Participate in Safe Food Handling Processes Flashcards
a large knife, typically having a sharp blade with one partially serrated edge, used to skin and cut up animals killed for food.
Equipment for food preparation and cookery
Cooking – act of preparing food for eating. It encompasses a vast range of methods, tools and combinations of ingredients to improve the flavour or digestibility of food.
any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
the action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration.
1a : a list of the dishes that may be ordered (as in a restaurant) or that are to be served (as at a banquet) b(1) : a comparable list or assortment of offerings a menu of television programs.
Cookery methods
The three types of cooking methods are dry heat cooking, moist heat cooking, and combination cooking. Each of these methods uses heat to affect foods in a different way. All cooking techniques, from grilling to steaming, can be grouped under one of these three methods.
Cooking process
The three types of cooking methods are dry heat cooking, moist heat cooking, and combination cooking. Each of these methods uses heat to affect foods in a different way. All cooking techniques, from grilling to steaming, can be grouped under one of these three methods
Presentation of food
Food presentation is the art of modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal
Commercial kitchen environment
Commercial kitchens—also known as shared-use, commissary, or incubator kitchens—are commercially-licensed spaces where chefs, bakers, caterers, and other culinary professionals can prepare their goods legally while providing the scheduling and budgetary flexibility that many small businesses need.
Cleaning regimes
As a food business, cleaning and sanitising are important ways to prevent harmful microorganisms or other things contaminating food and making it unsafe to eat.
Kitchen premises and equipment
3 sets out requirements for the design and construction of food premises, fixtures, fittings, equipment and food transport vehicles. … The objective of this standard is to ensure that, where possible, the layout of the premises minimises opportunities for food contamination.
Clean and sanitise
Clean, sanitize, and disinfect are often used in overlapping contexts but the general distinction is that “to clean” refers to scrubbing with soap and water, whereas “sanitizing” and “disinfecting” kill germs and bacteria via chemical means. Typically, disinfectants kill more germs than sanitisers.
Environmentally sustainable work practices when cleaning
Environmentally sustainable work practices. Environmentally sustainable work practices are those which reduce harm to the environment and reduce wastage of resources.
Safe food handling work practices
Food Safety refers to handling, preparing and storing food in a way to best reduce the risk of individuals becoming sick from foodborne illnesses. … The principles of food safety aim to prevent food from becoming contaminated and causing food poisoning.19 Aug 2019
Compliance for food businesses and food handlers
What Does Food Safety Compliance Mean? … It is an internationally recognized management system addressing food safety using analysis and control of hazards such as biological, physical, and chemical.