Passive investments Flashcards
To earn a return until the cash is needed in the future
When to recognize
When contractual obligations are met. When entity gains control of the investment.
Initial measurement
Fair value (price in regular market)
3 Methods for subsequent measurement
Amortized cost
FVTPL for what type of investments?
- AR not qualified to be amortized i.e not held for collecting contractual consideration
- Assets held for trading - selling/repurchasing in near term, part of portfolio, derivative, public traded shares
FVTPL rules
- Transaction costs expensed in NI when incurred
- Dividends are investment income
- Subsequent: Each reporting period adjust to fair value, gain/loss recorded in NI when incurred.
- Disposal - Selling P - Book value = Gain/loss to NI
Amortized cost for what type of investments?
- Assets held to collect contractual terms
- Shares not traded in public market
- Bank deposits, AR, redeemable preferred shares, bonds to be held until maturity
Amortized cost rules
- Transaction costs - added to investment on BS
- Subsequent: Not adjusted to FMV. At amortized cost. PV using effective interest rate - impairment
Impairment only recorded if permanent.
Recorded in NI. Can be reversed up to amount of amortized cost without impairment. - Disposal. Selling P - original (unless permanently impaired) = gain/ loss recorded in NI
FVTOCI for what type of investments?
- Equity investments designated OCI
- Debt instruments w/ cash flows that are solely principal and interest
FVTOCI rules
Transaction costs - Capitalized as part of investment
Dividends - Investment income
Subsequent -
1. Debt instruments: NET OF TAX. At amortized costs using effective interest rate less impairment losses. Each reporting period adjusted to Fair value and gain/loss reported in OCI.
Disposal: can move cumulative gain/loss to NI (recycle from OCI) (PROBABLY WONT USE)
- Equity - Reporting period adjust to FMV. Gains/losses recorded in OCI.
Disposal: record gain/loss in OCI (not recycled from OCI) Then can recycle OCI to R/E (Optional, only prior OCI stuff not sale amount)
DR accumulated OCI
CR Retained earnings (prior yr OCI)
To record gain in FVTOCI
DR Investment in shares (to get investment to FMV)
CR Unrealized gain - OCI (Gain - deferred tax amount)
CR Deferred taxes (gain x 50% x tax rate)
DIT only necessary because this affects OCI so the tax is being deferred. Anything going through NI doesn’t need this adjustment.
No OCI - everything through NI
ASPE & IFRS handbook
ASPE 3856
Bond question at amortized cost
To record at acquisition
FV - face value of bond
PMT - Interest payment
I/Y - interest rate (divide by 2 if semi annual pmts)
N - number of payments (x 2 if semi annual payments)
This is the amount the investment will be recorded at acquisition
Bond questions at amortized costs
Subsequent (interest payment)
DR Cash (FV X coupon rate) CR Interest revenue (Amt paid for bond x effective interest rate) CR Investment in bonds (to reduce bond to its current PV or plug)