Part two - biliary Flashcards
What types of gallbladder polyps are there?
- Cholesterol polyps - 60%
- Adenomyomas - 25%
- Inflammatory polyps - 10%
- Adenoma - 4%
- Miscellaneous - 1%
- —Lipoma
- —Leiomyoma
- —Fibroma…
- Adenocarcinoma - 80%
- Miscellaneous - 20%
- —Mucinous cystadenoma
- —SCC
- —Adenocanthoma
Define extended cholecystectomy
Cholecystectomy with a rim of liver tissue
Complications of ERCP
Pancreatitis 5%
Perforation & bleeding perforation and migration (rare)
Increased risk in young females
Classification of choledochal cysts
Todani Classification - 1977
1 - Extrahepatic saccular/fusiform - 50%
2 - Diverticular out pouching of CBD - <1%
3 - Distal CBD (intraduodenal) choledochocele - 10%
4a - Multiple intra- and extrahepatic cysts - 30%
4b - Multiple extra-hepatic cysts - within 30% above
5 - Multiple intra-hepatic cysts with hepatic fibrosis - 10%
Aetiology of choledochal cysts
Common channel theory
Usually separate ducts but when common the only control is by the common channel sphincter with increased reflux of pancreatic juice into bid duct resulting in cystic dilatation and increased ductal pressure and abnormal sphincter of Oddi function.
Define Mirizzi syndrome
Obstruction of the biliary tree due to extrinsic compression from a gallstone impacted in the gallbladder neck /Hartmann’s pouch/cystic duct
McSherry classification of Mirizzi syndrome
Type I - Compression
Type II - Erosion
Csendes classification of Mirizzi syndrome
Type I - External compression only
Type II - Erosion < 1/3 of bile duct circumference
Type III - Erosion up to 2/3 of bile duct circumference
Type IV - Complete destruction of bile duct wall
Pathogenesis of choledochal cysts
APBJ = abnormal pancreaticobiliary junction = pancreaticobiliary malfunction or malunion
Long common channel -> reflux of pancreatic juice into biliary tree -> damage to epithelium and cyst formation
Courvoisier’s law
In the presence of a non-tender palpable gallbladder, painless jaundice is unlikely to be caused by gallstones
Blood supply to CBD
A plexus around the duct:
- Posterior superior PDA
- Cystic artery
- +/- GDA
- +/- hepatic artery
If dividing the CBD do it as high as possible as most of the blood supply comes from below
Complications of ERCP
Pancreatitis - 4% Bleeding - 1% Perforation - 1% Ascending biliary infection - 1% Death <1%
Complications of MRCP
Nephrogenis fibrosing dermopathy in patients with severe renal disease.
Rare condition resulting in tightened, swollen skin. Predominantly affects the skin, but abnormal fibrosis of the internal organs may also occur, which is then often called nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.
Calot’s triangle
Cystic duct
Cystic artery
Common hepatic duct
One of the conditions of the critical view of safety
Critical view of safety
- Calot’s triangle dissected
- Lowest part of GB separated from cystic plate
- Only two structures seen entering gallbladder
Hepatocystic triangle
Inferior edge of liver
Cystic duct
Common hepatic duct
Right hepatic artery runs through it
Renyold’s pentad
Charcot’s triad for cholangitis + hypotension and confusion for suppurative cholangitis