Part4 Flashcards
rzecz oczywista
a matter of course - The quality of our kebap represents for usa matter of course. Sustainable production is alsoa matter of coursefor us. We do thisas a matter of course, on a daily basis.
zatuszować, zamaskować, ukryć
cover up - I guess they cancover upanything. That’s everything you need tocover upa murder.
pokrycie, zasięg, zakres, ochrona
coverage - These promises were not withoutcoverage. The outdoor cameras don’t have adequatecoverage. Making wifi greatercoverage, the signal stronger.
opowiadać dowcip, żartować
crack a joke - I was always the first one tocrack a joke… I promise never tocrack a jokelike that. If you get stuck somewhere, justcrack a joke! Is it necessary tocrack a jokeevery single time?
Jak szalony
like crazy - I’m going to have to start paintinglike crazy. You have great taste, and studylike crazy. Ryan’s been texting melike crazy.
cream - the cream ofMoscow society had flocked to the annual ball. It was a fashionable place to whichthe cream ofGerman aristocracy thronged.
dalekie od
a far cry from - It wasa far cry frommy dressing room filled with flowers. Well, it’sa far cry fromour suspect. It’sa far cry fromthe world we thought we’d inherit.
zwyczajowy, zwykły, tradycyjny
customary - It iscustomaryon these occasions for the groom to marry the bridesmaid. It’s more than mycustomarystake.
podciąć, poderżnąć, przeciąć, podróżować po
cut across - I cancut acrosscountry easily enough. “… my throat becut across…”. Those barrierscut acrossGermany in a gash of barbed wire, concrete, dog runs, and guard towers. One tree gave fruit which, ifcut across, showed a cross.
cięcie, zmniejszenie
cutback - It’s a mandatory 20%cutback. No, man, an economiccutback. My client hascutbackher hours since the separation.
nowoczesny, najnowszy
cutting-edge - This machinery has all thecutting-edgetechnology of the 1890s. Acutting-edgefitness centre is also available. Your commitment tocutting-edgeresearch is unparalleled. He’s got the best doctors,cutting-edgetreatment.
świt, początki
the dawn of - So beginsthe dawn ofour invincibility. Everyone was convinced it wasthe dawn ofa new era. Sincethe dawn ofman, death has taken souls like my mother.
dawne czasy, stare czasy
the old days - They’re a curio, a hangover fromthe old days. Laughing and sharing stories aboutthe old days… Bit different fromthe old days, but nice.
przedszkole, żłobek
daycare - Now I’m running adaycare, not a welfare. You’re running an illegaldaycare, so relax. He spent $250,000 on adaycarecenter. That gives us more time to find anotherdaycarecenter.
daydream - He coulddaydreamabout his real mother… Oftendaydreamabout how life must be elsewhere.
mrzonka, marzenie
daydream - This is of course adaydream, an idea, but one worth following. And mydaydreamabout being a teacher was limited to this level. Is it just adaydreamand fantasy of futurologists or a real future before which we can’t escape?
codzienny, bieżący, z dnia na dzień
day-to-day - We can’t keep livingday-to-day. Bothday-to-daypollution and emergency smoke are safely and effectively ventilated. I miss the honesty ofday-to-daypolice work. Meaning, stripping you from yourday-to-dayresponsibilities.
stanowczo przeciwny
dead against - You’re supposed to bedead againstthat sort of thing. When I made my offer, you weredead againstit. Gerald wasdead againsthis coming.
śmiertelnie nudny
deadly dull - He wasdeadly dull, as it turned out. Now I find themdeadly dull. Uncle Albert -deadly dull, poor fellow.
sporo, dużo
a good deal of - I spenta good dealof time there myself last year. I’m afraid I still havea good dealof work to do. There’sa good dealof interference, Captain, but you are getting through.