Part5 Flashcards
distant - Customers find you cold anddistant. My father wasdistantand hard to talk to. Be yourself - cold, uncaring,distant.
distinct - The Wraith have split up intodistinctgroups. But from the beginning of his existence man has been adistinctspecies.
distinct - Everything I find on you has thedistinctaroma of… Because there was adistinctlack of interest earlier. Prettydistinctimpressions of the six upper teeth. It has a verydistinctsmell of linden flowers.
charakterystyczny, wyrazisty
distinctive - It makes a verydistinctivesound when fired at us, sir. It’s bright red, verydistinctive. tongue prints are asdistinctiveas fingerprints, so…
zakłócić, wypaczyć
distort - But the atmosphere is so thick that the ground seems to ripple anddistort. Illegal foreign workers mean budgetary losses anddistorthealthy competition between enterprises.
distraction - Get anotherdistraction, I didn’t invite you here. So it was adistractionto your work. This is just thedistractionwe need.
stres, cierpienie
distress - It seems all I bring to you is violence anddistress. I’m very sorry for yourdistress. You’ve caused me considerable mentaldistress.
zdenerwowany, zestresowany
distressed - She wasdistressedabout something and wanted to speak to a police officer. I think I have a right to bedistressed. Last time I saw him, he was verydistressed. I am toodistressedat present.
zamieszanie, zaburzenie, niepokój
disturbance - I must apologise for thedisturbancein the hall. Thisdisturbancemay be too much for them. Tonight, Sam, there’ll be adisturbanceon the street. Computer cannot trace thedisturbancesource.
odwrócić uwagę
divert attention - The idea is todivert attentionaway from this fact. DDoS attacks are also used todivert attentionfrom other types of incidents. Try todivert attentionfrom bright details
podzielić między siebie
divide sth up - Mr. Marks and Mr. Cohen insisted that wedivideitup amongourselves… Divideitup amongthe men. It is important that the United Opposition and Svoboda have agreed todivide upthe majority seatsamongthemselves
divide - The greatdivide, amongst the human race, has begun. We practice to remove thisdivide. Well, adividein the liberal caucus.
will do - I think just a cup of coffeewill do, thanks. If you can’t speak, a nod or a blinkwill do. Yes, but any buried evidencewill do. Never tell the truth when a liewill do.
daj z siebie wszystko
do your utmost - Youdo your utmostto forget each moment. I will do my utmost, Your Holiness. Giveyour utmostand seize the opportunity.
pozbyć się
do away with - We will never be able todo away withall the nuclear waste in that way. Then,do away withthem… politely. If we’re not back in 2 days,do away withhim. You see no limits attempting todo away withmy father.
minus, wada
downside - The onlydownsideis… that sometimes gets… lonely. Luckily, that’s the onlydownside. Thedownsideis you may get taken hostage.
przyziemny, praktyczny
down-to-earth - You broaden your horizon, but you will remaindown-to-earth. Mr President, after all this excitement, perhaps we need a moredown-to-earthapproach.
spadkowy, zniżkowy
downward - Thedownwardtrend in the sector is also partly due to the volume of imports from third countries. Thisdownwardtrend will continue after 2013.
w dół
downwards - Upwards a little. and thendownwards.
draught - I didn’t notice at first, but then I felt adraught. I’m getting a stiff neck from thedraught. There’s quite adraughtin the house.