Part 4 (cytology) Flashcards
What organelle contains chromatin and directs the synthesis of all proteins in the body?
What is the role of the nucleus?
directs the synthesis of all proteins in the body
What are the three parts of cytoplasm?
- ) cytosol
- ) cytoskeleton
- ) organelles
What organelle is the site of protein synthesis?
What organelle contains enzymes that detoxify harmful chemicals?
What is the “powerhouse of the cell?”
produces ATP
What organelle stores proteins made by ribosomes?
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
What organelle has lipid synthesis and detoxification reactions?
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
What organelle packages proteins for export throughout the cell?
Golgi Apparatus
What organelle digests worn-out, old cell organelles (cleans up)?
What organelle directs the formation of the mitotic spindle during mitosis and forms the bases of cilia and flagella?
What is the main function of ribosomes?
sites of protein synthesis
What is the main function of peroxisomes?
contains enzymes that detoxify harmful chemicals
What is the main function of the mitochondria?
ATP production (energy) "Powerhouse of the cell"
What is the main function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
storage of proteins made by ribosomes
What is the main function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
lipid synthesis and detoxification reactions
What is the main function of the golgi apparatus?
packages proteins for export throughout the cell
What is the main function of lysosomes?
digests worn-out, old cell organelles
cleans up
What is the main function of centrioles?
direct the formation of the mitotic spindle during mitosis;
forms the bases of cilia and flagella