Part 3 Flashcards
Is it permissible to mold figures or letters on Shabbat?
No. כּוֹתֵב
Is it permissible to carve fruits, vegetables or bread into the shape of meaningful figures?
No. כּוֹתֵב
Is it permissible to erase the bottom of a j so it becomes an i?
No. מוֹחֵק
May one draw symbols or letters in the air or on a dry surface with a finger?
Yes. This is not considered writing.
What are the 3 main Rabbinic decrees extended to the Biblical prohibition of writing on Shabbat?
- Script that is not lasting (in snow/sand/mud/condensation)
- Marking רוֹשֵׁם if it will endure (dot on page needing correction)
- In an unusual fashion.
May one put together a jig saw puzzle on Shabbat?
No. Pictures are formed by combining pieces.
May one arrange magnetic letters on Shabbat?
No. כּוֹתֵב
Is it permissible to walk in snow or mud with shoes that have words protruding from the heels?
Yes. דָּבָר שֶׁאֵין מִתְכַּוֵּן
List 4 activities prohibited on Shabbat because they may lead to writing.
- Borrowing for a long term.
- Transferring ownership of any item.
- Measuring and weighing.
- Issuing judicial rulings.
- Earning money.
Is it permissible to measure or weigh on Shabbat?
No. If for commercial purposes it is forbidden as engaging in a commercial transaction, even if uncompleted. If for personal reasons it is in the category of עוּבְדָא דְחוֹל (weekday activity)
May a babysitter receive monetary compensation for services on Shabbat?
If it is arranged in advance that some babysitting will be done before or after Shabbos and one lump sum will be paid for both periods.
The babysitter provides diapers milk or something else involving an expenditure and the payment for Shabbos service is included in the reimbursement.
What is the Biblical prohibition of מוֹחֵק (erasing)
Erasing with the intent to write. מוֹחֵק עַל מְנָת לְתַקֵן
What is the Rabbinic prohibition of מוֹחֵק (Erasing).
Erasing legible script or discernable figure from any surface even without a beneficial purpose
Erasing a nondescript mark (inkblot) from a surface that is commonly used for writing (paper). Even without a beneficial purpose.
If 2 pages of a book are stuck together with glue or food and the substance obscures a printed area, peeling the page apart is tantamount to which prohibition?
How do you cut a cake with writing on it.
Cut between the letters or remove them entirely via the sliver of icing or cake it rests on.
Is it permissible to wash/rub numbers or letters off stamped food?
No. Biblically prohibited category of erasing for improvement since appearance is enhanced.
Is it permissible to wipe away letters/figures scrawled in window condensation?
No. Generally Biblical prohibition since it improves the window, but it is only Rabbinically prohibited since the writing is not durable.
What type of reading material is prohibited on Shabbat by the Sages and why?
Business material to avoid someone erasing incorrect or irrelevant information. This extended to most secular material as well as גְזֵירָה שֶׁמָא יִקְרָא בִשְׁטָרֵי הֶדְיוֹטוֹת (a decree least one read informal documents)
Is it permissible to pull a thread to tighten a button on Shabbat?
No. תּוֹפֵר (sewing)
Is it permissible on Shabbat to use a safety pin?
Generally not since it’s a Biblical violation. But is if inserting pin only once since this is not considered sewing.
Only if the pinning temporarily (<24h or in case of necessity <7d)
What are examples of sewing that are prohibited on Shabbat?
Tightening loose thread, gluing or taping, stapling and closing wounds.
How to use a band aid on Shabbat?
Only let adhesive stick to skin.
Under Biblical law, what type of tearing is prohibited on Shabbat?
קוֹרֵעַ עַל מְנָת לִתַקֵן
Tearing with the intent of repairing. For example tearing rolled toilet paper into small sheets.
Why did the Sages rule it forbidden to tear destructively on Shabbat?
To avoid the violation of תּוֹפֵר (sewing) it was enacted that anything that was able to be repaired by sewing was forbidden to be torn.
How to open a cereal box on Shabbat?
Don’t unpeel glue, cut open avoiding letters, symbols and pictures.
What 3 prohibitions would one violate if he cut or tore pages of a book that remained attached during the binding?
קוֹרֵעַ, מְחַתֵּךְ, מַכֶה בְּפַּטִּישׁ
Tearing, cutting to specification and completing the formation of an item.
Under Biblical law, what is the prohibition of shearing.
Removing from the body something that grows from it.
What is the Rabbinic prohibition of shearing
Shearing anything other than an item one needs (removing hair/nails)
Is it permissible to remove partially detached skin from the body?
No גוֹזֵז because it is still partially attached and no longer an intrinsic part of the body. Rather it is like hair and nails which grow from the body.
What 3 conditions is it permissible to comb hair
- Soft bristles that give away with with resistance
- No excessive force
- The brush is exclusively for Shabbos. An every day brush is forbidden as עוּבְדָ דְחוֹל, weekday activity
Is it permissible to remove a splinter on Shabbat
Yes, be careful to avoid bleeding
List 4 prohibitions that fall under the category of laundering כּבּוּס
כִּבּוּס Bleaching
Soaking fabric שְׁרִיָה
Scrubbing wet fabric שִׁפְשׁוּף
Wringing fabric סְחִיטָה
Is it permissible to hang wet fabric on Shabbat
No. It looks like you are laundering מַרְאִית עַיִן
What 3 knots are prohibited on Shabbat
Professional knots מַעֲשֵׂה אוּמָן
Permanent knots קֶשֶׁר שֶׁל קַיָימָא
Knots that will remain tied for >24h
What is the Biblical prohibition of untying on Shabbat
Untying for constructive purposes.
Define and explain the prohibition of sowing
Causing or improving the growth of any plant
What is the concern for eating fruits and vegetables outdoors
Seeds or plants falling into soil and germinating. זוֹרֵעַ
May one put cut flowers into water on Shabbat
Basically no, because it has been cut from its roots and is not a living plant. Rabbinically, placing flowers that are not fully bloomed is prohibited because it resembles planting. Filling a vase involves undue טִירחָא exertion. If one forgot to put fully bloomed flowers into an already filled vase they may.
Others say it’s not trouble to bring water.
Define and explain the prohibition of plowing
Plowing the ground for preparing the earth for planting or sowing
List 4 prohibited activities that fall under the category of plowing on Shabbat
- Plowing and loosing the ground
- Leveling the ground
- Making furrows in the ground
- Removing obstacles in the ground
- Fertilizing the soil
- Making holes in the ground
Define and explain the prohibition of reaping
Detaching or severing a growing plant from its source of growth.
Define and explain the prohibition of gathering
To gather in one place scattered grain, fruit, vegetables, etc. to protect from being stepped on or blown away.
List 4 activities that fall under the prohibition of coloring
Adding color to an existing picture
Production of dyes and paints
Define and explain the prohibition of trapping and give 4 examples
Capturing a living creature by confining it in a way that it is easily brought into one’s possession and control.
- Capturing an animal by hand
- Setting a trap
- Confining an animal to a room
- Trapping with animals (dog traps deer)
How does a dog owner deal with trapping
It is entirely permissible to trap domesticated animals that do not try to escape. A dog not used to it’s master bust not be given the chance to escape a closed room (open/close door slowly filling gap with body)
Is it permissible to trap an insect that inflicts pain
Yes, but not with a specially made trap.
Is it permissible to set a trap before Shabbat
Can one close the door to a large room with an insect inside in Shabbat
Yes the insect is considered completely free
Define and explain the prohibition of slaughtering on Shabbat
Taking the life of any living creature
List 4 activities that fall under the prohibition of slaughtering on Shabbat
Removing fish from water
Drawing blood
Causing a bruise
Drowning an insect
Is it ever permissible to kill an animal on Shabbat
When they endanger human life
When they cause severe injury (only if pursuing a person)
Is it permissible to spray insecticide directly onto a bug on Shabbat
List 4 activities that fall under the category of drawing blood
Removing a scab Pulling teeth Drawing blood (medical) Sucking blood Causing a bruise
Rabbinical prohibition on pickeling food in brine due to it resembles what
מְעַבֵּד Tanning
It is prohibited to salt which types of food on Shabbat
Foods whose qualities improve or whose texture is changed. Veggies that harden and beans that soften.
Is it ever permissible to salt food on Shabbat
Yes. If one at a time for immediate consumption or a liquid is first poured on (salad dressing)
List 3 practical activities that fall under the prohibition of Tanning
Bending new leather shoes
Oiling leather
Salting veggies
May one reattach a fallen shower curtain on Shabbat. Why?
It depends. No if the shower rod fell. Yes if the hooks did as they are not attached to the structure permanently, they hang from the bar that is. And the bottom of the curtain dangles thus making it a flimsy attachment.
Is it permissible to use a plunger on Shabbat
If there is another toilet to use no, the toilet is considered broken and plunging it repairs the structure causing a violation of בּוֹנֶה building. If no other toilet is available one may take a lenient view and use the plunger. (clogged drain does not break toilet, even if it “does” it surely can’t be broken if the blockage can be easily removed)
Define/explain the prohibition of מַכֶּה בְּפַּטִישׁ
Striking the finishing blow.
Sharpening a knife
Reattaching a handle to a pot
Replacing a shoe lace
Winding a stopped watch
What is the minimum amount of food one is required to eat to recite the first blessing
What is the minimum amount that must be eaten to say the after blessing
A k’zayis
What is the law if one is uncertain if he said the blessing over a particular food item.
Since most b’rachis are of Rabbinic origin they need not be repeated. This is known as “safek b’rachis l’hakel”. One may however be strict and repeat the blessing.
No. There’s a doubt and don’t want to say b’racha in vein.
Which after blessing for the following: meat, cake, fish, bread, grape juice, orange juice, pineapple, avocado
meat, borei nefashos cake, al ha'michya fish, borei nefashos bread, Bricas Ha'mazon grape juice, Al ha'gefen orange juice, borei nefashos pineapple, borei nefashos avocado, borei nefashos
Which 5 fruits from Israel require al ha’etz
Grapes, figs, pomegranate, olives and dates
What is the minimum requirement of liquid for an after blessing
A rev’ies
Does one recite borei nefashos after hot tea
Not if sipped slowly
Which after blessing for: kezayit of cake revi’it of grape juice kezayit of figs
kezayit of cake - ha’michya
revi’it of grape juice - ha’gefen
kezayit of figs - pri ha’etz
Can a blessing be said without verbalizing it.
Only if too ill l to speak or if there is a doubt if it was recited
How does the concept of Hefsek apply to blessings
- Verbal - speaking between b’racha and it’s subject
2. Silent - pausing between b’racha and it’s subject
What is the blessing after reliving yourself
Asher Yatzar
Asher Yatzar
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה’ אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, אֲשֶׁר יָצַר אֶת הָאָדָם בְּחָכְמָה, וּבָרָא בוֹ נְקָבִים נְקָבִים חֲלוּלִים חֲלוּלִים .גָּלוּי וְיָדוּעַ לִפְנֵי כִסֵּא כְבוֹדֶךָ, שֶׁאִם יִפָּתֵחַ אֶחָד מֵהֶם, אוֹ יִסָּתֵם אֶחָד מֵהֶם, אִי אֶפְשַׁר לְהִתְקַיֵּם וְלַעֲמוֹד לְפָנֶיךָ אַפִלּוּ שָׁעָה אֶחָת. בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יי, רוֹפֵא כָל בָּשָׂר וּמַפְלִיא לַעֲשׂוֹת
When is mezonot treated like bread
When it is eaten as a meal (large quantity for size/weight/age and center dish)
What is the halacha for someone who put food in his mouth before saying b’racha.
Remove it if it can still be editable and say b’racha then eat. If can’t remove move to the cheek.
How much bread to wash/say hamotzee
B’racha for apple sauce
Borei nefashos
B’racha for cooked barley
Al ha’michya
B’racha for washing for bread
Al netilat yadiem
Order of precedence of b’rachot
Hamotzee Mezonot Ha'gofen Ha'etz/ha'adama Shehakol
What is mayim achronim
Washing before grace after meals
What is a kezayit
Unit of measurement just larger than an olive
What is a kabeitza
Unit of measurement roughly the size of an egg