Parturition - Erez Flashcards
What are the 4 phases of labor?
Phase 0: Quiescence
Phase 1: Activation
Phase 2: Stimulation
Phase 3: Involution
What hormones are relevant in quiescence (phase 0)?
decreases prostaglandins, inflammatory cells in cervix and gap junctions
Other inhibitors:
Progesterone (released by cholesterol, inhibits expulsion)
Nitric oxide
PTH-related peptide: CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone, human placental lactogen)
Fetal membranes releases cortisol –> maternal hypothalamus –> maternal oxytocin release, cortisol negative feedback on hypothalamus
Ratio of progesterone/estrogen high
Which hormones are relevant to phase 1, activation?
Inhibition of proggesterone, prostaglandins
Activation of CRH
Which hormones are relevant during phase 2, stimulation?
-placental clock, induce labor
-myometrial contractility, cervical ripening, extracellular matrix degradation, induce abortion/labor, induce gap junction formation (required but not sufficient for communication and synchronization of labor, connexin 43 increases in labor)
-Inhibitors delay abortion/labor
Then the active phase of labor ends with delivery of fetus and placenta
Fetus releases CRH –> pituitary ACTH –> cortisol release –> fetal prostaglandins
Ratio of progesterone to estrogen decreases- prog is more local
What hormones are relevant to phase 3, involution?
Oxytocin, thrombins
Uterus shrinks back close to original size and ready for another labor
What are the components of the common pathways of parturition?
- Activation and contraction of the myometrium
- Dilatation (up to 10cm) and effacement of cervix: gets paper thin and water enters
After full dilatation:
- Decidua activation and dissolution of membranes
What is the time of gestation on average?
What is considered postterm and preterm delivery?
Term delivery- between 37-42 weeks of gestation from last menstrual period
• Post term delivery – after 42 weeks of gestation
• Preterm delivery – before 37 weeks of gestation
How do PGE2 and PGF2alpha affect the 2 amniotic fluid compartments
PGE2 more prominent in the upper compartment but then decreases and PGF2a increases and surpasses it later in labor indicating a stronger uterotonic effect of PGF2a over E2.
Similar pattern in the forebag with PGE2 overall more but then PGF2a overtaking PGE2.
Higher levels overall in the forebag of both over the upper compartment.
How are oxytocin receptors distributed across the uterus?
Higher number of receptors in the fundus and upper 2/3
In lower uterus there are fewer receptors because there is more connective tissue and less muscle
During dysfunctional labor a contraction will pass through and “get stuck” with the baby in the more fibrotic part of the uterus and doesn’t go all the way down –> hourglass
Women have nightly bursts of contraction