Part 2 Flashcards
Liver is filled with blood which can be removed only through which mehtod?
Washing: Wash and remove any visible blood or blood clots from outside of liver.
Broiling: Cover oven with foil to avoid blood spatter that would render oven unkosher. Then cut across length and width, salt all sides lightly with coarse salt, and lay cut side down on the rack. Make sure to flip the liver so all sides are koshered.
Washing: After broiling wash three times, following the procedure of koshering meat.
How does one deal with a blood spot on an egg?
The egg must be disposed of for fear of potential embryo formation.
Why did the sages decree that one may not add milk to the dough of any bread regardless of whether or not one plans to eat the bread with dairy?
Because of the possibility of sin by unintentionally eating the bread with meat. The bread can be made with dairy if: it is formed in a unusual and distinct shape that would remind the consumer that it has dairy, it is a typical dessert bread such as danish or pastry that is not eaten with meat, or if it has a noticable cheese filling that is clear to the consumer.
What does the term “ben yomo” mean?
“of the day”. A “ben yomo’ dish has been used for food of its given type (milchig/dairy, fleishig/meat, traif/non-kosher) within the last 24 hours.
What does the term “eino ben yomo” mean?
Literally translated into “not of the day,” “eino ben yomo” refers to the taste (ta’am) absorbed into dishes/surfaces. Only after 24 hours are the flavore (milchig/fleishig) considered ta’am lifgam (unappetizing flavor) and the dish/surface can then be koshered.
How does one kasher an oven from meat to dairy use or vice versa if the oven does not have self-clean mode?
The interior (including the racks) and exterior must be thoroughly cleaned, then you must wait a full 24 hours without cooking or turning it on, after which the oven is turned on to the highest temperature (with the racks inside) for a full hour, on broil.
What does “bishul akuma” mean? What is the significance of this prohibition?
Bishul akum is food cooked by a gentile or non-Jewish person. This prohibition was put into place to avoid Jewish people from marrying gentiles. As well as to prevent the possibility of eating non-kosher food.
Does the prohibition of bishul akum apply to all foods.
No, the following foods are acceptable to eat:
1) Foods that can be eaten raw
2) Foods that would not be served as shulchan melachim (kings table)
Sphardim traditions do not allow any food to be eaten that was handled by a non-jew
Ashkanazi will eat the food if the fire was lit by a jew and a jew assisted in preparing the food.
List a few ways how foods and utensils can become non-kosher.
- A meat pot is used to cook dairy without kashering it or vice versa.
- Bread with milk or cheese is used for a hamburger.
- A full 24 hours is not waited before kashering a dish.
- Meat and dairy dishes are placed on the same rack inside of the dishwasher.
- Infestation
The minimum degree of heat required to cause transmittal of tasted is defined by the Talmud as to what?
Yad soledet bo, when the hand would draw back from the food from touching it.
Define kli rishon and kli sheni.
Literally translated into first and second dish, both are pots of water that will gradually cool down. The kli rishon has walls that maintain the heat of the product and is the first untensil in which the liquid is cooked. The kli sheni is the dish to which the original liquid is transferred and have walls that cool down the product..
Define the term “kavush kemevushal”.
Literally defined as “soaking is the equivalent of boiling.” Which means that the transfer of taste is possible of items soaked in a liquid for a FULL 24 hours.
Define the term “davar charif.” What are some examples of “davar charif.”
Spicy or sharp thing. Examples include: onions, garlic, chili peppers. If you cut something with a meat or dairy knife the meat/dairy is transferred to that food. The 24 hour wait time to “stale” the taste does not apply to this prohibition.
It is mentioned in the Torah that it is prohibited to cook a kid in its mother’s milk three times. Why is mentioned three times?
1) Not allowed to cook meat/dairy together
2) Not allowed to eat meat/dairy together
3) Not allowed to derive benefits from the combination of meat/dairy such as food to feed your dog or selling it
Is one permitted to place meat upon the table at which one is eating dairy (or the reverse) if one is eating alone? When does the prohibition not apply?
No, because one might accidentally mix meat and dairy. If eating alone and the table is large enough that the meat is not in hands reach it is okay to eat dairy on that table. If two acquaintances are eating and there is a marker (table cloth etc.) it is okay. It is also fine for strangers.
Is it permissible for two people who are acquaintances, one eating meat and one eating dairy to share one table? What if they are not acquaintances?
If a heker (reminder) is placed on the table to remind the acquaintances to not eat from each other, they may eat meat and dairy on the same table. The heker must be something not usually found on the table.
If it is two strangers no heker is required because it is rationalized that they would not eat from each other.
May one eat meat at a table with a non-Jewish aquaintance that is eating dairy food?
Yes, because it is understood that they would not be eating food prepared by a non- Jewish person and therefore would not mix meat/dairy.
How many hours must one wait between eating meat and dairy?
Six hours.
How long must one wait between eating dairy and meat?
30 minutes/eat something parve/rinse mouth/wash hands thoroughly for soft cheese. 6 hours for hard cheese.
May one cook meat and milk together if he does not own them?
NO! You can never cook meat and dairy together.
Is it permissible to wash meat and dairy tablecloths together in hot water.
Yes, if it has been at least 24 hours since last use.
How much meat must one eat in order to have to wait six hours before eating dairy?
Any amount of meat that is physically swallowed.
What should one do if he started eating dairy and then realized he was within six hours of eating meat?
Stop eating the dairy food and rinse his mouth to avoid benefit from eating the dairy and meat together. Then wait until the original wait time has passed.
May one eat a cold salad in a non-kosher restaurant?
No. The knives used to cut the salad are not kosher and therefore the salad is not considered kosher. Additionally, most vegetables need to be checked for insects to be considered kosher.
Is it permissible to use a microwave to heat both meat and dairy?
Yes, if the food is double wrapped to avoid the transfer of taste and spilling which would render the microwave unkosher.
Is it permissible to cook meat alongside dairy on the same stove?
Yes, if it is in separate pots, on separate burners while avoiding cross contamination. It is best to cook them at separate times.
Must one have separate sinks for meat and dairy?
No, but the dishes for meat and dairy should be washed separately at different times and not touch the sink or water pooling in sink.
Are separate sponges required to wash meat and dairy dishes?
Yes, because of the possibility of cross-contamination.
May one use the same gloves for washing meat and dairy dishes?
No, because of the possibility of cross-contamination.
Is it permissible to eat meat and fish together.
-There is no Torah prohibition on eating meat/fish together because fish is technically considered parve, but the Talmud mentions the unhealthy nature of eating them together. This is where the separation became active.
Is it permissible to eat fish and dairy together?
Yes, different cultures follow different customs regarding fish and dairy. Generally speaking Ashkenazi do eat them together and Sephardim do not. Also, it is more acceptable to eat dairy products with fish and not pure milk.
May one put a cold pot of soup on top of a blech on Shabbat? Why?
No because once a liquid has cooled down, it reverts to its original state of being uncooked and heating it would significantly improve it.
May one put solid food into the oven on Shabbat? Why?
No. Opening the oven door causes a fire to be lit if there is a thermostat control, if any uncooked food is in the oven the closing the door raises the temperature and advances the cooking process and there is a Rabbinic prohibition to place even fully cooked foods directly on fire. Solid foods can only be reheated indirectly (pot on a pot)
No looks like your cooking.
May I place a pot of soup into the oven before Shabbat if I plan to eat the soup on Shabbat?
No. Opening the oven door causes a fire to be lit if there is a thermostat control, if any uncooked food is in the oven the closing the door raises the temperature and advances the cooking process and its forbidden to warm liquid on Shabbos.
May one reduce the amount of food in a pot on Shabbat so that its contents will cook more quickly?
No, scooping is a form of stirring and is a violation of bishul. Uncooked foods may not be stirred so loang as the food is yad soledes bo. Fully cooked may be stirred if removed from the flame.
May one stir a pot of partially cooked food on Shabbat while the pot is on the blech?
No stirring food which has not been fully cooked violates the melacha of bishul.
Define Kli Rishon and give example
A vessel (pot) that was heated directly on a flame, like an urn
Define Kli Sheni and give example
A vessel to which contents of Kli Rishon have been transferred (hot contents), like a cup to make instant coffee
Define Kli Shlishi and give example
A vessel which contents of Kli Sheni have further been transferred. Any vessel used to avoid the melacha of bishul. Only items that can still violate this is tea leaves, eggs and extremely salty fish.
Define Yad Soledo Bo (יַד סוֹלֶדֶת בוֹ)
A degree of heat from which the hand recoils. 160 degrees or more
How does one make tea on Shabbat?
Pour hot water from kli rishon into dry kli sheni. add instant tea. Some go 1 step further and use a kli shelishi. Tea bags or leaves may never be used.
How can one warm up a baby’s bottle on Shabbat?
If pasteurized either immerse in the hot water of a kli sheni or pour hot watter from a kli rishon onto the bottle. Do not immerse in kli rishon. If not pasteurized do not immerse in kli sheni only a kli shelishi.
What are the 5 conditions for returning a pot to the blech?
- Flame is covered
- Completely cooked
- While still warm
- While still in the hand
- Intent to return the pot when taking it
Is it permissible to wrap hot food in (pre-cut) aluminum foil on Shabbat?
Yes, but only in 1 layer. A second layer is not needed to preserve the food and only warms it.
Is it permissible to submerge food that is wrapped in aluminum foil into a pot of hot food?
No unless it is to enhance the flavor
Is it permissible to completely submerge a milk bottle in hot water on Shabbat?
If it has been pasteurized it can be put in a kli sheni.
What is “Borer”?
Melacah of sorting.
What 3 conditions must apply for borer to be permissible?
Need to be sorting FOOD from WASTE for IMMEDIATE USE by HAND.
How to remove a bug from a beverage on shabbos?
Scoop it out with a spoon full of liquid or poured out.
A fruit has fallen into dirt, is it permissible to place the fruit into a bowl of water so the dirt separates from the fruit?
No but it may be rinsed off for immediate use only.
Torah prohibition of sechita applies to which two food items only?
Olives and Grapes
Is it permissible to squeeze an orange onto a salad? Why?
Yes. The orange was purchased with the intent of eating not juicing. Additionally it is permitted to squeeze a food out on a food to inhance its flavor.
Is it permissible to squeeze a liquid into another liquid?
May oil that seeped from olives and juice oozed from grapes on Shabbos be consumed?
Not until after Shabbos.
How does one make lemonade on Shabbos?
Squeeze lemon directly onto sugar and stir the mixture into water.
Is it permissible to cut fruits or veggies into very small pieces? Why
No. Melacha of tochan.
The prohibition of grinding applied only to which types of food?
Produce of the earth such as fruits and vegetables.
May one crumble a cookie on Shabbos?
Yes it is not produce from the earth. But can not be done with a specialized instrument.
Is it ever permissible to chop fruits or vegetables into small pieces?
It is permissible to chop fruits or vegetables with the handle of a utensil. In a case of necessity (baby) one may even cut them ionto very small pieces with an ordinary utensil, for immediate use. Mashing however should only be done with the hand of a utensil.
How do you make loose baby cereal?
Reverse the order by pouring in the milk first followed by the cereal.
How do you make tuna salad on Shabbos?
Tuna and mayo may be added in normal fashion, but must be mixed in a crisscross fashion or with bare hands (no knife/handle).
How do you make oatmeal on Shabbos?
They must be mixed with a lot of liquid. Liquid then oats (out of order ie shinuim)
How do you make loose oatmeal on Shabbos?
Liquid then oats (out of order ie shinuim)
How do you loosen a mixture of liquid and solid without clumps?
A small quantity of water first to make a paste then more water is added to liquefy the mixture. This paste may only be prepared in case of a necessity and with proper shinuim.
How do you thicken a mixture if the end result will be loose? What if the mixture will end up thick?
Reverse the order the ingredients are added and change the manner of stirring with a valid shinui. Add liquids and stir in normal manner (opposite of kneading is permitted)
How do you salt a salad?
By adding oil or dressing to the salad either after the salting or preferably before hand.
What is the law of salting vegetables on Shabbos? Which foods does this not apply to? give two examples.
Salt only one piece at a time and eat it immediately. Only if a liquid dressing is applied to the vegetables may the be salted at once. Does not apply to foods that salt does not effect besides flavor (meat, fish, eggs)
Is it permissible to crush ice on Shabbos? Why?
No, it is a melacha of molied, creating a new entity. It may however be crushed or stirred while immersed in liquid.
How do you defrost frozen milk on Shabbos?
At room temp until it is partially melted and then may be moved to hot area do dissolve quickly.
How do you make juice from frozen concentrate on Shabbos?
Melt at room temp until it is partially melted and then may be moved to hot area do dissolve quickly. Do not crush or stir until completely dissolved.
Is it permissible to make Popsicles on Shabbos?
No. Unless out of necessity (preparing for guest or Oneg Shabbos)
What is the Halacha for freezing liquids on Shabbos
Only allowed to prevent spoilage.
Define and explain the prohibition of “smoothing” on Shabbos. Give 3 examples that fall under this prohibition.
Smoothing mold-able substances, rubbing or spreading such substances to give them a smooth surface and smoothing substances whose consistency is less thick and firm if their degree of firmness somewhat resembles wax. Lip balm, bar soap, and creams.
How does one open a food package on Shabbos without violating any prohibitions?
Liquids: puncture the cap or container making it useless then open normally.
Box/Bag: Don’t tear through letters or pictures.
Cans: Remove lid half way, empty and immediately discard.
Explain the prohibition of tying and untying on Shabbos.
Tying/untying terminate knots is forbidden. Slip knots or single bow knots are okay for shoes but not bags. And you may cut strings to avoid untying as it is destructive.
Explain the prohibition of preparing on Shabbos for the weekday, give examples.
It is forbidden to use the holiness of Shabbos to prepare for the mundane week day. Cleaning a room that will not be occupied after Shabbos. Washing dishes no longer needed for Shabbos.
What are some possible prohibitions that one will likely violate by washing dishes?
Wringing a sponge, preparing for the weekday, dissolve grease in hot water is moleed (creating new entity), using hot water is kindling/extinguishing a flame.
Define the prohibition of Muktzah.
Items set aside on Shabbos to avoid the possibility of performing one of the 39 melachot. Items are either “utensils of prohibited use, Inherently muktzah, or the base for a muktzah article (candlestick).
How does one peel an egg on Shabbos?
Peel directly over the trash or over a plate with a morsel of food still on it then throw it away.
Hebrew word for taste
Hebrew for spoiled flavor
טַ֫עם לְפגָם
4 Mitzvas of Purim
Reading the Megillah, having a festive meal, giving mishlo’ach manos, giving to the poor.