competence: auditor believes they dont have expertise specially if client is operating in a specialised industry
-disagreement with client in the past eg. over accounting treatments. bad relationship, difficult to carry out audit effectively.
-ethics- fee level: fees necessary to make profit may become too high (15% of total revenue) this creates an independence problem as auditors opinion may be influenced by fear of losing client.
-management integrity: if auditor has reason to believe there is unproven fraud etc.
what matters should be included in audit tender document
-overview of audit firm’s structure including international network, history, structure, services
-areas of expertise and key staff: details of partner, their experience, team size and composition.
-assessment of client needs and how firm can meet them.
eg. if client has 6 subs, clarify that the tender includes audit of each of the subidaries and parent and group as a whole.
Many subs, big firm can handle.
-audit approach: how firm will gather knowledge of client, planning and risk assessment methods as well as procedures to gather evidence. will reliance be placed on internal controls? control testing will be done, if ir is decided that Internal controls can be relied upon , it will be a cost effective audit.
-deadline: provide details of when subs will be audited, consolidation process , audit opinion time. propose a reasonable deadline so that audit quality can be maintained. short deadline will make it difficult to obtain evidences in some areas like receivables recoverability and going concern. too much pressure will make audit team do things quickly rather than thoroughly. so things may be missed.
-fees: include proposed fees & its breakdown. how is it calculated, staff hourly rate and estimated time required. fee should be sufficient to ensure a high quality audit.
-communication with management, outline the various communications to take place throughout. Eg written report on effectiveness of internal controls.
-non audit services: any non audit services that firm wishes to provide can be included. Carefully consider ethical requirements relating to independence.
-quality control and ethics: firm should state adherance to IESBA code of ethics and ISQC. this will increase confidence of client.
Matters to consider before accepting audit
size of client, is sufficient staff available?
-relevant expertise?
-time pressure
-any overseas subs, overseas offices, outside auditors for overseas work? their work will have to be evaluated in order to express opinion.
-previous auditor resigned why?
-risk level
Audit partner or manager gets a bonus from selling non audit services
There is a self interest threat. as auditor will not be willing to disagree with client during audit, as they have a financial interest.
-significance of threat depends on:
-what % is the bonus
-role of individual on audit team
-are promotions influenced by sale of such services
-key audit partner should not get this bonus as it’s against IESBA code of ethics.
-bonus can be offered to other audit team members if safeguards r in place eg. Work being reviewed by professional accountant.
If senior manager, then dont offer bonus as their role will be so imp that safeguards will not be sufficient.
-best to consider other ways to increase revenue and evaluate staff performance
Can auditor provide internal audit services to client, ethical issues
-there is a self review threat if reliance on IA, professional skepticism will be reduced. can be mitigated by using different team.
- risk of assuming management responsibility. if that is the case either withdraw from IA or EA.
Management responsibility is when auditor is designing, implementing and maintaining internal controls
For public interest entities, internal audit services cannot be provided for:
-Major controls over financial reporting
-Material amounts or disclosures in financial statements
-The accounting system that generates significant client records.
what is a transnational audit
an audit which includes FS of entities outside the auditee’s home country for purposes of lending, investment or regulatory decisions.
eg. a company listed on stock exchanges of different countries that is bound by more than one country’s rules or a company with overseas subs.
why do transnational audits have a high audit risk
-different accounting standards. lack of understanding
-different quality requirements.
-different laws governing auditors
-different laws like tax laws, company law, securities etc.
-listing requirements of each country is diff
-different corporate governance requirements
-exchange rate risks
rules vs principles based auditing
rules based: when auditor follows prescribed rules on how to audit a particular area, but does not use any judgement on how to apply to rules
principles based: where no detailed rules are prescribed. auditor must use guiding princples to the area being audited.
rules based auditing pros and cons
-improved clarity and understanding. no doubt.
-improvement in audit quality
-clear standard for benchmarking
-easy for regulatory body to monitor quality
-decreased audit risk
-reduces auditor’s ability to take into account individual circumstances
-danger of just applying rules when more might be required.
-there may might not be a rule for a particular situation. can be problematic for complex clients.
-danger that rules based might lower quality of audit.
what is an intimidation threat
-threat to compliance of fundamental principle of “OBJECTIVITY” which is crucial part of independence.
-eg. client threatening to replace auditor if they issue qualified opinion
when auditor identifies there is a threat to independence, safeguards should be applied to counter it by taking guidance from framework.
rules for advertising accounting services and fees
-ad should not bring acca into disrepute or bring discredit to the professional accountant, firm or the accountancy profession
-dont discredit the services offered by others, by claiming superiority
-ad should not be misleading either directly or by implication
-ad shouldn’t fall short of any local regulatory or legislative requirements
Advertising fees:
It is risky to refer to fees in an advertisement, as confusion may arise as to what a potential client might expect to receive in return for that fee
-if reference is made to the fees, BASIS (hourly, other charging rates etc) on which the fees is calculated should be CLEARLY STATED.
-comparasion to other firms fees may be made, but shud not be misleading. Reference to fees shud be factual and justifiable.
acceptable publicity includes:
-Appointments and awards
-Seeking employment
-Professional directories
-Books, article, interviews, lectures, media appearances
-Training courses and seminars
use of the acca logo
-only members with current and valid certificate can use it
-a firm with at least one acca member as partner or director may use acca logo on letterheads, stationary and internet websites. the firm must be controlled by holders of recognised accountancy qualifications
-use appropriately, shudnt be confused with firm’s own logo
what is lowballing
lowballing means tendering for an audit for a very low fee, hoping to under cut competitors and winning the audit tender.
code of ethics says that members can quote whatever fee is deemed appropriate
ethical implications:
-low fee so client will have to be retained to recover initial loss, creates self interest threat
-professional competence and due care may not be applied if fee is too low, lack of quality control
-this can be seen as unprofessional as it means smaller practices can not compete.
-lowballing is allowed but it does not mean firm can cut costs by doing less audit work.
-same amount of work must be done as any other audit, which is, the amount of work required to provide reasonable assurance that FS r not MMS.
if firm has lowballed, it must be able to demonstrate that audit has been conducted in accordance with auditing standards. (i.e appropriate staff has been used, appt time spent, standards and qc met)
-make client aware of the terms of the engagement, fee basis, assigning apt. time and staff
can audit firm and client work on a business project together? for eg. making a audit software?
-this would create significant threats to independence.
-its a ‘close business relationship” as per IESBA.
-self interest threat unless immaterial and insignificant project. no safeguards would be enough.
-say no to project or audit.
-as per IESBA, independence includes independence in appearance. so even if ethical, it looks bad so must be ruled off.
-carefully make decision, long term goals, expertise, risks from diversifying in an unknown area.
can audit firm sell it’s joint venture accounting /tax software to clients?
-self interest threat- safeguard: disclose to clients abt joint venture and benefits.
-self review threat if clients use the software to make FS. expert can be used but it wud be expensive and impractical cuz pervasive.
-non audit service, it creates perception of taking audit responsibilities. for public interest entities, auditor shud not be calculating tax
diff b/w audit and limited assurance review
-audit is mandatory except for some small companies below a certain threshold, review isnt required by law.
-scope of audit procedures is decided by firm only in acc with ISAs. The scope for review is agreed by both client and firm. still any standards must be followes.
-audit: wide range of procedures including TOC and SP (AEIOU). review: narrow range, focus on enquiry and analytical procedures.
-audit: level of assurance is reasonable, in review: moderate
-wording is different
in audit:
‘in our opinion, the FS present fairly, in all material aspects, the financial position of the company, its financial performance and its cash flows for the year ended in accordance with the IFRS”
the wording is positive in audit
in review:
“based on the review performed, nothing has come to our attention which causes us to believe that FS dont present fairly, in all material aspects… in accordnce with the IFRS”
negative wording
advantages and disadvantages to client of having an audit than a review
-SH trust and accountability
-financing facilities negotiation from bank
-good quality information management can use for decision making
-review of internal controls, auditor reports deficiencies to management. help to make change.
-increased stakeholder trust, eg. suppliers and customers
-more expensive
-may be unnecessary
-more invasive, disruptive, requires staff time.
can external auditor perform a review of internal controls for client after signing audit report?
-reviewing controls which are part of financial reporting system may create a self review threat, as this will later also be done in external audit
-design, implementation and maintenence of internal controls are management responsiblities, if auditor helps it may be considered thet are assuming management reponsiblities, IESBA says this is a potential self reviewm self interest and familarity threat.
-no safeguards, like separate team, are enough for assuming mgmnt responsiblities.
-advise client to hire competent personnel who can review internal controls and implement auditor’s recommendations.
-code says that if client is listed and also an external audit client, then firm shall not provide IA services which relate to a significant part of internal controls relevant to financial reporting. given that this is the main expertise of an audit firm, it is likely they will be required to do some work in this area. thus, the service would not be appropriate
-if client wants review of internal controls not related to reporting, the firm shud consider if they have the professional competencies to do it to maintain quality standards
communicate with audit committee - as this might impact audit opinion. if internal controls arent working then can they be relied upon? more details required
it has come to knowledge after signing report that internal controls are deteriorating , what to do?
-one of the key responsibilities of auditor is to evaluate design and implementation of client’s controls which are relevant to the audit, to identify risks of material misstatement.
-if deficiencies are indentified, auditor has to assess the potential impact on FS, and design a suitable response in order to reduce risk to an acceptable level.
-auditor is also resp for communicating to management the deficiencies
-if these deficiencies relate to systems that were relevant to the audit, this means auditor failed to detect, ineffective audit planning.
-risk that procedures were inappropriate
-risk that auditor failed to identify MS.
-maybe inappropriate audit opinion (worst case scenario)
-its not clear, audit file and documentation should be reviewed, assess communications to management and TCWG.
-concerns raised by audit committee shud be noted for next yrs audit
-further clarfiiciation should be consulted on which deficiences are identified.
firm provides bookkeeping, payroll, tax services to client. client is non listed. can the firm provide an audit for this company?
-this is a self review threat due to impact of other services on FS.
-NOT prohibited by code as the company is not listed.
-can be considered assuming management responsibilities, if it was listed, no safeguards. but in this case
it is permissible to provide these services to a non listed client, however safeguards must be in place and threat must be reduced to an acceptable level.
for listed, these services that impact fs can not be provided.
-firm has already been preparing the accounts. a separate team must be used for audit, and an engagement quality control review must be done before signing audit report.
-firm must ensure sufficient staff is available for segregation of duties, inform client that diff staff will be used
if management responsibilites have been assumed, they must be stopped. and it is likely firm will have to wait a year before auditing, as it will impact the FS. this must be communicated to client and obtain written confirmation that client understands and accepts this.
-this might change which services can be provided, so new engagement letters must be issued in that case.
can we provide audit and tax services to a client?
-self review threat to objectivity
-if its non listed then we can provide, if safeguards are implemented like separate teams
no response from outgoing auditor
isa 220 quality control for audit says that
firm must obtain sufficient info about a range of matters about client before accepting.
one such matter is integrity of owners and management
talking to outgoing auditors is one procedure to do this.
if engagement partner is not satisfied that enough info is obtained, then dont accept engagement
client is suing outgoing auditor for damages, because they gave modified opinion.
reason for modified opinion was disagreement over accounting treatment and material misstatements
-if management is applying wrong acc treatment and impact on fs is material, it will lead to modified opinion in future as well. if management is not accepting responsibility to apply proper accounting treatment they are not meeting the preconditions. so reject the engagement
-management integrity is doubtful as auditors are experts. this shows mgmgnt is unwilling to accept IFRS or trying to manipulate FS. if auditor is not satisfied with integrity of mgmgnt, reject.
-lawsuit shows maybe management is innocent. if auditor is the one negligent, then no reason to reject engagement. further info must be obtained. it is likely legal correspondence has taken place, so review it.
-if no legal correpondence, use own expertise to determine if acc treatment was correct or not
-before accepting, consult own legal team, and senior executive partners
one client asks you to perform share valuation of another client, they plan to buy it
2 threats:
1-a conflict of interest threat arises when a firm provides a service in relation to two or more clients whose interests in respect of the matter are in conflict.
In this case, P and S interests will be conflicting. as buyer will want low price, seller will want high
-due to nature of this engagement, there is a risk confiedtial information will be revealed, whci auditor knows but buyer isnt aware of. giving buyer unfair advantage to bargain over price.
-safeguard for this threat would be to use different teams
2- self review threat as the auditor will later audit the consolidated accounts of buyer, they will be reveiweing their own work
-safeguad is to use different team
if client is listed, the firm should not provide valuation service if the valuation is material to the consolidated accounts which will be audited after.
Before accepting, consider impact, if material, decline.
client refused to increase audit fees even though they r expanding so more hours r required
-this is an intimidation threat to objectivity
-according to IESBA code, this means accountant wont be able to act objectively due to actual or perceived pressures.
-audit firm is being pressired to reduce inappropriately the extent of work performed in order to match the fee they r getting.
-discuss with audit committee
-stress the fact that expansion increases the scope of the audit
-tell them fee should be increased
-inform audit firm’s partner for ethics
client had expanded but wont increase fees so materiality level has been increased
-materiality is inceased presumably to reduce the number of audit procedures and the cost
-this increases risk that insufficient evidence was obtained, and some review procedures may not have been perfomed
-this shows that quality control procedures have not been applied to the audit
ISA 220 quality control states that audit partner must review documentation and must be satsisfied that enough work is done to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence befoe the audit report is issued
1-samples were selected based on judgement rather than statistical methods.
2- only parts of the population being tested were included, eg some locations were not included in the non current asset sample selected for physical verification
-quality control issue
-using judgemental sampling may result in smaller sample size or not represenative sample.
-ISA says sample size shud be sufficient to reduce sampling risk to acceptably low level
-ISA also says sample shud be selected in such a way that whole population has equal selection chance
there is a risk that use of judgement has led to inappropriate audit conclusions being made.
2- some items are totally excluded which means procedures werent performed, relevant assertions not covered by audit testing. NCA may be overstated in financial statements
client’ former finance director is now an audit partner at the firm
he updated the audit partner of the client with info
-potential threats to objectivity
-CODE says that if a member of the audit team recently served as a director, officer or employee (who had significant influence over accounting records) of the firm, self interest, self review or familarity threats may be created and that person may not be included in the audit team
-even though he is not in team, he helped the audit partner by giving info, this is wrong.
-matter shud be discussed with firm’s partner for ethics
-also with client’s audit committee as they r responsible for auditor independence.
some audit work is being performed by overseas office of firm, who performs it at lower cost.
-low risk and non judgemental work like minutes meeting and numerical checks on documentation were given
-increasingly common for low cost
-no regulation to prohibit this practice
-IF its only low risk and non judgemental work, risk to audit quality is low
-review of board minutes is a subjective task, should be performed by an auditor with sufficient knowledge of client maters, so they can identify relevant matters
-it is unlikely abroad person will be able to identify relevant matters
-controls must be put in place to ensure that only appropriate tasks are off shored
-monitoring and review must be done to give comfort
-firm must ensure that firm wide policies adhere to ISQC 1
-a high quality audit is more imp than cutting costs
a person appointed as a partner in audit firm, retained shareholding in client till 6 months after his appointment
-self interest threat to objectivity
-code says that audit team member must dispose immediately
-not member of audit team but an auditor of firm, must dispose as soon as possible
-6 months is a long period, firm shud have procedures in place to ensure these matters are monitored and resolved quickly
-review firm policies
-ask guy why shares werent disposed immediately
client has many subs
1 sub is being audited by another firm
firm has given u draft auditor’s report
they r planning to issue qualified opinion because firm hasnt recognised 2m court case provisioon.
management says there is only 20% chance of them losing case
it is material to both the sub and group
-audit evidence on which audit opinion is based must be reviewed
-auditor must have obtained audit evidence that probability is not 20% but 50% or more.
-MS is material but unlikely to be pervasive so qualified opinion is correct
-discuss matter with other engagement partner
-evidence shud include all copies of legal correspondence and written representations from management regarding accounting treatment
-if evidence is weak, we may use an auditor’s expert to give a separate legal opinion on the matter ( can be done in collab with sub auditor or alone)
-if mgmnt is correct and SA is wrong, tell auditor to redraft report and show unmodified opinion
-also discuss matter with group mgmnt to determine impact on group FS
-if sub’s FS are changed, ask group mgmnt to also recognise provision
-if sub mgmnt dont adjust, they still get qualified opinion. group should still adjust it to get an unmodified opinion
-if adjustment is not made by sub or group, then group audit opinion will be qualified “except for”
-work of sub auditor will not be referred to in group report.
materiality to group is how much
ISA 600 says
a component (sub/BU) is material if it exceeds 15% of a specific benchmark for the group as a whole.
“have you had enough of your accountant charging you too much for poor quality services?”
ad acceptable?
-no! adverse impact on accountancy profession.
-claiming superiority
“we provide the most comprehensive range of finance and accountancy services in the country as well as having the leading tax team in the country who are just waiting to save you money”
-most comprehensive may be misleading as there may be larger firms
-must be removed if misleading
-leading tax team is also misleading as its not possible to substantiate this claim.
-not possible to measure effectiveness of tax teams
-remove from ad
-waiting to save u money is inappropriate, no guarantee can be made as law must be applied. not applying law apptly will raise qs abt professional behavior of practitioner.
what firm can use the term certified chartered accountants
50% or more of the partners must be ACCA members
we are offering free business advice to all new audit clients
- drop in and see us
-self interest threat to objectivity
-threat to PC and due care if unable to offer quality due to low fee
-drop in see us may cause problems
-senior staff will be busy
ensure sufficient staff available
client’s finance director threatened to seek a new auditor unless this yrs audit is cheaper and less intrusive.
-intimidation threat to objectivity
-FD is trying to unduly influence the conduct of the audit
-arrange meeting with senior management of client or audit committee,
-explain how audit will be performed and how fees is calculated
-explain standards and terms of engagement agreed by client , speicifcally that mgmgnt need to provide docs and explanations for auditor to collect SAE. explain that due to these standards they cant guarantee cheaper less intrusive audit.
-consider integrity of FD. either resign or use senior, experienced staff who r less likely to be intimidated
-planning shud be done by someone experienced, reviewed by manager n partner to ensure appt procedures, no time waste
-give FD adequate notice of audit timing, list of docs required, to prepare
-recommend setting up meetings for less disruption during fieldwork
client still hasnt paid last yr fees
-self interest threat specially if not paid before audit report next yr
-determine the amount of fee which is unpaid
-can it be considered a loan given to client
-if insignificant amount and not long overdue, threat is not significant
-if threat is significant, no audit work to be performed until fee is paid
-tell this decision to mgmnt or audit committee
client sales and profitability is declining due to bad economic conditions
-loss of key customers
-NCA are impaired
-lots of receivables written off recently
-going concern issue
-if loan is not obtained, going concern disclosure must be made in FS.
-Auditor report shud include a section called ‘material uncertainty related to going concern”
-if Disclosures not made in FS, opinion will either be qualified or adverse
client planning to obtain loan for restructuring
-obtain and review forecasts and assess reasonableness of assumptions
-obtain written representation that projections are considered achievable in this economy
-review terms of loan,see if client will be able to repay
-is loan sufficient for restructuring costs
-review repayment history and overdues with bank to guess if loan will be given
-discuss with bankers, see if they will provide loan or not, get confirmation
-discuss with mgmgnt if any alternative financing options or other strategies have been considered
-written rep management opinion if loan is likely to be obtained
u r auditor.
u r asked to advise on necessary forecasts and projections that client will show to bank
client requested ur firm is there for bank meeting
-self review threat
-forecasts are cruicial for assessment of going concern.
-potential advocacy threat
-as we are promoting company’s promotion to bank
-consider safeguards . eg. separate team to help prep forecasts, and written rep from management that they r solely resp for preparing forecasts.
-if firm decides threats csnt be reduced, dont give either one or both services
-auditor can attend meeting w bank but be careful not to create impression that we r resp for prepping forecasts , or guarantee compny’s future position.
-attending meeting could create legal proximity, increased risk of legal action against firm if co defaults.
you are responsible for reviewing invoices raised to clients and monitoring credit control procedures of the firm
client has not paid last yr fee
cash flow issues
this yr audit report to be issued soon
what to do?
-credit control is poorly managed
-review credit control procedures and improve it
-last yr fees can be seen as a loan or free. self interest threat.
-discuss payment plan/ recoverability. if overdue fees is not paid, consider resigning. if client is having money problems, we can remain auditors provided that adequate safeguards are put in place and amount is not significant
-if amount is significant, no safeguards will be enough.
-inform ethics partner who will evaluate threat and document conclusions.
-fees shud have been discussed before starting work on new audit
-ethics partner shud ensure there is no outstanding fees before performing audit work. make firm wide policy that managers to check history.
-self interest threat for this yrs report
-get independent reviewer for report
-going concern issue
-carry out procedures to ensure SAE is gathered on going concern to form an opinion
your firm has raised invoice to a company who is not your client
-for recommending their audit software to your audit clients
-inappropriate close business relationship. self interest threat compromising independence and objecitivty. this can continue if safeguards are applied:
-audit staff have no financial or personal interest in software selling company
-arrangement between firm & seller fully disclosed
-obtain written representation from client that they are aware of referral fees
also monitor quality of software to ensure not inferior
-u found an invoice from your client in file
-invoice addressed to mr X who is audit manager of this client
-invoice is for rental. mr x is renting a place from client.
-mr x is given discount on rent by client
client uses their land for rental income (normal course of business)
mr x says invoice shud have been sent on private address
only planning work is done so far
1- business relationship:
code says ppl who can influence conduct and outcome of audit shud not enter business relationship with client.
-except if they are ordinary course of business, arms length basis and inconsequential to both parties
-audit manager has influence
-mr x can only rent if code’s conditions are met
-it is ordinary course of business
-discount means its not arm’s length basis, so criteria is breached.
-new manager shud be assigned
-all planning work done should be independently reviewed
-situation shud be discussed with client’s TCWG and audit committee
2- self interest threat:
by getting discounted rate mr x has breathed ethical principles, he might get biased for financial benefit
give mr x ethics training
disciplinary action
investigate other audits
a company gets grant if it meets the 3 KPIs:
-1% revenue products donated
-0.6% revenue donated
-fewer than 5 serious accidents anually
why is it not possible to give high level of assurance on KPIs?
-lack of precision (price of products donated? how are donations valued time/money? serious is subjective
-likely lack of proper audit evidence (eg. time spent by employees at charity)
what procedures can be undertaken to find evidence for # of serious accidents
-obtain health and safety accident log books for the premises and review number of accidents
-discuss meaning of serious with directors, obtain written rep that this definition is accurate
-review legal correspondence to see if any lawsuits
-discuss with health n safety officers/doctors on premises.
-review board minutes to see director’s opinions
-sample some serious and non serious, review correspondence, payroll, compensation payments to see if they have been properly labeled or not.
we have accepted a limited assurance engagement which is a review of prospective Financial info (profit forecast) which is needed to support the client’s bank overdraft facilities.
-we will use separate team from audit team to perform this work
general procedures:
-enquire about who made the forecast, assess competence,
-what procedures and controls have been followed in prepping fc? eg. did a senior member of accounting team review them
-confirm accounting policies have been consistently applied. eg. design costs are expensed rather than capitalised.
-assess reasonableness of assumptions
-re cast to ensure arithmetical accuracy
specific procedures:
-client has a seasonal business
-interest cost is included in operating profit
-design costs include staff payroll costs
-other expenses is calculated based on 30% revenue
what procedures to perform?
specific procedures:
-ask if a more detailed forecast is available or ask management to make one, ask for Income statement, bal sheet, cash flow statement.
-see if there are any matters that make profit unachievable after assessing SOFP or CF statement. eg. timing of working capital cycle may make it impossible to achieve the profit forecast,, if funds r not available specially given seasonal nature of business
-req them to make it in accordance with IFRS. dont include interest in operating profit
-recalculate gross profit, compare with prior year margins and investigate any anomalies
-obtain breakdown of COGS snd gross profit, perform analytical review to confirm they r in line with expectations, discuss any high or low forecast costs with management
-check if any expenses are missing like depreciation
-compare revenue with last yr FS, investigate trends through discussion with management
-discuss any marketing plans to increase revenue
-confirm costs are allocated correctly
new potential client. client has approached us
outgoing auditor is not picking call
what to do?
-code says we need to do due diligence
-talking to outgoing auditor is a process of this DD
-outgoing auditor needs permission from client
-maybe client said not to respond, unlikely tho cuz client has approached us.
-maybe auditor has integrity concerns and is hesitant to share due to confidentiality issues
-however they shud pick the call as professional courtesy.
-unprofessional behavior
-ask client if they have given permission, get written confirmation
-send duplicate request for info and get receiving, so there is legal evidence that it was received.
-write it letter that lack of response will be assumed there are no issues
-threaten to report to professional body for unprofessional conduct
-if no reply, accept engagement and report to acca
u r approached by H co. to advise on takeover bid. target company (V co) is your audit client. H co is not ur audit client
-there may be conflict of interest depending on the following factors:
1) do H or V objection? H is not likely to object cuz its public info. V might object. both parties must be informed so a decision can be made.
2) what are the services in detail
3) will we be V’s primary advisor in case of takeover?
the professional guidance says that one firm should not be the principal advisor of both parties in event of a takeover
if auditor was not principle advisor to both parties, and both parties agreed, they could advise H and continue auditing V.
make sure teams r different, as far away as possible, diff areas of office or diff offices
-determine if H is asking them to be principal advisors
-tell H that V permission is needed
-if V says yes,accept
can an auditor advise their audit client in case of a takeover
yes, there is no bar to independence in doing so.
your ex colleague who now works at a competitor, told u that his new firm lowballed to a client that u all were chasing…
the firm is expecting to recover profit by offering other non audit services
-self interest threat to Professional competence and due care
-ensure we r able to demonstrate quality
-offering other services is allowed as long as no threat to independence. however, increasingly it’s frowned upon. eg. in US its banned for one audit firm to offer non audit services to client
-colleague has breached confidentiality by discussing firm matters in such a social setting
consider own pricing policy
report ex colleague to acca for breaching confidentiality
ur auditing a hospital
u just heard a surgeon saying to his colleague that he hopes to complete medical qualification soon
-also that he was glad hospital didnt check his references before hiring
u also found a letter from a patient’s lawyer claiming compensation from hospital for medical negligence
-following laws is mgmnt responsibility, auditor is not responsible to prevent or detect it. however, if we have become aware of possible NOCLAR, impact on FS must be considered
-we dont have medical knowledge. maybe he is doing further studies.
-reference not being checked is also a separate issue from being qualified.
-further evidence must be obtained. review personnel file of this surgeon.
effect on FS:
1- litigation risk - if many errors r made, many cases. going concern. obtain evidence of further errors, take advice from lawyers.
2- action from regulatory bodies. possible fines. ask lawyer if mgmnt can be considered guilty here.
use expert. legal advice
-reference not checked shows ineffective internal controls
-obtain evidence to see if there r other employees like this
-ask lawyer what are the odds of losing the case because disclosures will need to be made
-check date of letter, before or after yr end? if surgery was after yr end, provision will be required
if before, no prov. required
If surgeon is not qualified, mgmgnt must disclose to relevant authorities, if they dont, auditor must disclose it in the public interest.
-difficult decision as there is confidentiality issue
-obtain legal advice before doing this
listed client outsources it’s payroll, invoicing and credit control fuctions to H co.
-there was a computer virus attack on H co, and accounting records were destroyed
-audit procedures related to payroll, revenue and receivables were unable to be performed
-all are material to FS
-H co. has manually reconstructed the figures, and given a written representation that they are as accurate as possible.
actions and implication on audit report?
-audit procedures not performed, so SAE is not obtained
-H reconstruction is done “as far as possible” figures could still be materially and pervasively misstated. H’s confirmation is not SAE.
-some procedures may still be perfomed. receivables can still be tested by a circularisation
-listed client means interim FS. so some info can be audited
-deadline extension may be required
-it is possible to issue unmodified if SAE is obtained
-if evidence not obtained, qualified (material but not pervasive) (or disclaimer
(material and pervasive)
details of modification plans must be given to TCWG, they must be given chance for furhter explanation
quality control requirements of above?
-listed co so an engagement quality control reviewer must be appointed
-review shud review FS, audit report and relevant audit documentation
-issue of receivables, payorll and revenue must be carefully checked for SAE
-reviewer shud ensure there is adequate documentation, supporting the opinion and that adequate communicationhas been made to TCWG when needed
after signing of audit report, a fraud was uncovered in payroll department of client
-audit partner said no TOC were conducted in payroll because in previous yrs no deficiencies were reported in payroll dept
-client is planning to sue auditor for negligence
impact on fs was material
-not auditor’s responsibility to detect fraud unless material
-fraud is hard to detect cuz of sophisticated attempts to conceal. also there may be collusion by management.
-partner said toc were not done means audit firm was not skeptical enough
-it is difficult to defend the conduct of audit as audit doesn’t seem to be in accordance with ISAs. SAE does not seem to be gathered in respect of payroll. TOC should be done in each audit period as per ISAs.
negligence criteria must be met to prove negligence
negligence criteria
3 things must be proved for auditor to be found negligent:
1) duty of care existed
2) duty of care was breached
3) financial loss resulted from the negligence.
client has been sued by customer but management is not making disclosures insisting that full amount will be covered by insurance
amount is material
mgmnt is paid bonus on PBT
what evidence can be found in audit working papers?
-incentive to manipulate
-risk that profit may be overstated and liabilities understated.
-ISA 37 states provision shud be recognised if there is probable outflow of economic benefits as a result of past events and amount can be measured reliably. however further evidence required for determination of whether provision shud be made or not
-if insurance inflow is probable, it is a separate event. to recognise this as an asset it shud be certain that it will be received.
-also provide for legal costs to defend the claim
-copy of claim
-correspondence with affected party
-correspondence with lawyer
-correspondence with insurance company
-written representation from management etc
training costs have been capitalised, what evidence can we expect to find in audit file?
-ias 16 doesn’t allow it as we cant control staff so training doesn’t meet definition of asset. they should be expensed
-review of invoice to verify they are accurately classified as training costs
-sample testing of invoices and payables
-evidence that a sample of entries are included in the correct period
-testing for completeness that shud have been accrued are in fact accrued.
a major customer of client has gone bankrupt, they are going to pay 25% debt only
what evidence will be found in audit file?
-ensure receivable is impaired by 75%
-consider any inventory customer might have ordered. can it be sold? ensure proper treatment
-external docs confirming bankruptcy of customer
-confirmation of 25% to be paid
-review of inventory documentation
-recalculation of amount that will be recognised as impairment loss
auditors vs management responsibilities in regards to compliance to laws and regulations
management responsibilities::
-ensure operations are carried out in accordance with laws and regulations
-ensure internal controls r in place to prevent, detect and report noclar
-ensure code of conduct/ disciplinary action
auditor responsibilities:
-cannot prevent / detect noclar
-imp to fully understand legal and regulatory environment of client
-perform procedures to identify noclar and its impact on fs
-understand nature of breach, how it happened, employees involved, on purpose or unintentional
-determine if noclar must be reported to external party
direct vs indirect impact of laws on fs
indirect effect: eg. environmental
laws, operating licenses, etc
eg. Banks have to follow banking laws
audit procedures to identify whether breach has taken place
-inquire management if company is compliant to laws- verbal evidence weak so Get written reps
-inspect correspondence with regulatory authority
-inspect board meetings minutes
-confirmation from legal advisor.
there was a breach of data protection law. actions?
-obtain understanding and circumstances of breach
-procedures for evidence: discussion w management, discuss with legal advisor,
-evaluate effect on F/S, provision, impairment, going concern, disclosure
-proceudres to determine amount, timing of fine or penalty (minutes of meetings, lawyers, mgmnt, going concern uncertainty)
noclar has been found - how will auditor report it
-audit report if not adjusted
-external party (confidentiality issue but imp if PIE)
-consult legal counsel
-consider withdrawal
impact of corporate governance principles on audit practice
-enhancing oversight through independent bodies like audit committees,
-improving audit quality via robust internal controls,
-focusing on ethical standards,
-assessing risk management systems, and
-ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
why is there a need for public oversight of audit and assurance practice
-reliable info
-investor confidence
-consistency in quality
need for professional framework
-public trust
what are the main audit reform proposals being suggested by regulators to improve confidence in audits
-enhance independence by reducing fee dpeendancy. IESBA has proposed changes to code of ethics saying auditor cat act for a PIE client if fee dependency persists beyond a specified period.
-audit fee should be standalone
-break up the firm to separate audit services from other accountancy services
-mandatory firm rotation periodically, however could lead to higher costs and initial errors
-joint audits by colaborating to retain knowledge and increase competition. although big4 may resist.
-state appointed auditor to reduce conflicts of interest
-audit team composition, time, profitability disclosure to increase transparency
company facing lawsuit for damages of natural site. FD has told auditor not to talk to employees about the case, only talk to him. also told not to contact the party thats suing them
this request will restrict audit team’s ability to obtain evidence, its inappropriate.
FD shouldnt say that we cant speak to employees
ISA says management shud acknowledge responsiblity to provide auditor with access to all relevant info which includes unrestricted access to ppl in entity who auditor determines necessary to obtain evidence
audit committee should be informed. involve them in planning stage to obtain comfort that a quality audit will be performed. audit committee should intervene and allow full access.
integrity of finance director seems questionable. other representations may not be reliable, risk of management bias is high
another issue: auditor if becomes aware of an instance of non compliance or suspected non complaince, obtain full understanding of the act and circumstances and evaluate the possible effect on FS.
plan procedures to conclude whether auditor needs to report to ppl other than usual, like appropriate authorities regarding non compliance
audit procedures regarding legal claim for environmental damage
-obtain letter received, review, understand basis.
-discuss with legal advisor to understand their opinion of group likely to pay damages
-inquire management and tcwg about procedures for compliance
-inquire with employees abt the activities
-review correspondence between suer and client to track progress of legal claim
-obtain written rep that all cases of non compliance have been made known to auditor
-discuss with tcwg if nay steps taken to inform regulators if non compliance
-review disclosures and conclude if sufficient as per ias 37
Audit procedures for impairment of brand name of group
-obtain mgmnt calculations and understand their methods
-evaluate reasonableness of assumptions used in impairment review
-confirm carrying value of brand name before impairment using last yr fs
-obtain breakdown of total revenue to check if its a separate line of business for disclosure of continued operation
-breakdown of operating expenses to confirm impairment is included
Audit procedures for impairment of brand name of group
-obtain mgmnt calculations and understand their methods
-evaluate reasonableness of assumptions used in impairment review
-confirm carrying value of brand name before impairment using last yr fs
-obtain breakdown of total revenue to check if its a separate line of business for disclosure of continued operation
-breakdown of operating expenses to confirm impairment is included
Audit procedures for planned acquisiton (to be financed by loan)
-review board minutes to understand the rationale
-discuss way in which control will be exercised, can p determine board members of s
-review meeting minutes between P & S and confirm if deal is likely to happen, timescale, amount and nature of consideration, % shareholding, equity or non equity shares
-obtain any due diligence reports and see if any matters need to be disclosed
-obtain copy of loan agreement
-after reporting date, agree the cash consideration paid to bank records
Audit procedures for planned acquisiton (to be financed by loan)
-review board minutes to understand the rationale
-discuss way in which control will be exercised, can p determine board members of s
-review meeting minutes between P & S and confirm if deal is likely to happen, timescale, amount and nature of consideration, % shareholding, equity or non equity shares
-obtain any due diligence reports and see if any matters need to be disclosed
-obtain copy of loan agreement
-after reporting date, agree the cash consideration paid to bank records
what is tendering
audit firm puts out tender either when:
-open invitation to tender or
-approached by prospective client and partners have decided they are capable of doing the work for a reasonable fee
how to decide if we want a new client or not
-why has the opportunity arisen, first audit or change of auditor?
-do we have sufficient staff available
-will staff need to be trained and cost of training?
-do we have time?
-where will work be performed and is it accessible/cost effective?
-what type of work audit/tax/number of visits?
-specialists required? do we have the specialist skills?
-client management reputation, ethics etc
submitting a tender to an existing client
not all details necessary but if its a competitive tender, ensure its comparable even if some details are already known to client.
tender must be comparable and must appear professional
criteria used by prospective clients to evaluate tender
-personal knowldege of partner and staff
-prior experience of industry and similar business
-matching the service to the specific needs of the business
-effective relationship between client and key members of audit teams
UK companies act requirements for tendering
-companies must put out audit for tender after 10 years (current auditor may win)
-mandatory rotation after 20 yrs
-auditor must submit a statement of circumstances when ceasing to act as auditor (even if no matter to bring attention to) (listed company)
-for prvt company, statement is not required if auditor leaves after contract ends. statement must be submitted if leaving in between unless exempt reasons like company doesnt need audit or auditor stopped audit service
-shud be fair and reasonable
-basis of charging fee should be mentioned in engagement letter
-fee shud not be contingent, percentage or similar basis
-commission paid and received as a result of recommendation to and from client is accepted if safeguards (full disclosure)
-fee dispute may arise if client thinks fee is too high. so if charging more explain to satisfy.
-if no dramatic change in size or complexity of client, audit fee shud fall over time.
why would audit fee fall over time
-less time spent on understanding, more efficient
-systems and procedures fully documented in prior year. only updating will be needed
-first yr is high risk, so more staff, later less staff and junior staff
joint audit implications
in joint audit, two or more firms are responsible for conducting the audit and issuing the audit opinion
-local audit firms understanding and exp can be retained which will be valuable for audit
-big firm can provide additional skills and resources if necessary
local regulations