PART 1 - DRI's Flashcards
Dietary Reference Intake
Why do different committees develop different nutrition recommendations?
The scientific evidence is interpreted in different ways
RNI? also previous name and why it was changed
Recommended Nutrient Intake. Previously called RDNIs. The daily was changed to reflect an average intake over time so people don’t think they absolutely must have all those nutrients everyday.
(old) RDA? also previous name and why it changed?
Recommended Dietary Allowance. Used to be Recommended Daily allowance but changed to reflect average intake over time.
Which country used RNI?
Which country used RDA?
Describe the general structure of the Standing Committee for the DRI’s.
The Standing Committee oversees the 5 year process. There are 7 panels that deal with 7 different areas of nutrient requirements, these are called the Nutrient Expert Panels. All the expert panels deal with 2 subcommittees: The Upper Reference Levels Subcommittee and the Uses of DRI’s subcommittee.
What is the mandate of the Standing Committee for the DRI’s?
Look at nutrient intakes for the prevention of nutrient deficiencies and to consider levels of intake needed in the prevention of chronic diseases
What is the job of the Upper Reference Levels Subcommittee and why is it not completed by the Expert panels? Why is this job necessary in this day and age?
This subcommittee derives the UL for all nutrients. It is important since supplementation and food fortification are now a major source of nutrition. Not completed by the expert panels since this subcommittee is composed of a variety of experts like nutritionists and toxicologists.
What is the job of the Uses of DRI’s subcommittee?
Apply the reference intakes determined by the expert panels to the population in the best way possible.
What are the different values determined by the DRI’s?
What is the EAR? Who can this be used for?
Estimated Average Requirement. usual intake level estimated to meet half the healthy people’s needs. used to see inadequate intakes for groups (use intake distribution not average intake of group)
What is the (new) RDA? What does it replace?
Recommended Dietary Allowance (replaces RDA/RNI)
refers to the distribution of the average daily nutrient intake of apparently healthy individuals over time (bel curve or Gaussian distribution)
What is the AI? When is it used?
Adequate Intake. used when EAR and RDA are not available.
What is the UL?
Tolerable Upper Intake Level, highest intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects. intake above increases risk. maximum intake unlikely to pose health risks
What is the new mandate of the Standing Committee? ***** (related to new trend focus)
Looking at the UL for non essential nutrients in their role for disease prevention.
What new focus has taken hold of the Standing Committee? (4 steps)
Chronic disease prevention. 1: looking at RDA for micro-nutrients, 2:recommendations for preventing deficiency AND chronic disease, 3: establishing UL because of common use of supplements, 4: including non-essential food components for disease prevention.
For who do you suggest the RDA?
Individuals not groups. 97.5% of pop is good