PART 4 - Energy and protein requirements for adults Flashcards
What is EER?
Estimated Energy Requirement that will maintain energy balance in a healthy person
TRUE or FALSE. The EER takes into account the energy content of new body constituents such as growth, pregnancy, lactation.
What is Energy recommendations?
criteria that the body weight is within a healthy range.
What is the BMR?
Basal metabolic rate, minimal rate of energy expenditure compatible with life
How is the BMR measured?
measured in the supine position under standard conditions of rest, fast, immobility, thermal neutrality and mental relaxation
What is the BEE?
basal energy expenditure expressed as kcal/24h
What is TEE?
Total Energy Expenditure. average energy spent in a TYPICAL day (24h) by an individual or a group.
What is PAL?
Physical Activity Level. TEE/BEE=ratio of total energy expenditure
What physical activity is recommended?
A minimum of 30 minutes moderate activity most days of the week (NOT enough to maintain body weight)
TO PREVENT WEIGHT GAIN and get additional health benefits: 60 minutes of moderate activity
What PAL level is recommended?
1.6 to 1.7
What are the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges?
45-65% CHO
20-35% FAT (25-40% for young kids)
10-35% PROTEIN
How was protein requirements measured?
Nitrogen equilibrium
How was linoleic acid requirements measured?
Median intake
How was alpha-linolenic acid requirements measured?
Median intake
How was carbohydrate requirements measured?
Minimum amount of glucose required by the brain without depending on fat or protein as alternative source