Particles Flashcards
“Already”, “more”, “anymore”
もう + Paste Tense Verb or Time
ex. もう食べましたか? - did you eat already
もう九時です (It’s already 9 o’ clock)
もう + number
- # moreex. もう一つください - one more please
もう + Negative
(not cute anymore)
“not yet”, “still”
まだ + negative
- “didn’t/not __ yet” OR “still not/wasn’t __”
ex. まだ可愛くないです - not cute yet
Cost of~
~だい (sometimes)
Not very, not much, not often
あまり + negative
Event Location / Method Marker
Event Location:
二人はレストランで食べた (We ate at the restaurant)
Method Marker:
えんぴつでかいた (I wrote it with/using a pencil)
- Quote
- Thought idea marker
- “And”
ex. ashley たち = Ashley’s group, ashley and friends, you guys (with ashley as the leader)
よう Ending
Likeness, Seemingness
Ex. It seems LIKE Lily and her group are still sleeping
こ,そ,あ,ど - れ
これ: This (close to the speaker)
それ: That (close to the listener)
あれ: That over there (far from both)
どれ: Which one? (Used for 3+ items)
こ,そ,あ,ど - こ
ここ: Here
そこ: There
あそこ: Over there (away from both)
どこ: where?
こ,そ,あ,ど - んな
こんあ: This kind of
そんあ: That kind of
あんあ: That kind of
どんあ: What kind of…?