Part II Flashcards
An irregularity on an image that is not caused by the proper shadowing of tissue by the primary beam
Any undesirable optical densities structures, or blemishes recorded on the radiograph
Caused by the inclusion of anatomical parts of the body in the region of interest
Anatomical Structure Artifacts
3 Categories of Artifacts
Handling and Storage
Film Processing
Usually occur when the RT conducts the examination
Causes the largest no of repeats
Exposure Artfacts
Exposure Artifacts [M.I.W.D.W.I.R]
Wrong S-F Match
Double Exposure
Warped Cxt
Improper Grid Position
Radiopaque Materials
[caca ] motion
C: Due to improper patient pos’n, lack of comm skills, pt conditions
A: blurring, unsharpness, underexposed
CA: provide sufficient pt prep, clear and concise instructions to achieve good cooperation, assess pt condition, reduce expo time
[CACA] Improper patient position
C: technical skills, inadequate rotating or turning with optimum angulation, pt conditions
A: overlapping struc, obscuring roi, distortion, magnification
CA: identify the proper standard/motif technique, use accessories fro better posi
IPP - Magnification
Object closer to film = [..],[..]
Object far from film = [..],[..]
Object closer to film = closer to normal size - sharper margins
Object far from film = magnified - less distinct margins
X-ray beam does not pass perp to long axis of structure
Differential magnification of structure
a form of distortion. Lesions may be masked by a typical superimposition on normal anatomy
IPP - D istortion - Patient Rotation
[CACA] Wrong S-F Match
C: improper match of screen and film combination eg. speed, film base
A: underexposed, overexposed, low and high contrast
CA: properly selected the film and screen combi, identify the film base and screen
[CACA] Poor Screen Contact
C: due to film and screen is not fit properly
A: high density at poor area, obscuring pathology
CA: replace the screen, qc test
[CACA] Double Exposurse
C: expose the same film twice
A: overexposed, overlapping, blurring
CA: repeat the new film
[CACA] warped cassette
C: leaking of light, poor cassette condition
A: focal fog, high density
CA: replace cassette, check the cxt condition, qc test
[CACA] Improper Grid Position
C: upside down, wrongly selected grid ratio and types
A: underexposed
CA: check the label; and ration, ensure grid is positioned properly