Part 3 - THE TUDORS Flashcards
What is the difference btw patriotism and nationalism during the Tudor period?
Patriotism originating from Greek term ‘from the same country’ represented unthinking allegiance to the regning monarch, whereas nationalism debated by historians implies a community with political self determination which some argue did not fully emerge until the 18th century
How did B Anderson define national identity and its relationship with monarchy in Tudor England
Emphasises that for a community to be a nation it must have the freedom to express political opinions he suggested that a monarch should rule by the will of the majority for true nationhood
What conflicting views about early modern England exist regarding its political system and the emergence of a national identity
Anderson believed early modern England lacked a regulated democratic system. Monarchs attempted to overpower parliaments and were unrestrained by constitutional mechanisms. However, Richard helgerson highlighted intense national consciousness among younger Elizabethan, as seen in literature like Shakespeare’s Richard II
What were the unique circumstances in England that contributed to the emergence of a national feeling during the Tudor period
England experienced a unique set of circumstances that led to the emergence of national sentiment which did not occur elsewhere. The factors included the influence of the Tudor dynasty, socialogical changes with the distengration of the feudal system and the the rise of new classes and the impact of the Reformation
What were the major realities influencing nationalism I Tudor England
The sociological political and religious factors played significant roles in influencing nationalism
The disintegration of the feudal system and the rise of new classes
The Reformation which had significant socio-political consequences particularly in its impact on national identity
What characterized the wars in England between 1337 and 1485
The hundred years war 1337- 1453 and war of the roses 1455 1485 btw the English and French monarchs and in the latter case dynastic feuds involving the English aristocracy these years were fought by noblemen and professional soldiers not the general populace
What were the consequences of the prolonged violence during this period
The extinction of the old nobility and a weakening of the nobles power
A significant social transformation
What led to the evolution of the English aristocracy
Changes in the English nobility were primarily due to heavy casualties among the aristocracy during the wars and efforts by the crown to weaken the nobility to consolidate the monarchs power at the expense of the aristocrats
How did Henry VII contribute to weakening the nobility power and strengthening the monarchy
Limited the magnates ability to raise armies of retainers thus preventing them from waging war on each other or the king. He transformed the monarchy from a symbol of aristocracy factions to a new type of monarchy that asserted royal authority and supremacy
What measures did Henry VII to reinforce royal authority
Established the imperial crown symbolizing the king new status. He created the star chamber acting as a supreme court judging breaches of peace and implemented legal measures like acts of attinder and forfeiture to subdue and confiscate property from magnates found guilty of treason
What were the new social strata that emerged due to the disintegration of the feudal system during the Tudor period ?
Landed gentry and the middle class
How did the creation of new peers under Henry VIII differ from the traditional concept of nobility
Shifted toward individual of modest birth but exceptional abilities and education whose titles were granted for serving the crowns interests. The emphasis was on merit based nobility rather than solely on noble birth
What key changes occured within during Henry VIII REIGN that reshaped social structures
The concept that commoners could attain elite status became a cornerstone of Tudor nationalism. Additionally loyal servant were rewarded with wealth seized from the Church during the schism with Rome and the dissolution of the monasteries fostering the emergence of the squirearchy a new class of landowners without peerage
How did the henrician schism and the dissolution of the monasteries affect social power in Tudor england
Enhanced the authority of the laity over the church and increased their influence in political spheres. The dissolution led to the possession of vast estates by the rural gentry strengthening the squirearchy s power based on land ownership
What were the significant developments in English social history btw 1540 and 1640?
A crucial development during this time was the growth of the gentry and the emergence of the middle class primarily represented by the rise of lawyers and merchants
What factors contributed to the growth of lawyers and merchants in the middle class?
Lawyers increased due to the complexity of economic and diplomatic exchanges while the new landed gentry’s desire for education for their sons played a role. Additionally, a commercial revolution and trade expansion to new markets contributed to the rise of capitalism in the 16th in conjunction with the Calvinist concept of determination or election
How did the rise of capitalism and Calvinist work ethic influence the middle class and their social and political aspirations?
The Calvinist work ethic posited by max Weber encouraged the development of enterprises, trade, success as signs of God’s favor, influencing the rising of the middle class. This class demanded increased participation in politics, gaining representation in the House of commons, leading to a dynamic relationship btw nationalism and political representation
How did the increasing significance of the Parliament influence the development of national consciousness in the 16th century
The growing importance of parliament as the ‘representative of the people’ proved that the members of the middle class were indeed representatives of a nation. This led to demands for more power for parliament, fostering a stronger national consciousness that fed increasing influence of parliament
What societal changes and redefinition characterized the maturing of nationhood during the Tudor era?
The reorganization of the social hierarchy increased social mobility and the establishment of a democratic elite based on education and merit were crucial in shaping nationhood. The inventors of nationalism were upwardly mobile commoners who reached the top of the social ladder, redefining the traditional image of society and contributing to modern concept of a nation
How did the Protestant reformation contribute to the spread of nationalism in the 16th century
Scholars like greenfeld and gellner noted that the Reformation more than any other factor, played a significant role in the widespread propagation of nationalism in the 16th century
What were the key ingredients of the Protestant reformation that facilitated the development of nationalism
Included the emphasis on literacy and scripturalism (sola scriptura) the challenge against a monopolistic priesthood and the theory of election
What was the doctrine of sola scriptura and how did it affect education and literacy
Sola scriptura emphasized that the scripture contained all knowledge necessary for salvation. This principle encouraged the spread of literary democratisation of education and motivated Protestant efforts to translate the bible into native vernacular languages
How did the translation of the bible into vernacular languages contribute to the rise of nationalism
A significant aspect of Protestantism as it facilitated the defence of native languages and promoted a stronger sense of national identity
How did the doctrine of sola scriptura challenge the church authority and traditional interpretations
Sola scriptura altered the church authority by emphasizing the scripture as the interpret of tradition challenging the authority of the church and leading to the rejection of certain Roman church doctrines that lacked biblical basis