Part 3: High Performance Teams Flashcards
What distinguishes high performance teams from others is ____
each team member is committed to ensuring the highest quality performance of the team rather than simply following orders.
To function effectively, a high performance team needs to focus on:
- Timing: (immediate CPR and defibrillation, limiting pauses to achieve a chest compression fraction (CCF) of ideally greater than 80% preshock pause, EMS response time)
- Quality (best possible performance of each team member, eg, rate, depth, recoil)
- Coordination (team dynamics: team members working together seamlessly toward a common goal, proficient in their roles)
- Administration (leadership, planning ahead, obtaining additional resources, tailoring the interventions, CQI, measurement, assigned number or members working an arrest)
High Performance Team
- Time to first compression
- Time to first shock
- CCR ideally greater than 80%
- Minimizing preshock pause
- Early EMS response time
High Performance Team
- Rate, depth, and recoil
- Minimizing interruptions
- Switching compressors
- Avoiding excessive ventilation
- Use of a feedback device
High Performance Team
- Team dynamics: team members working together seamlessly toward a common goal, proficient in their roles
High Performance Team
- Leadership
- Measurement
- Continuous quality improvement
- Number of code team members
A team can achieve key metrics and increase CCF by doing the following:
- Precharge the defibrillator
- Perform a pulse check during the precharge phase in anticipation of an organized rhythm during analysis
- Compressor hovers over the chest
- Have the next compressor ready to take over immediately
- Intubate without pausing compressions
- Deliver medications during compressions
- Consider CPR protocols that deliver fewer pauses
Successful high performance teams not only have medical expertise and mastery of resuscitation skills but also ____
demonstrate effective communication and team dynamics.
All team members should understand their roles as part of the team. This awareness will help you anticipate:
- What actions will be performed next
* How to communicate and work as a member or as a leader of a high performance team.
Every high performance team needs a leader to:
- Organize the group
- Monitor individual performance of team members
- Back up team members
- Models excellent team behavior
- Trains and coaches
- Facilitates understanding
- Focuses on comprehensive patient care
- Temporarily designates another member to take over as team leader if an advanced procedure is required
The team leader is responsible for ____
making sure everything is done at the right time in the right way by monitoring and integrating individual performance of team members.
The team leader should be able to explain why it is essential to :
- push hard and fast in the center of the chest
- ensure complete chest recoil
- Minimize interruptions in chest compressions
- Avoid excessive ventilation
Whereas members of a high performance team should focus on their individual tasks, the team leader must focus on ____
comprehensive patient care.
For a successful resuscitation attempt, high performance team members must be:
- Proficient in performing the skills in their scope of practice
- Clear about role assignments
- Prepared to fulfill their role responsibilities
- Well practiced in resuscitation skills
- Knowledgeable about the algorithms
- Committed to success
The role of CPR coach supports performance of high quality BLS skills by ____
allowing the team leader to focus on other aspects of clinical care.
The CPR coach can most effectively blended into the current responsibilities of ____
the monitor/defibrillator role.
Responsibilities of the CPR coach:
- Coordinate the start of CPR
- Coach to improve the quality of chest compressions
- State midrange targets
- Coach to midrange targets
- Help minimize the length of pauses in compressions
CPR coach should provide feedback about:
- The compressor’s rate, depth, and recoil
- Delivery of ventilations (rate and volume)
- Compression pauses
Working closely with the team leader, the CPR coach should facilitate ____
all compression pauses, including intubation.
High Performance Team
Resuscitation Triangle Roles:
- Compressor
- Monitor/Defibrillator - CPR coach
- Airway
High Performance Team
Leadership Roles:
- Team Leader
- IV/IO Medications
- Timer/ Recorder
The resuscitation triangle team owns the code. No team member leaves the triangle except to ____.
rotate compressors or to protect his or her safety
Compressor Role:
- Assesses the patient
- Performs compressions according to local protocols
- Rotates every 2 minutes or earlier if fatigued
Monitor/defibrillator - CPR coach Role:
- Brings and operates the AED/monitor/defibrillator and acts as the CPR coach if designated
- If a monitor is present, places it in position where is can be seen by the team leader (and most of the team).
Airway Role:
- Opens the airway
- Provides bag-mask ventilation
- Inserts airway adjuncts as appropriate
Team Leader Role:
- Every resuscitation team must have a defined leader
- Assigns roles to team members
- Makes treatment decisions
- Provides feedback to the rest of the team as needed
- Assumes responsibility for roles not defined
IV/IO - Medications Role:
- An ALS provider role
- Initiates IV/IO access
- Administer medications
Timer/ Recorder Role:
- Records the time of interventions and medications (and announces when these are next due)
- Records the frequency and duration of interruptions in compressions
- Communicates these to the Team Leader (and the rest of the team)
When roles are unclear, team performance suffers. Signs of unclear roles include:
- Performing the same task more than once
- Missing essential tasks
- Assigning team members multiple roles when additional providers are available.
During the stress of an attempted resuscitation, do not ____
practice or explore a new skill, especially without seeking advice from more experienced personnel.
During a resuscitation attempt, ____ on a high performance team may need to intervene tactfully if a team member is about to ____.
- anyone
* take an inappropriate action
Team leaders should avoid confrontation with team members and instead ____
debrief afterward if needed.
What should be done when resuscitative efforts are ineffective?
Go back to the basics and talk as a team. Have conversations like, Well, we’ve observed the following on the primary assessment… Have we missed something?
An essential role of the team leader is monitoring and evaluating interventions, assessment findings, and the patients status. Leaders should ____
periodically state this information to the team and announce the plan for the next few steps.
When communicating with team members, the team leader should use these closed loop communication steps:
- Give a message, order, or assignment to a team member
- Request a clear response and eye contact from the team member to ensure that he or she understood the message
- Confirm that the team member completed the task before you assign him or her another task.
All healthcare providers should deliver clear messages ____ and ____, without ____ and ____.
- calmly and directly
* yelling or shouting
The best high performance team members ____ each other and work together in a ____ manner.
- mutually respect
* collegial, supportive
Everyone in a high performance team must ____ and ____ during the resuscitation attempt, regardless of any additional training or experience that specific team members may have.
- abandon ego and show respect