Part 2 Flashcards
prior, prior to, before then
Usage: Australia wide
christening, baptism, christen, baptise
Usage: Australia wide
ages, not since, since (not)
Usage: Australia wide
invention, discovery, innovation, concoction, come up with, innovate, concoct
Usage: Australia wide
scratches, scratched, scratch
Usage: Australia wide
Melburnian, Melbourne, Melbournian
Usage: Australia wide
wings, fly, wing, flap, winger (sport), bat (animal), angel
Usage: Australia wide
presentation, award, reward, present (hand over), hand over
Usage: Australia wide
break, crack, pause, break (pause), smoko, broken
Usage: Australia wide
boast, vanity, brag, vain
Usage: Australia wide
throw, fling, toss, suspension, chuck, suspend
Usage: Australia wide
fair, acceptable, average
Usage: Australia wide
library, bookshelf, bookcase
Usage: Australia wide
bracket, brackets, parenthesis, parentheses
Usage: Australia wide
dues, membership, subscription, member, subscriber, subscribe
Usage: Australia wide
sensible, reasonable, rational, brilliant
Usage: Australia wide
microphone, announcer, radio journalist, TV journalist, announcement, announce
Usage: Australia wide
research, analyse, investigate, analysis, researcher
Usage: Australia wide
hear about, hear of, listen, hear
Usage: Australia wide
attendance, assembly, crowd, attend, assemble, congregate
Usage: Australia wide
rubbish bin, trash can, wastepaper basket
Usage: Australia wide
pleading, begging, plead, beg
Usage: Australia wide
score (tally), tally, scorer, calculate, calculation
Usage: Australia wide
diving, scuba, diver, scuba diver, dive, scuba dive
Usage: Australia wide
joke, fake, bluff, artificial
Usage: Northern dialect
philosophy, philosopher, philosophise, philosophical
film, movie, picture, flicks, cinema, project
Usage: Australia wide
bridesmaid, train (of gown)
Usage: South Australia
fact, certainty, accuracy, factual, certain, definite, accurate
Usage: Australia wide
slow down, decelerate, ease up
Usage: Australia wide
character, characters, notation, notate
Usage: Australia wide
erection, erect, stiff, boner, hard on
Usage: Australia wide
face mask, anaesthetic, anaesthetist
Usage: Australia wide
face, facing, face to face
Usage: Australia wide
minister, chief executive, CEO, president, principal, headmaster, headmistress
Usage: Australia wide
not, no, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t
Usage: Australia wide
sauce, seasoning, pour, sprinkle
Usage: Australia wide
difficulty, difficult, hard
Usage: Australia wide
disappointment, disappoint, disappointed
Usage: Australia wide
elastic, rubber band, elastic band
Usage: Australia wide
get, obtain, procure, receive
Usage: Australia wide
tricked, serve you right
Usage: New South Wales
cleanness, cleanliness, cleaner, hygiene, clean, dust, hygienic
Usage: Australia wide
drum, tom-tom drum, drummer
Usage: Australia wide
automatic, unrestricted, unencumbered, carefree
Usage: Australia wide
discussion, talks, discuss, confer
Usage: Australia wide
university, mortarboard, graduate
Usage: Australia wide
suffer, agony, torment, suffering, tormented
Usage: Australia wide
open-mindedness, broad-mindedness, tolerance, open-minded, broad-minded, tolerant, liberal
Usage: Australia wide
country, nation, nationality, countryside
Usage: Australia wide
christening, baptism, christen, baptise, christened, baptise
Usage: Australia wide
firefighter, fireman, fire brigade
Usage: Southern dialect
music, orchestra, conductor, concert, conduct
Usage: Australia wide
parachute, parachuting, parachutist
Usage: Australia wide
attention, blinkers, attend, attentive, single minded
Usage: Australia wide
spade, shovel, trowel, digging, gardening, spades, dig, scoop, garden
Usage: Australia wide
ceiling, awning, covering, shade, room, overhead, shaded
Usage: Australia wide
get off, step off, get out, alight
Usage: Australia wide
retirement, resignation, retire, resign
Usage: Australia wide
corner, convergence, converge
Usage: Australia wide
width, widen, wide, broad
Usage: Australia wide
determination, determined, strive
Usage: Australia wide
spoon, soup, dessert, sweets, breakfast, cereal, porridge
Usage: Australia wide
wave, hi, hello, bye, bye-bye, good-bye, farewell
Usage: Australia wide
secret, confidential, private, secretive, shut up, quiet
Usage: Australia wide
quantity, number, mark, how many, several, many
Usage: Australia wide
overtime, hour after hour, round the clock, around the clock
Usage: Australia wide
grandmother, gran, nana, nan
Usage: Southern dialect
chewing gum, chew gum, bubblegum
Usage: Australia wide
take away
Usage: Australia wide
itself, herself, himself, independently, themselves
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: South Australia
aim, intention, objective, purpose, destination, commitment, dedication, destiny, fate, intend, direct, commit
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
opposite, antonym
Usage: Australia wide
study, student
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
size (in height), dimension
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Western Australia
history, ancestors
Usage: Australia wide
contact lenses
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
privacy, private, confidential, privately
Usage: Australia wide
attract, recruit, seduce, pick up
Usage: Australia wide
turkey (animal)
Usage: Australia wide
nought, zero, love (tennis score)
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
catch, full-back, caught out
Usage: Australia wide
present (gift), gift
Usage: Northern dialect
demolition, demolish, pull down
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
do not, don’t, didn’t, not done, not finish, unfinished, not yet
Usage: Australia wide
line-umpire, linesman
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
chip, potato chip
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
petrol, gasoline
Usage: Australia wide
fish and chips
Usage: South Australia
tortoise, turtle
Usage: Australia wide
drop, drip
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
rent, repayment, instalment, repay, pay off
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
birth, born
Usage: Australia wide
overlook, disregard, neglect, omission, omit
Usage: Australia wide
bow (archery), aim (arrow)
Usage: Australia wide
about, approximate, concerning
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
price, cost, charge, how much
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Southern dialect
march, parade
Usage: Australia wide
galloping, gallop
Usage: Australia wide
coffee, cent
Usage: Australia wide
deaf club
Usage: Australia wide
demand, complain, berate, complaint
Usage: Australia wide
rugby, football
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
average, approximation, doubt, vacillation, indecision, approximate, doubtful, vacillate, indecisive, not sure
Usage: Australia wide
selection, audition, select
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
price, cost, charge, how much
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Southern dialect
more, from then on
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Northern dialect
shrinkage, shrink
Usage: Australia wide
burrow, claw, dig
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
spoil, damage, ruin
Usage: Australia wide
used to, familiar with, identical, familiarity, identity, draw, tie, deuce, dead heat, acclimatisation, habituation
seed, sow
Usage: Australia wide
lady, woman, lady-like, feminine, womanly, female
Usage: Australia wide
scrape, scraping, grind
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
busybody, sticky-beak, nosey, inquisitive
Usage: Australia wide
scribble, scribbling
Usage: Australia wide
second, fortnight
Usage: Australia wide
gang bang, promiscuous
sorry, regret, pardon me
Usage: Northern dialect
individual, self, individualist, loner, single, lone, alone, unaccompanied, singly, personally, individually
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
lettuce, cabbage
prude, puritan, prim, prissy, prudish, straight-laced, puritanical
Usage: Australia wide
alarm, siren, wail
Usage: Australia wide
tip, point (tip), end-point
Usage: Australia wide
resistance, avoidance, avoid, resist, tolerate
Usage: Australia wide
get lost, get fucked
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
stitch, plain stitch, garter stitch
Usage: Australia wide
fall behind, behind, go backward
Usage: Australia wide
underpants, briefs, panties, knickers
Usage: Australia wide
send, send out, send off, dismiss, force
Usage: Australia wide
letter, missive, correspondence, application, correspond, apply
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
clay, dough, knead
Usage: Australia wide
movements, move, sway
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
wander, walk, wanderings, trip
Usage: Australia wide
eyesight, sight, vision, visual
Usage: Australia wide
rubbing, rub
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
not clever, ignorance, inexperience, immaturity, simpleton, ignoramus, dim witted, ignorant, uneducated, ill-informed, inexperienced, unwise
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
naughtiness, naughty
Usage: Australia wide
t, T
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
skirt, dress (skirt)
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
bus, coach, van
Usage: Australia wide
want, covet
Usage: South Australia
indicators, blinkers, blink, indicate, hazard lights
Usage: Australia wide
obstacle, brick wall (obstacle)
Usage: Australia wide
hay fever
Usage: Australia wide
stamp (postage), postage stamp, postage
Usage: Australia wide
Australia, Australian
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
morning, Good morning
Usage: Northern dialect
council, councillor
show, display, show (performance)
Usage: Northern dialect
Usage: Australia wide
window, windowpane, pane of glass
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
boot (car), trunk (container)
flight attendant, flight steward, air-hostess
Usage: Australia wide
spasmodic, intermittent, stop-start, interrupted
Usage: Australia wide
pliers, secateurs, clippers
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Tasmania
specimen, sample
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
swimming, swim, breast stroke, breast-stroke
Usage: Australia wide
kilogram, kilometre
Usage: Australia wide
pictures, film, cinema
Usage: South Australia
key, ignition, lock, lock up
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: South Australia
happiness, happy
Usage: Australia wide
familiarity, familiar
Usage: Northern dialect
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
spit, spittle, pip, seed, spit out
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Victoria
m, M
Usage: Australia wide
list, program, agenda, catalogue
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
time out
Usage: Australia wide
splash, smash, shatter
Usage: Australia wide
peg, clothes peg, clothes line
Usage: Australia wide
morning, Good morning
Usage: Southern dialect
Usage: Australia wide
height, tower block, skyscraper, tall, high, tower
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: South Australia
lobby (advocate), lobbying, lobbyist
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
fuck, root, screw
relationship, connection, link, bond, connected, linked, related
Usage: Australia wide
doona, quilt, duvet, eiderdown
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Alsatian, German shepherd
Usage: Australia wide
bargain, cheap, inexpensive
Usage: Australia wide
presentation, award, present (award)
Usage: Australia wide
charge, fee, price, cost, demand
Usage: Australia wide
chill, chilly
Usage: Australia wide
bottle-opener, bottle
Usage: Australia wide
overwhelm, defeat, oppression, suppression, subjugation, put down, defeat, thrash, oppress, suppers, subjugate
Usage: Australia wide
intention, aim, goal, objective, ambition, intend, strive, ambitious
Usage: Australia wide
indigestion, heartburn
Usage: Australia wide
meet, see
Usage: Australia wide
pants, underpants
Usage: Australia wide
remember, recall, recollect
Usage: South Australia
Usage: Tasmania
purchase, buyer, purchaser, buy
Usage: Australia wide
oil filter
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: South Australia
aloof, quit, withdraw, resign, drop out, pull out
Usage: Australia wide
bride, bridesmaid
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
blink, wink, pretend
Usage: Australia wide
offence, touchiness, sensitivity, offend, touchy, sensitive, hurt, offended
Usage: Australia wide
pain, painful, sore, hurt, injury, injure, wound, harm
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
height, tallness, heaven, God, pass away, upwards, up, upstairs, go up
Usage: Australia wide
grease, scoop
butterfly, moth
Usage: Australia wide
back, background, backwards, back up, reverse
Usage: Australia wide
coronary bypass
conceal, hide
Usage: Australia wide
no bother, no hassle, no irritate
Usage: Australia wide
writing, pen, write
Usage: Australia wide
tape measure
Usage: Australia wide
separate (partners), break up (relationship), split up (relationship), dump (someone), ditch (someone).
Usage: Australia wide
butterfly stroke, butterfly
Usage: Australia wide
rubbish (waste), garbage, waste (rubbish)
Usage: Australia wide
Japan, Japanese
Usage: Australia wide
conflict, intersect, intersection
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
turn left
Usage: Australia wide
parking, parking lot
Usage: Australia wide
dryness, dry, dry out, dry up
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
red, redden
Usage: Southern dialect
Usage: Australia wide
spool, reel, projector, projectionist
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
closeness, close, near, nearby, intimate, shorten, lessen, reduce
Usage: Australia wide
learner, trainee, practice, learn, practise
Usage: Australia wide
tiptoe, creep
Usage: Australia wide
Jew, Jewish
Usage: Southern dialect
complication, complicated, complex, complicate
Usage: Australia wide
switch on
Usage: Australia wide
money, funding, treasurer, funds, currency, fund
Usage: Australia wide
bowler (cricket), bowl (cricket)
Usage: Australia wide
bark, growl
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Tasmania
rear-view mirror
shelf, ledge
balance, scales, balanced, Libra
Usage: Australia wide
follow-up appointment
Usage: Australia wide
notice, drawing pins, thumb tacks, pin up
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
distribution, release, launch, send out, distribute, provide
Usage: Australia wide
hear, listen, hear of, hear about
Usage: Australia wide
shock, shocked, suddenly, prematurely
Usage: Australia wide
why, because, since, as, cause, reason
Usage: Australia wide
inequality, unequal
Usage: Australia wide
tennis, serve
Usage: Australia wide
church, religion, religious
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
long time, long ago
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
similar, similarity
Usage: Australia wide
touch up, liquid paper, correction fluid
hat, cap
Usage: Australia wide
music, rhythm, hymn, rhythmic
w, W
Usage: Australia wide
family, relatives, relations, familial
Usage: New South Wales
Usage: Australia wide
promise, vow
Usage: Australia wide
gaze, attention, stare, look
keenness, eagerness, enthusiasm, keen, eager, interested, glad to
Usage: Australia wide
suspicion, invention, creation, improvisation, suspect, invent, create, improvise
Usage: Australia wide
second rower, second row forward
Usage: Australia wide
painting, picture, painter, artist, paint
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
bow tie
Usage: Australia wide
wheelbarrow, barrow
Usage: Australia wide
windowpane, pane of glass, glass (material)
Usage: Northern dialect
bowled out
Usage: Australia wide
baseball, softball
Usage: Australia wide
dentist, extraction
Usage: Australia wide
car (at), vehicle (at)
go to bed, get into bed
Usage: Australia wide
brevity, insignificance, trivia, brief, trivial, insignificant, briefly
Usage: Australia wide
consideration, reflection, rumination, consider, wonder, ponder, reflect, ruminate
Usage: Australia wide
heart failure
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
Usage: Australia wide
fairness, equality, fair, even, equal
Usage: Australia wide
hold-up, robbery, rob, stick up
Usage: Australia wide
fussy, picky, choosy
Usage: South Australia
advertisement, publicity, advertise, publicise, commercial
Usage: Australia wide
me, I
Usage: Australia wide
TTY, telephone typewriter, teletypewriter, teletype
Usage: Australia wide