Part two - head & neck Flashcards
Branches of the external carotid artery
Superior thyroid artery Ascending pharyngeal artery Lingual artery Facial artery Occipital artery Posterior auricular Superficial temporal artery Maxillary artery
Submandibular / digastric triangle
- Anterior belly digastric
- Posterior belly digastric
- Inferior mandibular border
- Hyoglossus muscle
- Mylohyoid muscle
- Skin
- Platysma
- Investing cervical fascia
Division of the mandibular branch of the facial nerve causes…?
Depression of the corner of the mouth
Flattening of the lower lip
Level of hyoid bone
Structures enclosed by investing layer of deep cervical fascia
Sternomoastoid muscle
Trapezius muscle
Parotid gland
+/- Submandibular gland
Posterior triangle of the neck
Borders - posterior SCM, anterior trapezius, clav
Floor - pre vertebral fascia
Roof - investing layer of deep fascia
Apex - superior nuchal line
Contents of the posterior triangle of the neck
- Greater occipital nerve
- Accessory nerve
- Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus C1-4
- Occipital artery
- Transverse cervical vessels
- Suprascapular vessels
- Third part SCA but not SCV
Lymph nodes
- Occipital
- Supraclavicular
- Inferior belly omohyoid
Course of the accessory nerve
Emerges halfway down SCM posterior border
Vertically downwards on levator scapulae
Disappears behind the anterior border of trapezius 5cm above clavicle
Surface marking of accessory nerve
Line from the atlas transverse process (anterior to mastoid) to 5cm above the clavicle along anterior trapezius border
Anterior triangle of the neck
- Lower mandibular border
- Anterior border SCM
- Midline
Divided into smaller triangles:
- Submandibular
- Submental
- Carotid
- Muscular
Lymph node levels in neck
I - submental (A) and submandibular (B) II - upper jugular nodes III - middle jugular nodes IV - lower jugular nodes V - posterior triangle nodes A - spinal accessory nerve B - transverse cervical vessels in supraclavicular fossa VI - paratracheal nodes
Steps for submandibular gland excision
Exposure - caution madibular branch facial nerve - do not raise flaps Capsular dissection superficial lobe - take FV/FA twice Blunt dissection deep lobe - retract posterior border mylohyoid anterior - caution lingual and hypoglossal nerves Dissect duct and ligate - caution lingual nerve Meticulous haemostasis Close over a drain
Methods of ways to identify facial nerve
Tragal pointer Posterior belly diagastric Tympanomastoid suture Peripheral branches Mastoid process
Distribution of sialolithiasis between glands?
85% submandibular galnd and duct
10% parotid gland and duct
5% sublingual and minor salivary glands
Risk factors for sialolithiasis
Salivary Glands Are HENT-Cunts That Make Dirty Dumps
Smoking Gout Age (30-60 years) Hypercalcaemia Trauma Male gender Drugs - anticholinergics, diuretics Dehydration
Are salivary gland stones radio-opaque?
Why yes
- SMG calculi radioopaque in 90%
- Parotid calculi radioopaque in 60%
What are the dimension of the main salivary ducts
Stenson’s duct (parotid)
- 4-7cm
- 1.2 -> 0.5mm
- 2nd upper molar
Wharton’s duct (SMG)
- 5cm
- 1.5 -> 0.55mm
- frenulum
Sublingual opens via several small ducts into Wharton’s duct or into floor of the mouth directly
Differential diagnosis for neck mass
- Branchial cyst
- Thorglossa cyst
- Cystic hygroma
- bacterial - Tb, Staph
- viral - CMV, EBC, HIV
- parasitic - toxoplasmosis
- fungal
Tumour - malignant
- Primary - lymphoma, thyroid, sarcoma, salivary
- Secondary - head & neck cancer aerodigestive or skin, SCC, melanoma, gastric, oesophageal, breast, lung, thyroid, testicle
Tumour - benign
Lipoma, fibroma, neuroma, schwannoma, paraganglioma
Sarcoidosis & sialadenitis