Part 5. Victim Flashcards
Who does OC BODY report to?
CSC and otherwise OC SCENE
List some of the many responsibilities of OC BODY
- ensure death certified by a doctor
- maintain security of and guard the body, samples, and exhibits from scene to PM
- note and record any obs re the body
- note details of medical staff who have attended to the body
- record any actions taken re the body
- est if body was moved or disturbed
- ensure body is photographed in Situ
- arrange transport of body (with OC file authority)
- complete sudden death procedures
- formal identification of body
- obtain medical records of victim to inform pathologist
- attend PM, receive exhibits
(NB OC INVESTIGATION should notify coroner, organise PM)
What are some factors that should be considered in your appreciation of the body removal?
- coroners direction
- views of pathologist/ESR/crown
- any examination needed prior to removal
- best method and route
- supervision
- custody of exhibits
- family/cultural considerations
What are the steps of recording body details and removing the body? (10)
- Record position of body by sketch, direct photography and video if necessary
- Consider marking position prior to moving
- Record all details (limb positions, appearance, wounds, clothing, directions of trails of blood, blood on body, lividity, discolouration, rigor mortis
- Cover hands/feet/head with paper bags secured with tape.
- Ensure clothing is not contaminated
- Wrap body in plastic sheet then into body bag
- Search under where body lay
- All sheets/bags/stuff used to transport the body are exhibits
- OC INV must authorise removal from scene
- Arrange undertaker. Must use sterile body bag!
What is the primary role of the OC BODY at a post Mortem?
Deal with exhibits in a structured, methodical way
After the PM, the pathologist will provide their findings in a debrief
What is the purpose of a post mortem?
Primarily: to est cause of death
- mode and time of death
- how injuries occurred
- determine nature/size of weapon
- height and stature of suspect
- direct further interviews of witnesses/suspects
- negating defences
- identifying victim if not already
According to s38 of the Coroners Act 2006, who can attend a PM?
- pathologist
- coroner
- another pathologist assisting
- doctor who treated the deceased
- a doctor/nurse/funeral director representing the deceased (if authorised by Coroner)
- a doctor representing the interests of a suspect (if authorised by coroner)
- police
- any other person authorised by a coroner
Police staff who can attend a PM?
- an exhibits officer for the pm
- photographer
- SOCO/finger-printer
Police staff who can attend a PM?
- an exhibits officer for the pm
- photographer
- SOCO/finger-printer
Name some of the equipment that the OC BODY must bring to the PM?
- toxicology kit
- body label
- fresh notebook/pens just for PM
- Exhibit schedule form
- copy of POL47
- POL265 deceased person cert
- POL265A decreased personal ID
- exhibit packaging supplies
- protective clothing
- photographs from scene of body in Situ
- exhibit numbers for PM
- brown paper
- firearms residue kit
Methods of identifying a body?
- fingerprints
- DNA profiling
- dental records
- eye examination record
- other medical examination records
- personal effects
- facial reconstruction
Taking notes during the PM
OC BODY must not take any notes of discussions concerning the pm unless specifically directed to by the OC INV or pathologist !
Stripping the body in a PM.
What are the steps?
- Only do it in the presence of the pathologist
- Remove from fridge and into exam room
- Remove body from bag
- Take possessions off body/any sheets/bags
- More photos if necessary
- Remove clothing (only cut if unavoidable, search clothing pockets!)
- Label each possession and item of clothing
- Seal each item in separate exhibits bags/containers
- Ensure no cross contamination
- Maintain security of body and exhibits
- Consider sieve in mortuary drain
Photographing the body - 3 times not to forget!
- The body before stripped
- Body after being stripped
- Close ups of wounds/marks/injuries/unusual features (remember scales!)
Post mortem findings- explain how it works?
Because the pathologist provides their own full report, you’d only take notes if directed to do so
At the conclusion of the PM, the OC INV and Pathologist will have a debrief with OC BODY present. During this the OC body will record cause of death and any other findings.
What happens after the PM?
OC BODY takes possession of all exhibits.
Unseal and dry any wet or damp exhibits.
Hand all exhibits to OC EXHIBITS
Along with PM exhibit schedule, notebooks and stx
Deliver toxicology samples to ESR without delay
The OC BODY must prepare and submit a sudden death file ASAP.
What 4 things must the file include?
- statement re formal identification
- copy or POL47, (or 47A for child under 2)
- copy of deceased person cert (POL265)
- copy of deceased person identification (POL265A)