Part 9. Area canvass Flashcards
What are the 4 objectives of an Area Canvass “?
- identifying offender
- identifying evidence (vehicles, clothing, weapons, articles)
- identifying witnesses
- gathering info
Why should you first complete a reconnaissance?
The OC INV, OC AREA CAN, & OC SUSPECTS should actually go there and get an appreciation for the parameters and objectives of the area canvass.
Explain some considerations re the timing of the area canvass
At the time of the offence staff may have done an initial area canvass
The formal area canvass follows, and probably needs several follow-ups
It may be prudent to do it at a similar time to the offence occurring, to capture the same people at home etc
How might you set the parameters of an area canvass?
- consider scenes (places where offences have taken place, where exhibits have been found, where victims/offenders/witness have been present)
- consider what is in line of sight
- consider access and egress routes
- consider hiding places for an offender
- consider where victim last seen alive
- locations victim frequented?
Why use a questionnaire for area canvasses?
To ensure relevant info is gathered in a consistent manner.
Questionnaire should be authorised by the OC INV
Standard form A and B is recommended
What might a daily area canvass briefing involve?
- Summarising situation, responsibilities of canvass team members
- Emphasising need for thoroughness ie EVERY household member and visitor
- Stress that the questionnaire is a guide, further questions could be asked
- Evidence from people must be obtained in a formal statement
- Consider visiting the canvass area to record addresses and then reconciling with map
- Ensure all forms are completed
- Reconcile completed locations, avoid duplication
How would the OC AREA CAN monitor progress?
Shade in a map for a quick up-to-date progress of areas completed
Continually review forms to ensure quality of work, ID lines of enquiry, monitor progress etc
Keep a detailed master record which is continually updated and shows addresses visited, occupants interviewed, documentation completed and any relevant comments
*there is a master excel spreadsheet for this in the serious crime template
Why might use involve experts in an area canvass?
For example diverse ethnic culture…‘at help alleviate misinterpretation of responses and behaviour.
What is the value in area canvass staff using an aide memoir or script?
Ensures staff have all the relevant info on hand
May include news items or significant events to jog the witnesses memory.
Photographs of victims or property should be high quality and reviewed as new info becomes available
Why might area canvass staff use a leaflet?
In some cases, people may be initially reluctant to provide officers with information that could be useful. A leaflet can be left with details of the investigation and contact details for officers, so they can communicate when they’re ready.
What are some other options which could be better than, or used as well as, door to door enquires?
- media appeals
- poster campaign
- Mail Drop
- high profile police presence ie caravan
- note up to 40% of occupants within the area canvass zone may be unknowing witnesses!
After the area canvass, you should have a thorough debrief. What might this include ???
- key locations identified
- what questions were asked & any issues from respondents?
- what records have been completed
- who has been spoken to at what address
- any relevant info provided
- any intel provided
- whether interviews have been conducted
- details of vehicles of persons interviewed
- id of any suspects
- any premises with no response
- all staff notebooks accounted for
- any future improvements?
At the conclusion of the area canvass phase the OC A/C must submit a _________ to the OC INV
Final report
What does Part A of the area canvass forms record?
Street name
House number
Details of all residents
Details of all visitors at the time
Vehicles used by all residents and visitors
What does part B of the area canvass forms record?
one per person
Personal details
Home details
Work details
Answers to specific questions
What should the area canvass team member do if they encounter someone with relevant information?
Arrange for them to complete a formal written statement
Record on their part B that they have made a statement
Convey info to OC AC and 2IC asap
When all the enquires of a particular address have been completed the OC A/C will do what?
File Part A and B forms together, numerical and street sequence
Send a duplicate of Part B to the file manager for filing alphabetically
Shade in the area on the map
from the checklist
What are the 5 steps to complete BEFORE the area canvass begins
- Obtain maps
- Visit the area, discuss parameters with OC INV
- Reconcile premises with map
- Develop AC strategy (risks, time, resources, objectives, parameters, questions required etc)
- Divide area into sections and plan a progressive canvass by priority
from the checklist
What 6 steps should be conducted DURING the canvass?
- Fully brief all staff
- Ensure forms completed
- Shade in map as completed
- Maintain detailed ongoing record (excel spreadsheet)
- Check in on team members (monitor efficiency, welfare, enthusiasm etc)
- Attend briefings to pass on AC sitreps
from the checklist
What must be completed AFTER the area canvass is complete?
1 debrief
- Ensure all forms reconciled with master list
- All notebooks accounted for
- Submit report to OC INV detailing results