Part 8 Flashcards
sleeveless shirt, sleeveless
Usage: Australia wide
prohibition, disqualification, forbidden, prohibited, illegal, forbid, prohibit, disqualify, disqualified
Usage: Australia wide
rhythm, beat (music), tap, rhythmic
Usage: Australia wide
strangulation, strangle, strangulate, throttle, strangled, throttled
Usage: Australia wide
not believe, believe not, disbelieve, don’t believe, disbelief
Usage: Australia wide
document, story, information, explain, describe, menu, budget, program, calendar, text
telephone call, answer telephone
Usage: Australia wide
used to, familiar with, identical, familiarity, identity, draw, tie, deuce, dead heat, acclimatisation, habituation
Usage: Australia wide
ban, prohibit, forbid, stop (prohibit), banned, prohibited, forbidden, illegal, don’t, prohibition, forbidden, no (refuse), no way (reject)
Usage: Australia wide
stroke, caress, petting, pet, pat, fondle
Usage: Australia wide
sad, sadness, sadden, grief, grieve
Usage: Australia wide
carpenter, carpentry, hammer
Usage: Australia wide
change, alteration, modification, alter, modify
Usage: Australia wide
ban, prohibit, forbid, stop (prohibit), banned, prohibited, forbidden, illegal, don’t, prohibition, forbidden, no (refuse), no way (reject)
Usage: Australia wide
relaxation, relax, calm down
Usage: Australia wide
points (dots), dots, full stops, periods (full stops), spots
Usage: Australia wide
blank, bare, empty, deserted
Usage: Australia wide
instruction, instructions, instruct, coach, instructor, teacher, teach
Usage: Australia wide
police, policeman, policewoman, police officer
Usage: Australia wide
time-frame, period (time)
Usage: Australia wide
police, police officer, policeman, policewoman
Usage: Australia wide
about, approximate, concerning
Usage: Australia wide
separate, separately, apart, separation, break up (relationship), split up (relationship)
Usage: Australia wide
mean, stingy, parsimonious
Usage: Australia wide
expect, hope, expectation
Usage: Australia wide
venetian blind, louvre, louvred
Usage: Australia wide
grandfather, pop, grandad
Usage: Australia wide
switch, changeover, conversion, inversion, reversion, convert, invert, upside down, revert
Usage: Australia wide
caption, captioning, sub-titles, sub-titled, captioned
Usage: Australia wide
accommodation, hostel, hotel, motel, boarder, billet, dormitory, stay over, accommodate, board
Usage: Australia wide
plate, disk, disc, dish, record (music)
background, recent, recently
Usage: Australia wide
far (very far), distant (very distant), distance (long distance)
Usage: Australia wide
generation, descendants, offspring, descended
Usage: Australia wide
revolt, rebellion, insurrection, uprising, revolution, rebel
Usage: Australia wide
puzzle, puzzlement, puzzled, perplexed
Usage: Australia wide
boat, ship, cruise, ferry, sail
Usage: Australia wide
fool, silliness, silly, foolish
Usage: Australia wide
police, policeman, policewoman, police officer
Usage: Australia wide
preference, requirement, prefer, require, required, necessary, needed
Usage: Northern dialect
scratch, mark, scratched, marked
Usage: Australia wide
encouragement, encourage
Usage: South Australia
control, coordinator, coordinate
Usage: Australia wide
highway, expressway, freeway, motorway, tollway
Usage: Australia wide
money, well-off, wealthy, moneyed, wherewithall
Usage: Australia wide
ruler, draftsman, draughtsman, draftsmanship, draughtsmanship, architect, architecture, rule, line, ruled, lined, draft
Usage: Australia wide
traffic, thoroughfare, busy
Usage: Australia wide
sterilisation, tubal ligation, vasectomy, sterilise
Usage: Australia wide
itself, himself, herself, independently, themselves
Usage: Australia wide
talent, competence, skill, fluency, talented, competent, skilled, fluent
Usage: Australia wide
demonstration, protest, picket, placard, demonstrate
Usage: Australia wide
grudge, revenge, vengeance, avenge
Usage: Australia wide
vapour, smoke, steam, fumes, vaporise, fume
Usage: Australia wide
jealousy, envy, jealous, envious
Usage: Southern dialect
lousiness, rottenness, disapproval, deterioration, failure, lousy, disapprove, deteriorate, fail
Usage: Australia wide
ground, floor, flat, plain, flatten
Usage: Australia wide
give in, surrender, retire, give up, yield
Usage: Australia wide
sufficiency, adequacy, enough, sufficient, adequate, excess, plenty
Usage: Australia wide
trouble-free, hassle-free
Usage: Australia wide
follow, follower, adherent, disciple, apostle
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
hitch-hiker, hitch-hiking, hitch-hike
Usage: Australia wide
compensation, charge, sue, cite, court
Usage: Australia wide
postponement, postpone, defer, put off
Usage: Australia wide
brake hose
lender, loan, lend, borrow
Usage: Southern dialect
second (of month)
Usage: Australia wide
compete, competition, race, match, game, contest
Usage: Australia wide
bucket, basket, cone, ice-cream cone, ice-cream, mushroom, button mushroom
Usage: Australia wide
control, steering, steering committee, facilitator, steer, direct, facilitate
Usage: Australia wide
right (not left), rightwards
Usage: Australia wide
disconnection, termination, disconnect, cut off, terminate
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
gibberish, dumbfounded, speechless, puzzled
slowness, slow, slowly
Usage: Australia wide
interest, awareness, amazement, impress, impressive, impressed, fascinate, interested, fascinated, intrigued, amazed, interesting
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
ice-cream, ice-cream cone, ice-block, icy-pole
Usage: Australia wide
wave, good-bye, bye, hello, hi, farewell
Usage: Australia wide
stomach, tummy, belly, abdomen
Usage: Australia wide
honeymoon, honey
Usage: Australia wide
tyre placard
silence, quietness, calm, stillness, silent, quiet, still (calm)
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
poison, poisonous
Usage: Australia wide
kind, sort, type (sort)
likeness, resemblance, like, similar, resemble
Usage: Northern dialect
Usage: Australia wide
ignoramus, moron, thick
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
shot put
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Northern dialect
Usage: Southern dialect
stumps (pylons), piers, pylons, foundations
Usage: Australia wide
open sliding-door, sliding-door
Usage: Australia wide
alarm, alarm bell
Usage: Australia wide
alertness, astonishment, alert, wide-awake, astonished, impressed
Usage: Australia wide
juice, juicer, orange squeezer
Usage: Australia wide
joke, gag, joker, jest
Usage: Australia wide
hearing loop
Usage: Australia wide
peek, peer
Usage: Australia wide
egg-beater, whip, beat (mix)
Usage: Australia wide
style, class, sophistication, affluence, prestige, distinguished, prestigious, reputable, affluent, wealthy, highbrow, formal
Usage: Australia wide
crankiness, grumpiness, grouchiness, grump, grouch, irritability, cranky, cross, grumpy, grouchy, irritable, disagreeable
Usage: Australia wide
reverse lights
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
last week
Usage: Northern dialect
Good night
Usage: Northern dialect
lemonade, soft drink
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Tasmania
jigsaw, jigsaw puzzle
Usage: Australia wide
string puppet, puppet
Usage: Australia wide
cold (illness), flu, influenza
Usage: Australia wide
busy, activity, action
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
dozen, twelve
Usage: Southern dialect
vehicle exterior
throw, fling, toss, chuck, suspend, suspension
Usage: Australia wide
nothing happen, uneventful, wait
Usage: Australia wide
comparison, compare
Usage: Australia wide
very, extremely
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
cruel, mean
Usage: South Australia
whisky, whiskey, spirits, scotch
Usage: Australia wide
excitement, interest, keenness, excited, interested, keen, exciting, interesting, excite
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
question, ask
Usage: Australia wide
clothes, clothing, garments, apparel, wear, clothe, get dressed, wearing, dress, dress up
Usage: Australia wide
birth, reproduction, breeding, breeder, born, reproduce, breed
Usage: Australia wide
camera, photograph
Usage: Australia wide
vertical blinds
Usage: Australia wide
increase, rise, raise, savings, appreciation, elevate, raised, elevated, accumulate, appreciate
Usage: Australia wide
hearing, hear about
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
tears, crying, weeping, cry, weep
Usage: Australia wide
windscreen washers
cruel, ruthless, vicious, cutthroat, cruelty, abuse, ruthlessness, harshness
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
well-known, famous, celebrity
Usage: Australia wide
pay, payment, funds, funding, sponsor, fund
Usage: Australia wide
denial, refusal, rejection, disqualification, deny, refuse, reject, disqualify, no
Usage: Australia wide
drops, leak, drip
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
handicap, disability, cripple, handicapped, disabled, crippled, lame
Usage: Australia wide
frugality, sparingness, scrimping, economising, budget, scrimp, scrimp and save, frugal, sparing
Usage: Australia wide
d, D
reserve, book (reserve), reserved, reservation
Usage: Australia wide
wisdom, wise
Usage: Australia wide
participation, participate
Usage: Australia wide
christening, baptism, christened, baptised
Usage: Australia wide
tyre placard
skipping, skip
Usage: Australia wide
cable stitch
Usage: Australia wide
ignite, burst into flames
Usage: Australia wide
automatic doors
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
evidence, proof, prove
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Southern dialect
age, how old, what age
Usage: Australia wide
breast, breasts, bosom, breastfeeding, breastfeed
Usage: Australia wide
page, turn page, skim, browse, iPad
Usage: Australia wide
thing, things
Usage: Australia wide
support, backing, reinforcement, aid, assistance, assistant, back, reinforce, assist
Usage: Australia wide
ball, sphere, globe, round, spherical
Usage: Northern dialect
plastic, flexible, bend
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
b, B
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: South Australia
failure, flop, fail
Usage: Australia wide
illness, sickness, disease, sick, ill
Usage: Australia wide
Thailand, Thai
hi, hello
Usage: Australia wide
catch (understand), grasp (understand), follow (understand)
Usage: Australia wide
relevance, constancy, loyalty, relevant, usual, constant, loyal, usually
Usage: Australia wide
play tape, wind forward
Usage: Australia wide
adoption, adopt, adopted
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: South Australia
deny, innocent
Usage: Australia wide
grind (valve)
Usage: Australia wide
dust, haze, dusty, hazy
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Protestant, Protestantism, Christian, Christianity
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
report, school report
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
delicious, yummy, scrumptious
Usage: Australia wide
avenue, boulevard, fairway
Usage: Australia wide
journey, wander, cyclone, tornado, flirt, court
Usage: Australia wide
death, die, perish, dead, deceased
Usage: Australia wide
bullshit, rubbish (nonsense), nonesense, hate, loathe, yuk
Usage: Australia wide
Greece, Greek
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Southern dialect
we, us
Usage: Australia wide
wonder, delight, marvel, miracle, wonderful, delightful, astonishing, marvellous, terrific, miraculous, holy, divine
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
two more
Usage: Australia wide
circumcise, circumcised, circumcision
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
must, have to
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: New South Wales
Usage: Australia wide
trophy, cup, award
Usage: Victoria
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
glue, paste, adhesive, stick, adhere, sticky
Usage: Australia wide
pressure cooker
Usage: Australia wide
egg, hard-boiled egg
Usage: Western Australia
myself, ourselves
Usage: Australia wide
support, foundations
Usage: Australia wide
panel beater, panel beating
Usage: Australia wide
lower (flag)
Usage: Australia wide
smooth, glassy
Usage: Australia wide
Canada, Canadian
eliminate, get rid of, elimination, removal, remove
Usage: Australia wide
introduction, introduce
Usage: Australia wide
machine, factory, run
Usage: Australia wide
week, next week
Usage: Australia wide
incubation, incubate
lean, tilt
Usage: Australia wide
mannerism, custom, tradition, typical, customarily, characteristically
Usage: Australia wide
length, long
Usage: Australia wide
interval, interim, brief, temporary, provisional, while, during, briefly, momentary, fleeting
Usage: Australia wide
become, change into, transform
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Northern dialect
Netherlands, Holland, Dutch
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Western Australia
Usage: Australia wide
labour, toil, exertion, travail, laborious, busy, effort
Usage: Australia wide
adoration, favourite, adore, obsession, obsessed, obsessive
Usage: Australia wide
mentally disabled, mental disability, intellectually disabled, intellectual disability
beat (hit), strike, hit, baton, stick, club (hit)
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
intuition, sense, intuit, intuitive
Usage: Australia wide
mobile phone
Usage: Australia wide
thrill, trampoline, thrilled, delighted
Usage: Australia wide
medication, chemist, pharmacist, pharmacy, chemical, medicine, medical
Usage: Australia wide
free, freed, release, released, liberate, liberated, deliver, freedom, liberation, deliverance
Usage: Australia wide
itch, scratch, rash, itchy
Usage: Australia wide
glass (cup), cup, mug
Usage: Australia wide
chair, seat, sit
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
lounge chair, armchair
Usage: Tasmania
alternate, changeable
Usage: Australia wide
block (shape)
Usage: Australia wide
colour, color
Usage: Tasmania
street, road, way, path, manner, method, procedure
Usage: Australia wide
quiet, quietly, silent, silently, silence
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
circle, circular
Usage: Australia wide
care, careful, beware
Usage: Australia wide
component, unit
Usage: Australia wide
hear about, informed
Usage: Australia wide
discouragement, discouraged, disappointed
Usage: Australia wide
picture, poster, notice, sign, chart, form, square, rectangular
Usage: Australia wide
rain, downpour, pour
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
IVF, in vitro fertilisation
Usage: Victoria
itself, herself, himself, independently, themselves
Usage: Australia wide
air filter
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
score (tally), score-board, tally
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
hearing impaired
Usage: Australia wide
you know, recognise, recongition
Usage: Australia wide
commemoration, keepsake, souvenir, memento, recollection, remembrance, memorial, commemorate, recall
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
emit, radiate, illuminate, speaker, light, heater, turn on
Usage: Australia wide
stupid, regret, stupidity, foolishness, sorry, foolish
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
other, another, otherwise, else
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
secretary, office, clerk, office worker, article, clerical, Scripture
Usage: Australia wide
grudge, grievance, resentment, niggle, resent, niggled
Usage: Australia wide
hide out, concealment, hide-and-seek, hide, conceal
Usage: Australia wide
idleness, loafing, loafer, idle, loaf, free, available
Usage: Australia wide
bottom, buttocks, posterior, bum
Usage: Australia wide
cheek, rudeness, impertinence, impudence, insolence, cheeky, rude, impertinent, impudent, insolent
Usage: Australia wide
tread pattern
sale, sell
Usage: Australia wide
hat, witch’s hat, scout’s hat
Usage: Australia wide
Europe, European
plait, braid, plaited, braided
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
tow bar, tow
Usage: Australia wide
catch, discover, find out, catch out, discovered, caught
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
please oneself, please yourself
Usage: Australia wide
refusal, refuse, decline
Usage: Australia wide
specks, speckles, spots, dots, speckled, speckle, spotted, dotted
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Northern dialect
flicker, digital display
Usage: Australia wide
refer, referral
v, V
Usage: Australia wide
labour, toil, exertion, travail, laborious, busy, effort
Usage: Australia wide
turn right
Usage: Australia wide
study, studies, learn
Usage: Australia wide
whereabouts, location, where
Usage: Australia wide
sponge, foam, cushion, mattress, pillow
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Victoria
scream, cry, shriek
Usage: Northern dialect
precise, concise, specific
bacon, rasher
Usage: Australia wide
wind, breeze, windy, airy
Usage: Australia wide
become, transform, change into
Usage: Australia wide
life, live, alive, living
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
walk, stroll, promenade
Usage: Victoria
Usage: South Australia
Usage: Australia wide
parrot, eagle
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
l, L
Usage: Australia wide