Passage 3 Flashcards
ne Suetonius quidem in tanto discrimine sildebat.
Not even Suetonius was silent in such a great crisis.
quamquam confideret virtuti, tamen exhortationes et preces miscebat ut spernerent sonores barbarorum et inanis minas:
Although he trusted in their valour he was still combining encouragement and prayers so that they would scorn the sounds and empty threats of the Barbarians.
: plus illic feminarum quam iuventutis aspici.
[He said that] more women than young men could be seen over there.
imbellis inermis cessuros statim ubi ferrum virtutemque vincentium toties fusi adgnovissent.
. They unwarlike and unarmed, would yield immediately, when having been routed so times, they had recognised the iron and courage of the conquering army.
. etiam in multis legionibus paucos qui proelia profligarent;
. That even in many legions it was the few who decided the battles;
; gloriaeque eorum accessurum quod modica manus universi exercitus famam adipiscerentur.
; it would be more to their glory that a small band of men gained the respect of the whole army.