Part 7 Flashcards
- Hand Skill Development
a. Newborn
i. Hands to face
ii. Reflex
iii. Starting to visually regard their hands (look at them)
Hand Skill Development
b. First few months
i. Swiping or batting at objects
ii. No control of hands just arm movements
Hand Skill Development.
3 to 4 months
i. Midline orientation of the hands
ii. Symmetrical Bilateral reaching
Hand Skill Development
d. 5 to 6 months
i. Pushing up on hands
ii. Somewhat manipulating hands/fingers, closing/opening hands
iii. More of a purposeful reach/bat/swat
Hand Skill Development
e. 9 to 12 months
Moving to radial side
ii. Improved pincer grasp
iii. More purposeful use of the hands
iv. Individual finger movements
v. Patti cake, peek a boo
_-6 months- Transfers the object from one hand to the other by fully opening the releasing hand
8-__ months- Begins to release objects without stabilizing them with the other hand
8-__months- Holds one object in each hand and bang
__ months- Frequently uses role-differentiated strategies (i.e., one hand stabilizes or holds the materials and the other manipulates)
- Grasp Pattern Development
a. Ulnar fingers show activation before __ and ___
radial fingers and thumb
b. ____ patterns precede finger grasp (distal) patterns
Palmar grasp (proximal)
c. _____ muscle activation dominates before ___ muscle activation
Grasp development
a. 6 to 9 months
i. more thumb use with grasp
b. 7 months-
i. Crude raking of a tiny object
ii. Still ulnar side
c. 9 months
i. Crude pincer grasp
d. 8 to 9 months
i. Start to shape their hand to what they expect the size to be
e. 9 to 12 months
i. More refined
ii. Starting to use the pads and tips of their fingers for manipulation
f. 15 months
i. Feeding themselves
ii. More control of intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
g. 18 months to 3 years
i. Using disc grasp, cylindrical grasp, and spherical grasp
ii. Increased strength of grasp
c. Shift (linear movement on the finger surface, ex: buttoning)
d. Simple rotation (90 degrees)
e. Complex rotation (180-360 degrees)
Know these
a. Primary reason for referral for school OT is ____
Amount of school day on average focusing on fine motor skills is __ to ___%
31- 60%