Part I Flashcards
to coordinate the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and affectively
“personnel management”; managing of human capital
HR Administration
duties of HR
recruiting and employee relations, payroll and benefits administration
[person] division of labor
Adam Smith
[person] bureaucracy - suitable for government org but not business organizations (has clear rules and regulations)
Karl Emil Maximillian “Max” Weber
Six Major Principles of Bureaucracy [Max Weber]
[person] father of scientific management, work deserves systematic observation and study
Frederick Winslow Taylor
4 Principles of Taylor’s Scientific Management
- REPLACE rule of thumb work methods with methods based on scientific study of the tasks.
- SELECT, train and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves
- PROVIDE “Detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker’s discrete task”.
- DIVIDE work nearly equally between managers and workers
[person] managers deal with emotional needs of employees at work
Elton Mayo
[person] effectiveness and efficiency - criteria to survive
Chester Irving Barnard
two ways of convincing subordinates to cooperate: [accdg to Barnard]
- tangible incentives
- persuasion
[person] father of the Universal process or Operational management or Administrative
management theory
Henri Fayol
Six Major Industrial Activities Identified by Fayol (TeCFiSAM)
- Technical (production and manufacturing);
- Commercial (buying, selling and exchanging);
- Financial (search for an optimum use of capital);
- Security (safeguarding property and people);
- Accounting (including statistics); and
- Managerial
Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management [DADUUSRCSOESIE]
- Division of work
- Authority
- Discipline
- Unity of command
- Unity of direction
- Subordination of individual interests to the general interests
- Remuneration
- Centralization
- Scalar chain
- Order
- Equity
- Stability of tenure of personnel
- Initiative
- Espirit de corps
[person] two factor content theory
* also referred to as the two-need system.
Frederick Herzberg
[F.Herzberd] Hygiene Factors - short term [CPA.S.WC.IR.S.JS.PL.EL]
- company’s policies and administration
- supervision
- working condition
- interpersonal relations
- salary
- job security
- personal life
- employee benefits
[F. Herzberd] Hygiene Factors - short term
- Company’s Policies and Administration
- Supervision
- Working Comdotions
- Interpersonal Relations
- Salary
- Job Security
- Status
- Personal Life
- Employee Benefits
[F. Herzberd] Motivating Factors - long term [ARIOC]
- Achievement
- Recognition for Accomplishment
- Increased Responsibility
- Opportunity for G and D
- Creative and Challenging Work
Abraham Harold Maslow - Heirarchy of Needs
Self actualization
Esteem needs
Belongingness and love needs
Safety needs
Physiological needs
[person] achievement Motivation Theory
referred to as need achievement or achievement theory
David Clarence McClelland
3 needs [McClelland]
- Needs of achievement - drive to excel
- Need for power
- Need for affiliation
Expectancy theory
* employee will be motivated to exert a high level of effort leading to a good performance appraisal
* good appraisal of performance will lead to organizational rewards (bonus, salary increase, promotion)
* rewards will satisfy the employee’s personal goals.
Victor Vroom
motivate employees on their job performance, a “pull” rather than a “push” strategy.
Mary Parker Follett
Theory X and Theory Y
Douglas McGregor
- pattern of behaviors, feelings, and thoughts exhibited by an individual
- affected primarily by nature (genetic factors) and nurture (upbringing and life experiences)
5 Personalities in the Organization
Big Five: Modeling Traits and Personalities (ENACO)
- aka positive affectivity
- they are generally happier with their life and more satisfied with their jobs
Extroversion: Sociability & Affection
Characteristics of extroversion
❖ positive thinking,
❖ high self-esteem,
❖ sociability,
❖ interpersonal affection, and other
❖ “happy” traits
- aka negative affectivity
- a measure of how often people experience negative thoughts
- opposite of extroversion
- correlated with stress and occasionally anger
Characteristics of Agreeableness: Likability
- Agreeableness: Likability
- trustworthy,
- cooperative,
- helpful, and
- generally caring
- important in careers and situations that require gaining the confidence of others
Characteristics of conscientiousness
❖ self-disciplined
❖ organized, and
❖ persevering
direct relationship between superior and subordinate
relationship between different departments on the same hierarchical level
relationship between a managerial assistant and other areas.
relationships between specialist positions and other areas
a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff
and equipment
the act of directing people towards accomplishing a goal
the management of the hospital as a business.
Hospital administration
part of the process of management which is concerned with acquiring,
developing, employing, appraising, renumerating and retaining people so that right type of
people is available at right positions and at right time in the organization
Importance of staffing
Filling the Organizational positions
Developing competencies to challenges
Retaining personnel - professionalism
Optimum utilization of the human resources
Staffing Process
Analyzing Manpower requirements
Training and Development
Performance Appraisal
making an analysis of work and estimating the
manpower requirement to accomplish the same.
Analyzing Manpower requirements
identifying and attracting capable applicants for employment. it ends with the submission of applications by the aspirants.
choosing the fit candidates from the applications received in the process of recruitment.
may be on probation and on successfully completion of the same the candidate may be offered permanent employment.
concerned with imparting and developing specific
skills for a particular purpose.
Training and Development
Systematic evaluation of personnel by superiors or others familiar with their performance so as to rank employees to ascertain their eligibility for
Performance Appraisal