Part 1 Flashcards
What is the difference between the written and oral law?
Torah she bal peh was not written until Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi compiled the Mishneh in ~200 CE. Torah she bikhsav consists of Breshis, Shemos, Veyikra, Bidmbar, and Devarim have always been written.
If one has a meal with bread, what is the first thing they are required to do?
Wash hands and say Hamotzi.
How does one wash his hands in the morning?
Left hand then right hand.
What is the first thing we do when we wake up in the morning?
Modeh Ani
מוֹדֶה אֲנִי לְפָנֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ חַי וְקַיָּם, שֶׁהֶחֱזַרְתָּ בִּי נִשְׁמָתִי בְּחֶמְלָה. רַבָּה אֱמוּנָתֶךָ
How do we wash our hands in the morning?
Left hand then right hand.
How long must I wait between eating meat and dairy? From dairy to meat?
6 hours. Soft cheese/dairy: after mouth and hands have been cleaned. Hard/aged cheese 6 hours
What does parve mean?
Neither meat nor dairy
What is a mezuzah? What is inside a mezuzah? What is the purpose of a mezuzah?
A Klaf inscribed with verses in Devarim rolled and placed into a case nailed onto the right side door post of a room in ones house to fulfil the Mitzvah of “write them on the door posts of your home and upon your gates”.
How many times is a man required to pray each day? What about a woman?
Men 3. Women 2.
Why do we celebrate Shavuot?
The giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. The 10 statements are read in Synagogues just as they were in the desert over 3,300 years ago.
Why do we celebrate Sukkot?
The seven days of Sukkot—celebrated by dwelling in the sukkah, taking the Four Species, and rejoicing—is the holiday when we expose ourselves to the elements in covered huts, commemorating G‑d’s sheltering our ancestors as they traveled from Egypt to the Promised Land. The Four Species express our unity and our belief in G‑d’s omnipresence. Coming after the solemn High Holidays, it is a time of joy and happiness.
Why do we celebrate Pesach?
Pesach celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
Why do we celebrate Purim?
Purim celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from the wicked Haman in the days of Queen Esther of Persia.
Why do we celebrate Channukah?
Chanukah commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the Maccabees defeated the occupying Greeks.
What is Tisha B’av?
The 9th of Av. Major day of communal mourning to commerate numerous disasters including the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E and the Second Temple in 70 C.E.
What is the 17th of Tamuz?
The start of a 3 week mourning period for the destruction of Jerusalem and commemorates the breaking of the tablets after the golden calf, the ceasing of sacrifices during the Babylonian siege, Apostomos burning of the Torah, an idol placed in the Temple, and the romans breaching Jerusalem in 69 C.E.
What is Yom Kippur?
Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year—the day on which we are closest to G‑d and to the quintessence of our own souls. It is the Day of Atonement—“For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G‑d” (Leviticus 16:30).
What is Rosh Hashana?
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. It is the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, and a day of judgment.
How many fast days are there?
What are the major fast days?
Tisha B’Av & Yom Kippur.
What are the minor fast days?
Taanit Esther, Tzom Gedaliah, Asara b’Tevet and The Seventeenth of Tammuz.
When do the major fast days begin and end? Minor ones?
Sundown to sundown. Sunrise to sundown.
Are you required to light Shabbos candles when you are a guest in someones home?
No unless they give you a specific place to be. But you can contribute.
How do you light Shabbos candles in the hospital?
Light an incandescent light or flashlight and recite the blessing.
Do you fulfill the mitzvah if you don’t recite the blessing?
Can you eat before making Kiddush?
Not on Erev Shabbos. On Shabbos morning, water or plain coffee/tea.
How large must the Kiddush cup be?
At least a revi’is (3.3 oz)
If a person drank a bit of wine can the cup can it then be used for Kiddush?
No. Unless you have no other option.
What is stam yeinam?
Wine that may have been poured for an idolatrous service.
How much Kiddush wine must you drink? What if this amount was not drunk?
1 revi’is (3.3 oz). The Mitzvah has not been fulfilled.
Do those listening to Kiddush need to drink wine or grape juice?
Do we stand or sit for Kiddush?
Depends on custom. Either is correct.
What happens if someone speaks between Kiddush and drinking? At what point does he not have to repeat Kiddush if he spoke?
He must recite the Bracha again. If he mistakenly spoke after listening to the Bracha he may drink without repeating the Bracha as long as the one who recited Kiddush did not speak prior to drinking.
Can Kiddush be said for someone who did not hear it?
What does one say upon hearing Hashem’s name in a blessing?
Answer “Baruch Hu U’Varuch Shemo”
How does one make Kiddush without wine or grape juice?
Only bread on erev Shabbos and an alcohol such as whisky for morning Kiddush.
How many loaves of bread are you required to have on Shabbos per meal?
How much bread is a person required to eat per meal on Shabbos?
An eggs volume
What should a person do if they do not have whole loaves for Shabbos?
Rolls or matzah may be used. Or one may break one bread into two.
How should the challot be placed when making a blessing?
Uncovered and raised. Friday night the bottom is cut. Shabbos morning the one on top.
Why are challot covered during Kiddush?
To resemble the dew that covered the manna and to not “shame” the wheat by the fact that we drink the grapes first.
What is Havdalah?
The ceremony we do to sanctify the ending of Shabbos and the beginning of the work week.
May one eat or drink before making Havdalah?
No. Only water.
What is the proper order for making Havdalah?
Introductory verses, blessing over wine, blessing over spices, blessing over fire, drink wine/extinguish candle.
Who is obligated in Havdalah?
All adults.
What is Melaveh Malkah?
Post Havdalah meal.
What should one eat during Melaveh Malkah?
Break, cake, fruit.