What are leptons?
Fundamental particles: electron and electron-neutrino
What are hadrons?
Particles made up of quarks
How many quarks make up a baryon?
3 quarks
How many quarks make up a meson?
quark-antiquark pair (2)
What is the charge of an up quark?
What is the charge of a down quark?
What is the quark composition of a proton?
up up down
What is the quark composition of an anti-neutron?
anti up, anti down, anti down
What is the quark composition of a delta minus particle?
down, down, down
What is the quark composition of a π⁻ meson?
anti up, down
What is the lepton number of an electron?
What is the lepton number of an electron anti-neutrino?
Give 3 examples of numbers that can be conserved in an interaction
momentum, charge, mass number, lepton number, baryon number, quark numbers
Which force is present if there is a neutrino involved in an interaction?
Weak nuclear force
Which force is present is there is a quark flavour change in an interaction?
Weak nuclear force
Which force is present if an interaction only involves hadrons?
Strong nuclear force
Which force is present if there are photons in an interaction?
What are the 4 fundamental forces?
Gravitational, Strong nuclear, Weak nuclear and Electromagnetic