Part 2 - VIVA Flashcards
Contains both DGCA and WPC
What is Frequency?
Frequency describes the number of waves that pass a fixed place in a given amount of time.
Frequency is Denoted by: Hz
What is Fading of a Frequency?
Fading occurs when both signals are received both by Ground wave and Sky wave paths.
The signals combine with each other to disrupt and fade away.
Fading an occur due to Weather conditions, Objects and Time of Day.
What is Attenuation?
The gradual declination of Electromagnetic due to Weather, Obstacles like Lead that absorb Electromagnetic Waves and even the Atmosphere doing different times of the day.
What is a Sine Wave?
A sine wave is a wave form whose shape is that of a Trigonometric Sine function.
What is a Carier Wave?
A career wave is an Information wave that is sent by the help of superimposing it with the Modulation Frequency.
What is Suppression of Carier Wave?
Suppression of career wave is a method of modulation where the carrier Signal is suppressed and not shown on the Output.
Types of Modulations.
Continuos wave Modulation - Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation and Phase Modulation
Pulse Modulation (Analogue) - PAM, PQM and PPM
What is AM? Its Advantages.
AM is where the Amplitude is varied along with the Carieer Wave.
The Advantage of AM is that it forms SSB and DSB which can give more options in the amount of information passed, Range, Spectrum and Power required.
What is FM? Its Advantages.
FM is where the Frequency is varied along with the Carrier frequency but the Amplitude remains the same.
The Advantage of FM is it has an improved signal to noise
What is Pulse Modulation? Its Advantages.
Pulse modulation is a part of an Analogue signal where the signal gives out pulses in 0s and 1s.
What is Phase Modulation? Its Advantages.
Problems regarding Frequency in an Aircraft.
What is Attenuation?
It is the loss of Radio Signal strength as it travels away from the TX. Occurs due to absorption from atmosphere.
What is Garbling?
What is Fruiting?
What is Interference?
What is Flux?
The amount of Energy/Charge that passes though a give point per unit time.
What is the Frequency/Emission Code of an NDB?
Frequency Band of a VOR?
Frequency Band of an ADF?
Frequency of a Marker Beacon?
Frequency Band of an NDB?
Frequency Band of Localizer.
Frequency Band of Glideslope.
What is A1A?
What is A2A?
What is A3E?
What is J3E?
What is a Radar?
How many Types of Radars are there?
What is a Primary Radar?
What is a Secondary Radar?
Block diagram of a Transmitter and a Receiver.
What is a DME?
DME is a Distance Measurement equipment that provides the Slant Distance form a Ground Station
What is an ILS?
What is a VOR?
What is an NDB?
What is a Radio Altimeter?
What is the Difference between a Radio Altimeter Ranging and DME Ranging?
What is a Loop Antenna?
What is Loop Ariel?
What is the Principle of VOR?
Components of a VOR.
What is Doppler Effect?
What is and ADF?
What is the Tone Mode of an ADF?
What is ILS?
Name the Parts of an ILS System.
What is MLS used for?
Difference between MLS and ILS.
Difference between SSB and DSB.
Advantages of SSB and DSB.
Difference between Wavelength and Phase.
Parts of a Frequency Wave.
What is a Satellite?
Types of Satellites.
What Satellites does India have and their names.
What is GAGAN?
What is AC Current?
What is the Frequency of AC Current in the Aircraft?
Can the AC Current in an aircraft be used for Day to Day applications?
Difference between Watt and Watt/Hr.
Parts of a Motor.
What is a Battery? Name is parts.
Difference between BRAKE and BRAKE BRAKE.
Under what standard does RT Rules and Regulations come?
What is Homing?
What is AIC? Who is responsible for the Publication of AIC?
What is RVR?
RVR Categories.
What is PAPI?
What is a the Difference between a Precision Approach and a Non Precision Approach.
Example of Non Precision Approach.
Difference between Aerodrome and Airport.
Can we use PAPI lights If Glide path is not working.
What is a Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO)?
Draw and Name Runway Markings, Signs and Lights.
Airspace Classifications with Examples.
Speak about DOC 4444.
Difference between QNH, QFE and QNE.
What is ATIS? When does it broadcast?
Formula if Half wave Dipole and Marconi Antenna.
What is the Difference between an Emergency and a Priority.
What is a VFR and its conditions?
What is an SVFR?
What is METAR? How is it given?
What is Cloud Height.
Difference between a Control Area and a Control Zone.
What is CAVOK?
What is DA and MDA?
Uses of marker beacon
What is GNSS?
Instrument Approach Charts.
Difference Between RVSM and Non-RVSM
RVSM-1000ft Seperation
Non-RVSM 2000Ft Separation