Part 7 Flashcards
jail, gaol, prison, prisoner, inmate, imprison, jailed, imprisoned
Usage: Australia wide
pipe, pole, bar, rod, degree, diploma
time flies, quickly, surprisingly quickly, suddenly
provision, provisions, provide
Usage: Australia wide
oblivious, vacant, ignorant, clueless, unaware
Usage: Australia wide
speech, articulation, speak, articulate, pronounce
Usage: Australia wide
nervousness, anxiety, nervous, anxious, frustration, frustrated
Usage: Australia wide
incredible, amazing, ridiculous
Usage: Australia wide
whatever, any, anything, anyway, anywhere, anytime, anyone, anything
Usage: Australia wide
angel, saint, halo, angelic, saintly
Usage: Australia wide
special, exceptional, outstanding, especially
Usage: Australia wide
against, versus, opposed, opposition
Usage: Australia wide
replace, substitute, embellish, replacement, add
Usage: Australia wide
banknote, bill, dollar, buck
Usage: Australia wide
not care, care not, don’t care, careless, indifference, reckless, negligent, clumsy, indifferent, clumsiness, neglect, recklessness, carelessness
Usage: Australia wide
understanding, comprehension, understand, comprehend
Usage: Australia wide
eyesight, sight, vision, eyewitness, witness, evidence, proof, sighted, visualise, visual
Usage: Australia wide
ground, floor, flat, plain, flatten
Usage: Australia wide
variation, vary, variable
Usage: Australia wide
mower, lawn-mower, trolley, pram, mow
flat, flatted, deflate, deflation, still (flat)
Usage: Australia wide
sheep, sheep shearer, sheep shearing, shear
Usage: Australia wide
bandage, dressing, dress (bandage)
Usage: Australia wide
go, outing, depart, leave, go away, going, departure, go out, permission, permit, allow, go ahead, away, go to, leaving, forget it
Usage: Australia wide
ethnic, immigrant, migrant
Usage: Australia wide
oblivious, vacant, ignorant, clueless, unaware
Usage: Australia wide
humiliation, humiliated, mortified
Usage: Australia wide
enlightenment, enlightened, enlighten
Usage: Australia wide
briefs, underpants, panties, knickers, underwear
Usage: Australia wide
fairness, equality, fair, even, equal
Usage: Australia wide
pole, bar, rod, pipe, stick, cylinder, tube
title, topic, subject, theme, expression, entitled, called
Usage: Australia wide
glue, paste, adhesive, sticker, label, adhere
Usage: Australia wide
barman, barmaid, pull beer
Usage: Australia wide
sated, satisfied (sated), full (sated)
Usage: Australia wide
sun, sunshine, sunny, shine, radiate
Usage: Australia wide
tumble drier, tumble dryer
Usage: Australia wide
finally, at last, succeed, successful, success, achieve, achievement, complete, resolve, resolution, solve, solution
Usage: Australia wide
photo, photography, picture, photograph, photographic
Usage: Australia wide
top, majority, main, major
Usage: Australia wide
participate, participation, participant
Usage: Australia wide
change mind, reconsider, second thoughts, reconsideration
Usage: Australia wide
nurse, paramedic, hospital, patient
Usage: Australia wide
continuation, process, procedure, continue, go on (continue), proceed, continually
Usage: Australia wide
elephant, trunk (elephant)
Usage: Australia wide
upbringing, raising, rearing, bring up, raise, rear
Usage: Australia wide
learner, novice, green (inexperienced)
Usage: Australia wide
narrow-mindedness, small-mindedness, intolerance, narrow-minded, small-minded, intolerant
Usage: Australia wide
headphone, earphone, audiologist, audiology
Usage: Australia wide
argument, dispute, debate, argue, dispute
Usage: Australia wide
drunkard, piss pot, drunk, pissed, sloshed, inebriated
Usage: Australia wide
terror, trembling, nervousness, terrified, nervous
Usage: Australia wide
change, alteration, modification, transformation, adaptations, evolution, alter, modify, transform, adapt, evolve
Usage: Australia wide
go with, travel with, with (go with)
Usage: Australia wide
warning, caution, scolding, admonition, reprimand, warn, scold, admonish
Usage: Australia wide
guard, bodyguard, supervise, watch over
Usage: Australia wide
card, gaming card, playing card, deck
Usage: Australia wide
sound, noise, noisy
Usage: Australia wide
skin, flesh
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
softness, soft, tender
Usage: Northern dialect
ultrasound scan
Usage: Australia wide
shine, shininess, reflection, chrome, chromium, reflect, dazzle, shimmer, dazzling, shimmering
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
grief, grieve, put up with, resign oneself to, stoic, oh my god, Jesus!
Usage: Australia wide
loathing, hate, hatred, detest, loathe, hated, loathsome, detested, detestable, despise, despicable
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: New South Wales
shit, damn, bullshit, fuck (damn)
Usage: Australia wide
Italy, Italian, Mediterranean
Usage: Australia wide
hat, cap
Usage: Australia wide
not keen on, disagreeable
Usage: Northern dialect
Usage: Australia wide
humour, dissimulate
Usage: Australia wide
hello, hi
Usage: Australia wide
description, definition, describe, define
Usage: Australia wide
reverse (vehicle)
Usage: Australia wide
brightness, bright, brighten
Usage: Australia wide
respect, esteem, honour
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
return, come back, go back
Usage: Australia wide
hot, hotness, temperature, heat
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Western Australia
sleep in
Usage: Australia wide
murder, strangulation, throttle, strangle, choke, murderer
Usage: Australia wide
already, ready
Usage: Australia wide
centre, central
Usage: Australia wide
open (automatic doors)
Usage: Australia wide
memory, remember, recall, memorise, recollect, remembrance, recollection, memorisation
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
coffee, coffee beans
Usage: Australia wide
logic, logical
counsellor, counselling, advice, consultant, counsel, advise, influence
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
fragrance, perfume, scent, fragrant, scented, perfumed
Usage: Australia wide
marijuana, pot (marijuana), grass (marijuana), weed (marijuana), joint (marijuana), dope (marijuana), smoke (marijuana)
Usage: Australia wide
used to, familiar with, identical, familiarity, identity, draw, tie, deuce, dead heat, acclimatisation, habituation
spanner, wrench, mechanic, plumber, electrician, fix
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
get even, all (even)
Usage: Southern dialect
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
croissant, Cornish pastry, pasty
original, first-born, first, initial, favourite, eldest
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
tracing, trace
Usage: Australia wide
man, men, male, masculine
Usage: Australia wide
fun, amusement, strangeness, queerness, weirdness, oddity, funny, humorous, strange, odd, weird, queer
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Tasmania
dice, gambling, casino, gamble
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
yell, call (yell), call out
Usage: Australia wide
influence, influential
Usage: Australia wide
s, S
Usage: Australia wide
debt, owe
Usage: Australia wide
mouse (computer)
Usage: Australia wide
go across, across, cross, crossing, pedestrian crossing
Usage: Australia wide
Holy Spirit
Usage: Australia wide
rectangle, rectangular
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Southern dialect
fault, failing, shortcoming, faulty, fail, failure
Usage: Australia wide
photocopier, photocopy
Usage: Australia wide
slipper, slip on
collapse, cave in
Usage: Australia wide
quiet, silence, peace, quieten
Usage: Australia wide
h, H
Usage: Australia wide
points (spark plugs), spark plugs
Usage: Australia wide
shave head, shaved head
Usage: Australia wide
contribution, donation, contribute, donate
Usage: Australia wide
wicket, stumps (cricket)
Usage: Australia wide
vomit, chunder, vomiting, throw up
Usage: Australia wide
fitness, fit
Usage: Australia wide
area, place (location), region, part, district, field, whereabouts, thereabouts, approximate, roundabout, general, generally
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
little, few, soon
Usage: Australia wide
trouble, hassle, bother, irritation, nuisance, annoyance, annoy, troublesome, bothersome, irritating, annoying
Usage: Australia wide
immune system
footpath, pavement, sidewalk, pathway, path
boredom, bore, boring, bored, trivial, insignificant
Usage: Australia wide
sore, pain, painful, hurt, injury, wound, injure, harm
turn down, turn off
Usage: Australia wide
disbelief, disbeliever, sceptic, atheist, non-believer, atheism, disbelieve, unconvinced, sceptical
Usage: Australia wide
breastfeeding, breastfeed
Usage: Australia wide
hand over
Usage: Australia wide
electrical wire
round trip, return journey, day tripper, commuter, laps, return ticket, day student, commute, go-to-and-fro
Usage: Australia wide
linguistics, linguistic, linguist
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
lot, much, many, too much, too many
Usage: Australia wide
playtime, recess
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
won’t, will not, wouldn’t
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Western Australia
removal, remove, suspension, suspend
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Western Australia
library, librarian
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
pretence, imitation, copy, fake, pretend, artificial, false, fake, if, suppose
Usage: Australia wide
firefighter, fireman
Usage: Queensland
Usage: Australia wide
grapes, sultanas
Usage: Australia wide
pig, pork
Usage: Australia wide
discussion, talks, discuss, confer, dialogue
Usage: Australia wide
brake pedal
Usage: Australia wide
y, Y
Usage: Australia wide
advocate, advocacy
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
sieve, sift
Usage: Australia wide
Yugoslavia, Yugoslavian
Usage: Northern dialect
stubbornness, obstinacy, pig-headedness, stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, pig-headed, steadfast
Usage: Australia wide
tow bar
postbox, letterbox, bank, ATM, computer disk, post, bank
roll-your-own, rollie, tobacco (loose-leaf)
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
congratulations, popularity, congratulate, praise, popular, favourite, praiseworthy
Usage: Australia wide
pride, boastfulness, proud, brag, boast
Usage: Australia wide
person, character, client
Usage: Australia wide
make the bed
Usage: Australia wide
agree, agreement, appointment, suit, covenant
Usage: Australia wide
feminist, feminism
know, familiar
Usage: Australia wide
net, mesh, meshed
Usage: Australia wide
put, place (put)
Usage: Australia wide
tooth, teeth
Usage: Australia wide
testicles, balls
Usage: Australia wide
light, illuminate, turn on
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
normality, normalcy, natural, normal
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
nothing, no, not, trivial, trifle, insignificant
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
pair, both
Usage: Australia wide
night, evening
Usage: Australia wide
cross out, incorrect, mark, vote
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
skivvy, turtle-necked, polo-necked
Usage: Australia wide
Norway, Norwegian
speedboat, hydrofoil
Usage: Australia wide
catch up
Usage: Australia wide
thin, skinny, lean, gaunt, narrow
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Jew, Jewish, Israel, Israeli
Usage: Australia wide
acceptance, resignation, acceptability, accept, acceptable
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
channel (TV), station (radio)
Usage: Australia wide
isolated, shunned, shun
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
matter, problem, impairment, mistake, impaired, error, mistaken
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
potter about, potter, mess about, faff, faff about, pottering
Usage: Australia wide
steak, flesh, meat
oil filter
Usage: Australia wide
twins, Gemini
Usage: Australia wide
persuasion, persuade, coax, urge, convince
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Southern dialect
parent, parents, parental
length, duration, long
Usage: Australia wide
banana, peel banana
Usage: Australia wide
courage, bravery, guts, hero, heroine, courageous, brave
Usage: Australia wide
gestational diabetes
diagnosis, diagnose
fit into, put into, insert, insertion
Usage: Australia wide
cat, stroke
Usage: Australia wide
team, unit
Usage: Australia wide
bisexuality, bisexual
Usage: Australia wide
firm, company, factory
Usage: Australia wide
windscreen wipers
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
tip (end point), specific, particular, specify
Usage: Australia wide
announce, notify, advise, proclaim, report, announcement, notification, proclamation
Usage: Australia wide
projector, project
Usage: Australia wide
ice, freeze, frozen, freezer
Usage: Australia wide
interpreter, interpret, interpretation
Usage: Australia wide
lecture, lecturer, speech, sermon, testimony, lecture, preach, testify
Usage: Australia wide
unsolicited, gratis, free
Usage: Western Australia
Usage: Australia wide
cabbage, mince, mincemeat
tyre profile
pressure, stress
Usage: Australia wide
system, systematic
Usage: Australia wide
answering machine
Usage: Australia wide
only, exclusively, just, merely
Usage: Australia wide
single-mindedness, independence, determination, resoluteness, strong-minded, independent, strong-willed, determined
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
promotion, promote, promoted
Usage: Australia wide
guitar, band, strum
Usage: Australia wide
goose pimples, goose bumps, goose flesh, thrill, frisson, hair-raising, thrilled, thrilling, spine-chilling, frightening
Usage: Australia wide
shock, shocked, suddenly, prematurely
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Southern dialect
top, cap (lid), lid, jar
Usage: Australia wide
jack, jack up
finish (cigarette), smoke
Usage: Australia wide
fear, fright, scared, frightened, afraid, scare, frighten
Usage: Australia wide
obedience, submissiveness, groveller, crawler, lackey, dogsbody, obey, obedient, submit, grovel, submissive, obsequious
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
pour, pour from, cordial
limit, limited
Usage: Australia wide
professional, profession
come here, beckon, beckoning
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
muscle, strength, energy, might, power, muscular, muscle-bound, strong, powerful, empower
Usage: Australia wide
water, wet
Usage: Northern dialect
boot (car), close boot (car)
Usage: Australia wide
scalding, scorching
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
b, B
Usage: Australia wide
yacht, yachting, sail
Usage: Australia wide
vomit, sick, throw up
Usage: Australia wide
my, mine
Usage: Australia wide
jacket, blazer, sports jacket, sports coat
Usage: Australia wide
pronunciation, articulation, articulate, pronounce
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
laughter, mirth, humour, comedy, hilarity, laugh, cheerful, humorous, hilarious
Usage: Australia wide
disk, disc
cola, Coca-Cola, Coke
Usage: Australia wide
hug, embrace
Usage: Australia wide
handball, handpass
Usage: Southern dialect
free, voluntary, freely, voluntarily
Usage: Australia wide
basin, washbasin, sink, tub
pinch, tweak
Usage: Australia wide
other, another, moreover
Usage: Australia wide
bless, blessing
Usage: Australia wide
lean, lean over, topple, topple over, collapse
division, divide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
triangle, triangular
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
enquiry, inquiry, enquire, inquire
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
waiter, waitress, service, tray, course, serve
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
oath, swear, citizenship
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
unit, team, whole, class, group, class
Usage: Australia wide
nursery, florist, gardener, gardening, garden, flower
Usage: Australia wide
clothes, clothing, garment, apparel, costume, wear, dress, clothe, dress up
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Resurrection, rise, resurrect
neck, throat
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
wriggle, writhe, delicious
Usage: Victoria
Scotland, Scot, Scots, Scottish
Usage: Australia wide
applause, clapping, applaud, clap
Usage: Australia wide
bed, go to bed
president, chairperson, chairman, chairwoman, chair (preside), preside
Usage: Australia wide
not want, don’t want
Usage: Australia wide
developing, developer, develop
Usage: Australia wide
cloud, cloudy
Usage: Australia wide
card, ticket, receipt, sales docket
Usage: New South Wales
Usage: Australia wide
politics, politician, political
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
electric, electrical
Usage: Western Australia
restraint, self control, inhibition, restrain, hold back, restrained, self controlled, inhibited
Usage: Australia wide
braxton hicks
Usage: Australia wide
shock absorber
Usage: Australia wide
lowness, low, short
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
column, article
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
tomato sauce, ketchup
Usage: South Australia
twist, wring, sprain
Usage: Australia wide